Tell me about "Solipsism", Veeky Forums

tell me about "Solipsism", Veeky Forums

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>Iced coffee
Why does this exist? It's an abomination.
I'm disgusted even thinking about it.

a meme based on a poor delineation between your mind and what lies outside the mind

Is iced tea also a meme? I've seen it around, but have never tried it.

It tastes really great m8. Why don't you go to a starbucks with your cool friends, order an iced vanilla coffee and talk about that girl you fucked last week?

It's how every woman ever thinks.

>not liking iced coffee
jesus christ user, do you even enjoy living?

I bet you're a cold fag.

Iced coffee makes no sense in say Minnesota or Vermont.

But in Florida or Arizona?

Iced coffee FTW.


Iced coffee on a hot day is very refreshing, especially with a lot of cream
Iced tea is delicious, just make sure to get unsweetened.

I feel the same way about you.

Iced tea as in ice cold common tea? It's shit.
Iced tea as in tea flavored cold beverage? Can be quite tasty.

Vermont here, I drink iced coffee all the time, even in the winter.

Room temperature coffee is the ultimate red pill

What does it mean to say,

'This is a good cup of coffee'?

What exactly is a good cup of Joe?

It's yet another american aberration

God socrates was such an insufferable twat, no wonder they btfo'd his pedantic ass

>inb4 SIDF shills

Iced coffee wasn't invented by Americans. Quit your inferiority complex. It reflects poorly on you.

it's delicious. spend a summer in texas and you'll understand.

It's like Stoicism for faggots and there's an awful lot of stuff I'd have to explain about cognition to myself if I wanted to convince myself that it's true. Most solipsists don't have the capacity to offer these explanations or understand that they're necessary to justify an epistemological account.

Thou art a cuckold and a fool

Come to the 508 and say that, see what happens, motherfucker

my nigga

It's like bitter milk.
I enjoy it.

>You can't be sure that something you see, hear, smell, feel, or taste actually exists
>You might actually be dreaming
>People around you might not be sentient beings, they might not even exist
>Reality could just be an illusion

Descartes realized this then freaked the fuck out

Then he realized something else

>Cogito ergo sum
>I think, therefore I am

Basically, it means that you are able to perceive things regardless of whether or not they actually exist. This means that your mind MUST exist. The only thing that you can prove beyond all doubt is that you exist

>ice tea
you mean sweet tea you carpet baggin yankee fuck off

am i the only one who actually likes cold coffee?
not as good as iced but still not bad

Id rather die

>iced coffee
kill yourselves


Don't you have to tell yourself about solipsism?

You're just assuming it exist.


the "I googled solipsism for five minutes and now have a strong opinions on it" post

I just wanted to have a pic, mate