What do you admire the most of the Roman Empire, Veeky Forums?
What do you admire the most of the Roman Empire, Veeky Forums?
It's size and girth, how it was able to penetrate history to the hilt.
Its multiracialism
Its diversity and plurality of views.
Its adaptiveness.
The stagnation of technology and innovation.
That it was once a republic.
Oh and btw, OP here. I don't wanted to make a regular romeaboo thread, just that I started to read the meditations by Marcus Aurelius and I was impressed by the amount of wisdom that the book contains, so I thought on discussing what were Veeky Forums favorite things about the Roman Empire. Having said this just to clarify, keep nicely opinating, gentlemen.
>there were literally only Caucasians in it
Throughout five centuries of the Roman Republic, roughly 65 dictators were nominated and given temporarily full control over the state of the Republic. The only significant instance in which such a dictator refused to cede his power was Caesar's coup.
Dictatorship during the Republic was something very different from modern dictatorships.
It's still a very unobstructed position of significant power. For no one to exploit that for so long is surprising.
The Dominate era
Nuthin' *spits on the ground*
>/pol/ history
Are you memeing? They're all Caucasians
Fucking Pullo
no mexicans.
Pullo = Marc Anthony
Vorenus = Caesar
That's literally the opposite of what /pol/ usually does. They're the ones who split hairs and look for more division.
>white=scandinavian blonds, levantine = sandnigger/shitskins memes
It's rare to find someone who admits Jews or North Africans are Caucasians.
Hearing and accepting the Good News
The fact they committed genocide against North Africans, kek. We need more of that from modern Europeans.
What I admire most about the British Empire, its engineers, bureaucrats, and legal system.
How goddamn big it was. It amazes me that they were able to administrate all of that with so little technology.
All Caucasians with light skin color besides Egyptians and Arabs (the latter was a very small insignificant minority, because the Nabataean Kingdom was a mix of Arab immigrants and the native pop of the area).
Also, Armenians are literally from the Caucasus, you shithead.
How it managed to integrate its peoples (except Germans) and how flexible it was. Moving the capital to Constantinople is a good example of both. They were almost China-tier in how they could change with the times to survive and get everyone to LARP as them.
>with light skin color
Do you mean they had light brown skin on average (with phenotypes being variable and some being pale, as today) or are we going to be dipping into the /pol/ "modern Lebanese are not Phoenician, modern Syrians are not Syrian, etc." bullshit again?
It's admirable last stand against the marauding Jihadist Turks.
The entire Middle East and North Africa is packed with nigger genes today because of the Arab slave trade. They have enough of it to darken their phenotype significantly.
But as you can see, some people like the Druze don't have much of it, and they don't look dark on average.
Samaritans should be a good example as well.
Sorry, but ancient Levantines and Mesopotamians didn't look like the shitskin mongrels of those regions today.
Autistic obsession with functionality and efficiency.
Any Roman History buffs know why the Romans never decided to conquer the Emerald Isle?
not a god damn thing
full of cannibals and their experience in Britain was less than exemplary. Britain was utterly impoverished and Hibernia even more so, conquering them was pointless same for the Picts.
Probably by the same reasons they didn't conquer Scotland, too far away and no resources making the conquest worth it
Spotted the nordcuck
What they were really eyeing was Parthia, man they wanted to loot the absolute fuck out of that. They wanted ALL that Persian booty.
t. Goth
t. Byzantine
False as hell. Genetic studies show populations are largely the same as they were before.
>dude, they're full of niggers genes but they're the same lmao
I need to remind you that coon genetics are very dominant, so it does have an effect on their phenotype.
>Theories from some studies propose to corroborate that the Lebanese trace genetic continuity with earlier inhabitants, regardless of their membership to any of Lebanon's different religious communities today. "The genetic marker which identifies descendants of the ancient Levantines is found among members of all of Lebanon's religious communities
>Wells identified the haplogroup of the Canaanites as haplogroup J2 which originated in northern Mesopotamia.[30] The National Geographic Genographic Project linked haplogroup J2 to the site of Jericho, Tel el-Sultan, ca. 8500 BCE and indicated that in modern populations, haplogroup J2 is found primarily in the Middle East, but also along the coasts of North Africa and Southern Europe, with especially high distribution among present-day Jewish populations (30%), Southern Italians (20%), and lower frequencies in Southern Spain (10%).[31
The Berber mitochondrial pool is characterized by an overall high frequency of Western Eurasian haplogroups, a somehow lower frequency of sub-Saharan L lineages, and a significant (but differential) presence of North African haplogroups U6 and M1.
>Until recently, some papers suggested that the distribution of the main L haplogroups in North Africa was mainly due to trans-Saharan slave trade.[21] However, in September 2010, a thorough study of Berber mtDNA by Frigi et al. concluded that most of L haplogroups were much older and introduced by an ancient African gene flow around 20,000 years ago.[22]
How they never conquered my island!
It’s a combination of admiration and annoyance, that the Romans could have been even greater but ultimately fucked it up.
"Damn the Romans!"
"I don't understand, Lord," Moneo ventured.
"That's true. You don't understand. The Romans broadcast the pharaonic disease like grain farmers scattering the seeds of next season's harvest -Caesars, kaisers, tsars, imperators, caseris... palatos... damned pharaohs!”
Their capacity to last a thousand years and not contribute anything to humanity
>not contribute anything to humanity
I think their longevity
The Roman state lasted in some form from the 8th century BC until the 15th century AD. Nobody else even comes close. Roughly about 2200 years. That's insane to think about.
>all caucasians
>Lists countries not in Europe
>hey my soldier buds, come fight against your own city!
>what do you mean you won't?
>what do you mean you're farmers who own a livelihood separate from me?
It would astound me if any dictator HAD tried to turn against the state before Marius's reforms.
Also you don't even know about based Sulla, spend a few more months on wikipedia before spewing your Rome Total War level knowledge here.
That they weren't afraid to take in 12yo waifus.
Imagine, prime Roman cunny.
Pic related is the Pantheon, the largest dome constructed by humans until the 20th century. The Romans were able to build such a monumental building using an invention that was totally unique to the Romans: concrete, made using volcanic ash. The Romans added covered pots to the wet concrete so that when it hardened it would leave air bubbles and makes the dome light enough to support its own weight.
But Rome's most impressive contribution to civilization by far was the rule of law. Romans saw the law as an ideal which transcended ethnic boundaries and was far, far loftier than ties of blood.
This is what distinguished the city-state of Rome from any of the Hellenic city-states: Athenian democracy gave power to the people, resulting in a mobocracy which contradicted itself often and made schizophrenic strategic choices. The law wasn't an absolute, it was something that the people could change willy-nilly as their whims dictated. Plus the only way to make new Athenians was for two citizens, both of whose parents were citizens, to have a baby. For Romans, as long as you kept the peace and paid your taxes, immigration was tolerated and there was a pathway to citizenship for them (or at least their children) something no Greek city-state dared offer to a foreigner.
Most other places in the word were still despotisms, ruled by strongmen whose word was law and he could change it as he pleased. A few of them were oligarchies, where a moneyed elite decided policy.
Romans were the first to really establish the law as its own abstract to which all citizens, even the rulers and aristocrats, were held accountable too. Changing the law took procedures within a system which was not a Democracy, Oligarchy, or Despotism, but a combination of the three which used the strengths of one to offset the weaknesses of the other
while not illegal it was still frowned upon, and generally only done by aristocrats who saw marriage as an economic and political alliance
Roman empire was indeed populated by caucasians
The fact that ultimately Roman culture was a strong reading of classical Greek culture with a few creative twists of their own. It's like going to see a filmed adaptation of your favorite novel and being blown away by how good it was.
The military.
Pic is tile from Novae a fort and a vicus in modern day Bulgaria.
saracenic expulsion & subsequent portuguese succession of iberia, true state
Think of the richness of Ireland's natural resources.
I always liked the legion names.
>my name is Gaius Veterus of the First Italian Legion
The fact that the greeks thought that they were romans even if the true heirs of the empire are the italians and that they tried so hard to get the empire back that they almost bankrupted themselves
>culture is skin color
>they tried so hard to get the empire back that they almost bankrupted themselves
If you're talking about Justinian, Latin was still the language of the empire in his time.
Yeah, they lived fairly well as well. The archeological site I mentioned is really revealing. There were water fountains, baths and latrines inside the legionnaires quarters. Several dedication stones with names, ranks and legions. There's some rather well founded speculation that is namely there that the Legion I Italica was formed
Influenced the whole world, even Veeky Forums is some kind of roman forum
You're aware Arabs are often very light skinned, just because you get a bunch of Pakistanis pretending to be Syrians doesn't mean they are white.
Pic related. The Arab King of the Arab Kingdom of Jordan.
*aren't white
He said multiracial you dense fuck, you're agreeing with him and don't even realise it.
You're taking the joke too far. I cannot accept that you think caucasians are only europeans.
Cite 10.
Roman history is by far the most exciting, interesting, dramatic, human and politically relevant among all other groups and civilizations.
Their society was nothing but a constant display of duality, contrasts and struggle, morally, economically, politically, of engineering, wisdom and superstition, and practically uninterrupted, ruthless warfare. They went as high and as low as possible, they built all roads and walked them all, and they changed the world forever.
eurocentric. triggered me
Its size
it's just so fucking big