Did video games get you into history user? What was it? Rome Total War? CK2? Age of Empires?
Did video games get you into history user? What was it? Rome Total War? CK2? Age of Empires?
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Empire Total war always like the enlightenment era.
Rome Total War and Age of Empires 2 and 3 initially.
this got me into WW2
Definitely strategy games like Company of Heroes and the Total War franchise.
Empire Earth 1 is my favourite historical game and got me excited about history as a kid, but it's too bad that the campaigns literally are about alternative history, such as Operation Sea Lion.
Rome: Total War 1 also was impactful. I don't think it was the sole reason making me a Romaboo, but it definitely did its part. Never played Rome 2.
Through games, I learned the most while playing Europa Universalis 4 and looking stuff up incentivized by it, though. It's one of the few games I've bought (instead of pirated) in the recent years. I still feel bad not even having touched Victoria II, despite owning it, though.
I've always liked history but in all honesty playing Dynasty Warriors 4 for the first time and seeing the in-game encyclopedia going over every officer/character, the timeline and summary and stuff like that got me looking into the real figures and history more which then got me more seriously into history.
Not really. History got me into video games. My granny got me into history
Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars
it's definitely been a part of it without outright causing it. Usual suspects: civ initially, total war, paradox.
There isn't any game that made me interested in history, I had an interest in history prior to games
This and the G.I. Joe
No, my dad did.
>tfw lived out in the middle of nowhere during elementary school
>tfw muh father would spend the entire half hour drive to town telling me about the Punic Wars, the British Empire, and how krauts can never be trusted
I miss it so much ;__;
Only one answer
As I kid, I was always into pirates, until I got Medival: Total War, which spawned my interest for middle ages, then I went full Boshin-Weaboo thanks to Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai and now I'm stuck with 14-45.
Me too, mine was a professor emeritus of classics.
forever this
Similar to this but it was framed around family stories starting with the second and third partitions of Poland.
Rome Total War. I was convinced that if I grouped all my troops together and attacked at the center of the enemy line, I would win.
I got Cannae'd every time.
I was always war like, when I was a child I took a snooker cue and hammered nails through the handle of it, it seemed to be in my nature to fight.
One of my parents also gave me graphical books of the sea battles of WWII when I was a kid, so I liked to know of history from a young age. I grew up with a library of encyclopedias which I also read a bit, learning about many different places, when I got my first computer in the 00s, the first thing I did was buy an Encarta Encyclopedia, and I read the whole thing. Also around this time I started to make websites, I would choose historical topics to use as content. I created a website about the history of grass, and how it was cultivated et cetera
I was always into history but the video game I'm playing influences my book purchases.
Reading encyclopaedias as a child is what got me into history. I didn't even own a computer until my late twenties.
Cossacks 2: Napoleonic Wars
>tfw playing Great Britian on skirmish mode while watching Sharpe on the telly
Good times
Crusader Kings 1, I never got used to 2
I got into history way before I got into strategy games.
>Our history teachers in primary school were the ones that gaves us a lot of information (even for our age).
>We even studied Ancient Greece for a while.
>Then high school came along, and we studied a ton of English-Related History (including deus vult) and more specific topics of world history (e.g. Germany 1919-1945) later on.
>But most of the class didn't give a damn about history.
>I basically got private History Lessons in High School.
Good times
They had it coming
So happy I played this when I was younger. Campaign was so great even if I was ass at it.
Horrible History books combined with a free local library and museum.
But mainly Horrible History books.
Caesar III
My nigga. It's a great, infuriating at times game. Those historical entries got me hooked on romans.
I always read books about roman culture with pretty illustrations when i was little, but rome 1 total war cemented by romabooism and love of history.
Call of Duty --> YouTube --> gaming subreddits --> political subreddits --> /pol/ --> here
Stainless steel made me
Looks like the habsburgs had a cat too
I've been into history longer than I can remember, but Eugen has really rekindled my interest in WW2 with Steel Division. Mod tools are out and I'm going to start cooking up some minor axis tomorrow.
I hate history, It's glorified STEMspergery.
& humanities was a mistake
t. STEMsperg
Oh yeah I remember id just spam cavalry and literally just charge them into the front of a phalanx, I had no idea what I was doing but god dammit I loved it
Rome total war for Rome specifically, pic related for everything else.
Civ V and Attila
Im sure it played a big role. My earliest memory of the two merging was reading the tidbits in Age of Empires 2 manual, and the in-game "library".
Braid. Taught me that the developmemt of the nuclear weapons was a pretty cool story bro. Got me reading history in no time.
Also Deus Ex, for some reason
Rome Total War and Kessen/Dynasty Warriors
I got into history because I am a racist. History got me into grand strategy games such as eu3, ck2, hoi3.
loved playing as carthage and spamming war elephants and just charging them at lines
It was a combination of both video games and politics. I've always loved grand strategy and the best way to understand politics is to look into the people and political entities of the past.
It was Rome: Total War for me
Medal of Honor games introduce me to WWll, I was pretty young when those first games came out. Later on Rome Total War got me into Ancient history
Great game.
No. Books got me into history.
Civilization 2.
Assassin's Creed
(please do not bully)
no, history got me into videogames
>the battles you read about can be reenacted
one of the first ones was sid meiers gettysburg
played that game to death, oddly i liked the south better because it was more challanging
I'm trying to play EU4 and it's ok but some of the mechanics are really fucking gamey. Like holy shit Julius Caesar didn't wait 50 years to conquer Anatolia because he still had aggressive expansion from conquering Gaul, he just fucking did it. Also, the paradox fanbase is one the shittiest, most autistic fanbases I've ever seen.
Well yes games need gamey mechanics, you can mod them out if you don't like them.
But it's so inconsistent. On the one hand the mechanics are gamey because it's a game, but on the other hand there's a bunch of stupid shit like 'lucky nations' because paradox seems to have an autistic obsession with making the games play out exactly as real history did and not alternate history, ya know the whole fucking point of the game
stop it boner
Whoah a rare chance to gain insight about grass presented itself. Can you tell something interesting about grass?
This. My dad used to tell me about the Vietnam War and Cold War shit while driving around, used to fascinate me as a kid. I hope dads still talk to their kids like that...
Aggressive expansion is pretty realistic in EU4. Caesar could move straight on to Britain because anyone close enough to care was too weak after his campaign in Gaul to actually band together into a meaningful anti-Roman coalition, but that did happen during the Gaul campaign. You can work around it (in a sort of.gamey way) in EU4 once your economy and manpower can handle ALLE KRIEG by declaring war on the first country to enter a coalition against you as soon as they do so, every time and always. You'll always be at war with at least one nation. Don't stop until everyone but you is utterly incapable of waging war. It's easy-ish at the start, incredibly difficult in the middle, and a seal clubbing by the end. Did this as a resurrected Byzantium (already controlled the eastern med and had a foothold in italy) reclaiming Roman Europe. I conquered France, Britain, South Germany, and the other half of Italy and tore apart the HRE over the course of a century of continuous warfare. Tons of fun.
Good times of sole horsearcherspam in MII and expect to annihilate everything. I just shot until I was out of Ammo and would withdraw from the battle just to reattack in a new one. Anything that routed from the enemy would be run down. Awesome times
You should try to get into it. It's a very good game.
You can just remove most of those features in the options.
Unfortunately...Assassins Creed
never got past the first level tho
Empire Total War definitly got me interested in the 1700s, Shogun into some periods of Japanese History and CK2 and Medieval 2 Total War got me in the Medieval Times.
you might want to try victoria 2, it's got less autistic shit like bird mana in it but the only man who truly understands the economy system is too busy eating glue to explain it
You have to go back
terrible example, you can max your AE on the west while the east doesnt give a fuck about your conquests there, so you can turn that way now
you are probably a retard blobbing into the hre
Lovely bait, friend.
For me it was the Imperium saga.
These were developed by a romanian studio but somehow managed to be very popular in Spain, they are great.
Civilization 3
I loved that Pacific War scenario to death
yup age of empires 2 and caesar 3 when I was 5-6 years old
Medieval Total war and Age of Empires started it then I played ever Total War after loved them all. Sept Barbarian Total war game was bullshit.
autists itt
This game made me more interested in WWII
I used to love those but unfortunately most of them don't tell you an awful lot. Their WW2 book was particularly bad.
this and Patrician III were great
You know that smell of fresh cut grass? Thats actually a chemical released when grass is in pain. Suck it
Yep the original medieval total war. It taught me the very basics like the major nations of Europe the invention of fire arms and the mongols being cheating little shits. I got hooked and got Shogun and EU2 from there it was disaster with constant documentaries and books that goes on to this day.
The first Call of Duty, AoE2 and 24/7 Hitler era History Channel
I remember when I was in jr.high me and my friends would play rome total war then write rome inspired stories during english class in school
Shit was so cash
Europa Universalis IV
I remember wasting all my resources building layers upon layers of aesthetical walls then restarting the game because I was never getting invaded. Good times
Same, but it was a series of illustrative books I got from the library when I was a kindergartner that sparked my interest in history.
>tfw you will never play Rome Total War for the first time again
I'm actually playing it again right now.
I can still hear their screams.
First one was amazing, never played a game like that, second was okay, third was horrible.