at least crypto is better than overpriced USD.
At least crypto is better than overpriced USD
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>is this actually going to fucking upset rothschild banking?!
on the surface, maybe
it might make it even worse.. eliminating cash and using blockchain technology to monitor and control in ways they never thought possible
pick one and both
If Russia does this, they will literally rule the world.
It's going to be fucking terrifying. Because if they successfully create a Bitcoin-esque deflationary store of value that is completely trustless and decentralized, they will literally become the world's greatest superpower ever. They will surpass the US for centuries.
This is literally Russia's key to taking over the world. I want to get rich too guys but if Russia actually overthrows their central banks and simply switches to using a deflationary cryptocurrency, it's going to be fucking terrifying.
Me rikey.
I for one am for a Russo-Merican alliance
This. Someone has to clean up Europe in 20 years : /
how do I join the putin-coin ICO?
America will continue to argue endlessly in Congress over the constitutionality of it all, the taxes, and will linger behind in Wall Street stocks while boomers cry and scream that you can't do that to them and old rich people go insane that their money loses international value.
It would be like handing Russia the world on a platter.
No shit. But i think Trump/Mnuchin are pretty crypto friendly. Plus they hate the IRS so big win for us
>what the fuck? is this really the cryptoboom that's about to take place????
There won't be an "ico". It would probably be "minted" by the Russian government in a "trustless" manner (if they're smart) and then distributed to Russian banks and forced upon the population. Within 5-10 years everyone will have switched over and the rest of the world will start taking notice and the US dollar will start to dip, then crash, so Congress will try to raise its value and end up crashing the entire economy until everyone starts using the Russian crypto as a store of value and it takes over organically. And once that happens, Russia has complete control.
>56% white
>Least white out of all white countries in the world
>"lol europ r not gonna b white anymoar"
/pol/tards please kys
So we get to watch the boomers and the rich and wall street scream and cry and gnash their teeth as their finances crumble into irrelevance?
Sign me the fuck up
Yeah it'll be great until you realize Russia is the richest country in the world and it's not even close, so they start to tax everything because why the fuck not, start invading and taking over, imposing their government on everyone, and Russia becomes the global language. Then, when they've acquired a ridiculous amount of international power, the Soviet dream will return and corruption will ruin it all.
He's a retard who has no idea, no one in the russian government does. They used Vitalik on that economic forum in St Petersburg as a pr meme. They are scared of crypto shitless. Sorry, not happening.
t. cyka
>tfw when you realize the mark of the beast will be a biometric RFID crypto key implant
fuck off. something like half of all kids born in france aren't french. At least our spics are mostly white, christian, and integrate decently.
>At least our spics are mostly white, christian, and integrate decently.
>le beanerz r mostly whyte xDDDDD
America is the first country projected to have a white minority out of all white countries. You cucks should seriously shut the fuck up and never laugh at Europe when you have it 1000x time worse.
Just wow, there are actually Americans on the Internet that are making fun of Europeans while Jamal and Juan are fucking their mothers & sisters in the backyard.
Did you not read what I posted? If they held Spain or Portugal to the same standards they held the USA they'd be 0% white because they are latin.
Yes good goy as long as they are (((Christian))) importing non Whites is a good thing because they luv jesus!
Piss of chrisc*ck European paganism is the White man's religion
Looks like rothschilds are already starting to shill shareblue style
This would be huge if true. The first countries in will be the winners unless there is a massive flaw in their tech.
Hope so. Putin himself kicked Rothschild banks out of russia awhile back. If he thinks this is good, then watch for more gains soon.
>Thinking Spaniards and Moortugals are white
Oh boy. Not only is this Americuck completely retarded but he has no idea who's white and who isn't. Listen here kid, I know you're desperate to pass off Spics as white so that your percentage can be over 70%, but it's not going to happen.
Just accept it, your country is a shithole and is infested by shitskins, Whites in your country will be the first to become a minority and you will stop laughing at Europe for having minor versions of your own problems.
>Putin himself kicked Rothschild banks out of russia awhile back
No he didn't. (((They))) swallowed up heaps of Russian assets after the collapse of the USSR and started infighting between each other. Putin sided with one side of the (((oligarchs))) and kicked out the others (who still lived with their stolen riches in Israel).
Here is one of the oligarchs that Putin is in bed with
I don't give a fuck if America is 10% white. It wasn't white 500 years ago. When in France, Germany, Sweden, etc... half of the children under 5 years old aren't white you have a SERIOUS FUCKING PROBLEM.
>he fell for the deflationary meme
>he thinks spaniards and mexican have the same genetic make up
>he thinks "latin" is an ethnic classification
burger education everyone
>The first countries in will be the winners unless there is a massive flaw in their tech.
Like inability to scale perhaps?