Why did France lose WW2?
Why did France lose WW2?
>Refusal to adapt to modern warfare
>Manstein outsmarted them
>Tanks not used to their full advantage
>Obsession with being on the defensive
Their army's doctrine was shit, designed for a plodding defensive war in an era where that whole idea was obsolete. By the BOF they outmatched the Germans in numbers and quality of tanks and artillery, but they didn't use it effectively at all. A lot of the artillery was parsed out in static positions Germany bypassed, and most of their tanks were parsed out in infantry units rather than grouped together for decisive breakthroughs (even Japan knew this). As a matter of comparison, France had ~3,000 tanks to Germany's ~2,400 in the battle, but Germany had 10 well-organized armored divisions to France's 6 patchwork ones.
World war 1 took heavy loses on them, after WW1 the nation had enuff, they weren't going to be like the savage brutal inhuman Germans
Because Nappy died
It really is a shame that France gets mentioned as one of the big allied powers when China is much more deserving. They might have gotten their asses kicked, but at least they didnt turn into collaberating cucks like the french
Is it good?
Yea but the west doesn't give a shit about Asia except when it comes to "communism" and being an evil polluting mega country.
Its a first hand testimony of one of the greatest Historians of the XX Century who did not only serve in the WWI but voluntereed to fight again in the WWII and end up joining the Resistance.
So its a great book to get the mod from the point of view of a French intellectual with some access to some military info (or lack of) and some very clear opinions.
And it was written just after the defeat, Marc Bloch was captured and executed before the Liberation.
Weren't ready for Blitz tactics
they couldn't be arsed
Weak government, the same generals as ww1, and Just the desire to not see another three million deaths empowering a pacifist stance which did nothing to fix the first two points.
They won.
For a decade prior there were riots in the streets of Paris, WWI vets attempting to storm parliament, several massive corruption scandals involving the leftist government, financial crises, and an opposition party whose slogan was 'Better Hitler than Blum.'
A house divided against itself cannot stand, my nigga.
>Refusal to adapt to modern warfare
>Obsession with being on the defensive
God I hate this meme
>It really is a shame that France gets mentioned as one of the big allied powers when China is much more deserving.
I’ll agree that it’s bullshit France is on the UN Security Council while Poland and Canada are not, but China?
The war in China was the least important front, the most difficult to supply and had the least effective soldiers.
Other then tying down some Japanese infantry (which wouldn’t have made much difference in the Pacific war) China was largely irrelevant throughout WWII and only became an issue after the war was over.
real question is did hitler spare british expeditionary force
another funny thing is that that 'force' had around 300k well armed men that were too afraid to stand and fight while in comparison at stalingrad high school girls manned anti aircraft guns and halted an entire panzer division encroaching on the city
just a comparison
1,300,000 young Frenchmen died in WWI. That might have been enough for them to just say, no we will not lose another generation. Yes there doctrine was also outdated but they may have just not wanted to fight and who could blame them after WWI.
2 million Germans died in the first war though. But they went home after the war and fucked like it was going out of style long before the Nazis were a real thing.. Why not the French?
typical racist eurocentrist
they didn't listen to de Gaule. the germans did and applied his ideas to form the blitz.
France is a nuclear power. A real nuclear power, unlike Israel, Pakistan, India,and North Korea.
oh yeah, Pakistan has nukes lol.
this is literally nigga rich, the country
they were due some karma
What does that have to do with France not wanting to lose another couple million?
They lost an entire generation as well, but they still stepped up to the plate after France declared war on Germany and pushed their shit in. Why did the frogs become so lethargic in the interwar era, when Pre Hitler, the Germans were already on the rebound, perhaps not economically or militarily, but they were breeding faster then anyone.
you are a big fool
I thought I read that the French army was duped, surrounded, and crushed shortly after war was declared? Which prompted the English to retreat across the channel?
>I’ll agree that it’s bullshit France is on the UN Security Council while Poland and Canada are not, but China?
Maybe initially, but nowdays France has nukes and is much more poerful than Pooland and Keknada
They didn't.
>some Japanese infantry
It was the majority of the IJA, you nincompoop.
Because they didn't love their nation enough to fight for it.
Would you fight for a weak, degenerate cesspool?
Something really deep was broken after Napoleon's defeat. Like Germany after Hitler. Some would call it fighting spirit others mindless patriotism.
>amerifats talking about cowardice when they only showed up in both world wars when it was pratically decided whod win
You have any idea how much stuff they gave Russia?
They thought trees would stop tanks
>giving trucks
france depleted from napolean
china still reeling from bullshit like that admirals horseshit in the 1400s combined with the catastrophy on land that khans successor timur created
same idea