Red pill me on Frankfurt School and Critical Theory
Red pill me on Frankfurt School and Critical Theory
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Cuck, faggot, niggers, cultural marxism, Trump, kikes, and I'm not white.
>muh jews!
fuck off stormfag. As if your retarded totalitarian butchery is any better than marxism because you drap it in a shitty "muh tradition!" LARP shit.
Lul u mad?
yes, I clearly am. How does being angry take away from my point? Arent you mad at a percieved jewish conspiracy?
I hate this shit because you take a real thing, and instead of having an interesting discussion on it, you turn it into a farce for idiots.
watch this faggot
Marxist social critics and philosophers. No, they are not behind every social movement and ideology you don't like.
This. I dont like them, but its retarded and counter productive to turn them into boogeymen.
Foucault and Mao have far more to do with modern campus leftism/"SJW" identity politics than the Frankfurt School.
"Cultural Marxism" is the rebranded Nazi conspiracy of "Jewish Bolshevism".
Marcuse didnt even hide the fact that he was trying to rebrand Marxism so it could take hold in America through academia. The fact that stormfags are retards and focus only on the fact that he was from a jew backround doesnt change this.
No one in the Frankfurt school practiced Judaism, so technically they weren't really Jews. They were just deranged idiots
This picture is why /pol/ will always lose.
Just look at the two of them. A beautiful confident articulate woman, stylishly dressed and easy in her own skin. She's totally at home in the modern globalised and multicultural world.
On the other side a unkempt graceless buffoon, ill-educated, unattractive, with nothing intelligent to say. He can't fit in, he can't adapt, he is literally useless to modern society.
Which side do you choose /pol/? I'm choosing to embrace the future.
>im choosing to embrace the future
Huh, i bet some group of Germans said that when Hitler took power...
>embrace the future because what is happening some societies is obviously good and "modern" - if you object to it you are some rualite yokel with nothing intelligent to say because I have a picture showing a unattractive person with an attractive person whompst I identify with
Im not even a /pol/ak but your emotion based argument sucks bro. I would say that if you are not critiquing modernity, the "norm" If you are not being introspective and questioning the movements of society you are 100x more destructive to both yourself and society when compared to some bud-lite swilling redneck.
Dude it's just bait meant to trigger /pol/yps.
Red pill meaning 'what is the closest answer to the truth' or meaning 'what do the alt-right think about it'?
>This picture is why /pol/ will always lose.
You aren't wrong.
/pol/ insists that she is the enemy, when the cops are standing right there.
Im sure, even as a non /pol/tard it triggered me. Its so common to see emotional "i have a single picture of a thing therefor this represents millions of people" arguments. Normiebook and Twitter are filled with them and I would prefer if Veeky Forums held it self to a higher standard.
In conclusion good job
you got me hook line and sinker.
>what is the closest answer to the truth
The Frankfurt School is a Marxist think tank that tried to figure out why the "science" of Marxism failed and why marxism didnt take hold in the west, and they sought to revise it in a way that it would be able to spread in western Europe and North America. They accomplished this by attacking and seeking to destroy certain cultural norms that they felt "brainwashed" people into not wanting marxism
>'what do the alt-right think about it'?
The Frankfurt School is a Jewish Illuminati school that was all about jewish elites seeking ways to kill all white people.
>The Frankfurt School is a Marxist think tank that tried to figure out why the "science" of Marxism failed and why marxism didnt take hold in the west, and they sought to revise it in a way that it would be able to spread in western Europe and North America. They accomplished this by attacking and seeking to destroy certain cultural norms that they felt "brainwashed" people into not wanting marxism
Economic/Classical Marxism -> Cultural/Euro Marxism
Trotsky -> Gramsci who detaches the cultural from the economic -> Adorno critiques Marxism and forms Western/Euro Communism -> Marcuse calls on students to use Cultural Marxism to overthrow the West rather than Classical Marxism.
>Classical Marxism:
-Proletariat are oppressed by the bourgeoisie
-Any bourgeois person opposed to my theory is just using "bourgeois logic" and can be ignored
-Any Prole opposed to me has just internalised his oppression and must be "liberated" against his will
-"you're an enemy to the class in history!"
>Cultural Marxism
-"minorities" are oppressed by the privileged (Women by men, black by white, muslim by christian, etc. etc.)
-Any white-male-cis-scum opposed to my theory is just "whitesplaining, mansplaining, & cisplaining" and can be ignored
-Any minority opposed to my theory has internalised his oppression and must be "liberated" against his will
-"you're on the wrong side of history!"
New-Left Marxism and The Frankfurt School (Bowden)
>>Cultural Marxism
If you don't understand that the effect you attribute to this is the result of capitalism and commercialism, then I don't even.
cultural marxism is the reason we live in a leftwing-capitalism. Capitalism has undermined tradition in many ways but the cultural revolution in 1968 was the change of epochs so that cultural leftism became the dominant force in major Western countries. If you think "privilege", "social constructs", "safe spaces", radcial feminism, and the assumption that everything is just contained in language, are just extensions of capitalist theory you're a mong. Often the interests of Capitalists and Cultural Marxists cross over, women being "liberated" from the family and so entering the workforce is an example.
Capitalists want to sell to people, so they market to people. The overall effect of their control of the media has not been to promote socialist ideas or ideals, but to sell products and convince people that ineffective protests are existential threats.
'cultural marxism' is and always has been the cultural impacts of capitalism.
>are just extensions of capitalist theory you're a mong
If you think they are extensions of Marxism then you are even a bigger one. Since teh "cultural leftism" thrived in capitalist regimes and they even used it as a weapon against Marxism.
White genocide is real
>Cop making sure guy doesn't commit a ""hate crime""
Easy to laugh at someone when you know you won't get bitch slapped for it
>Created by socialists to overthrow capitalism
>Allies with socialists
>Uses the same framing as the socialists
> Identifies as socialist
B....but cultural marxism is really capitalism guize
>No, they are not behind every social movement and ideology you don't like.
Nice try stupid liberal idiot. You fucking normies don't want to admit what's right in front of your eyes.
Veeky Forums is redpilled now, we aren't here for your #NotAllJews bullshit you try throwing at us when we hit you with pure facts and statistics you can't refute
Classical Marxism is primarily an economic theory, Cultural Marxists detached the cultural and Trotskyist interpretations of Marxism from the "industrialism is a moral good" fanaticism and softened the edges. The cultural principles of leftism can happily coexist in a market, and as this poster writes "Capitalists want to sell to people", and they're quite happy to use disabled lesbians in their adverts, and sack people that say naughty words so long as they make profits. Canny businessmen have always managed to survive and prosper in even some of the most extreme political atmospheres. Cultural Marxism is able to swim about, above the economic, and even use the pre-existing structures of power to project leftist cultural dominance and leftist norms. This has been achieved over a period of about 50 years using Trotskyist "transitional demands", whereby a small and seemingly reasonable demand is made, which is ultimately impossible to achieve under the system as is, and so forces the system to change slightly. This is repeated again, and again, perpetually until communism is achieved. This is what liberal apologists dismiss as the "slippery slope fallacy", but the slippery slope has always been a leftist tactic to undermine the West culturally.
Marxism is not Socialism, and Socialism is not Marxism. There are non-Marxian economic Socialists, Christian Idealists etc. You can read Gramsci, Adorno, or Marcuse, and these Cultural Marxists have little time for the ruthless economic industrialism of Classical Marxism. Cultural Marxism is just a substitution of elements of Classical Marxism with cultural and not exclusively economic oppressive power relationships.
>he thinks he knows enough to comment on Marxism
>he posts this fucking image without realizing that Maoism evolved from Marxism-Leninism, and that Stalinism was not a distinct ideology
Hegelians ruin everything.
>marxist philosopher
Heh nice one
nice oxyFAGGOT
(((frankfurt))) school
>mfw western civilization hos get frankfurt schooled
rain drop
drop top
takin down western civ, holocoast
It was an academic study of how to overthrow society.
And it's been working as intended ever since.
they also made cool little comics to go with their studies to indoctrinate the children, pic related
>The Frankfurt School is a school of social theory and philosophy associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Founded during the interwar period, the School consisted of (((dissidents))) who felt at home neither in the existent capitalist, fascist, nor communist systems that had formed at the time.
See? A purposeful poison within the system by a small crew of toxic citizens.
Here's the whole thing in a nutshell
It's yet another example of /pol/beards attributing social-political change that they don't like to a small but vastly powerful cabal of scapegoats who would need superpowers to achieve what they are claimed to have done
In this case, academia, media, and the arts are left-wing dominated everywhere in the free world because of 6 Jews in the 1920s.
I have no idea what you gain by being a Frankfurt apologist.
But it was the bad apple on the barrel which spread poison throughout society.
They were marxists and their goal was overthrowing existing institutions and social dominance.
yeah exactly, that's what i was getting at. praise kek
You're right, Frankfurt school is the reason you're still a virgin. I'm an agent sent to a malaysian knitting board to corrupt young souls.
>Horkheimer maintained that critical theory should be directed at the totality of society in its historical specificity (i.e., how it came to be configured at a specific point in time), just as it should improve understanding of society by integrating all the major social sciences, including geography, economics, sociology, history, political science, anthropology, and psychology
Again I'm not sure what your point is here. If you just want to insult then don't bother
>overthrow society
>the major powers of the world are still either liberal democracies or intensely involved in capitalism
>the left is in literal shambles due to the identity-shaped holes the Frankfurt School used to ventilate Solidarity in the back alley
>identity-chunnelling reactionaries obviously created a countermovement equally as fragmented and stupid
>the ruling elite are still largely entrenched and immobile
Are you fucking kidding? It's been working to maintain the status quo from the moment the words left their greasy, German lips.
Cultural Marxism is literally the best thing to ever happen to capitalism. It deludes people into commoditizing THEMSELVES. That's something that five hundred years of economists' and business think-tanks' bickering never even got close to accomplishing.
0.5c of capital has been deposted into your account you russian ctr (((muslim))) shillbot. take the redpill already my dude. i bet yr athiest 2 LMAO
it was all part of (((their))) plan
This doesn't show me how 6 jews in the 1920s managed to take over the world and are behind literally everything you don't like today
Mitigate all you want to.
You seem in the mood to argue but there's nothing to argue.
Op asked what that Frankfurt school was all about. I showed what it was all about.
Go argue with your parents or something and happy passover to you
The only people who complain about "consumerist culture" are total snobs.
>he bothers researching failed objectively wrong ideologies
>pure facts and statistics you can't refute
>post contains neither
what could he have possibly meant by this?
2/10 but the Jew echoes around the post link were a nice touch
>happy passover to you
are you donald trump?
>being a pleb who likes jazz