Why did we give women rights?
All logic says that women are inferior to men in most regards concerning us, and should be treated as such.
What set this catastrophe in motion?
Why did we give women rights?
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Reminder that it's only a catastrophe because you can't get laid
>when betas and manlets think they deserve to get laid
we didn't "give" them any rights
they fought for them. they earned them through sweat and blood.
Next question.
I mean at least women don't waste their time on Veeky Forums like we do.
Dude just leave.
fpbp even in Veeky Forums
There's literally no reason not to. It got to the point where it's pure spite to not just allow them to do what they can.
Jews, and the late Victorian middle class AKA the SJW of the 19th century
By what measure? In terms of creating a human being, men are clearly inferior to women. There are many other ways women might be superior.
In fact, biologically men are basically just women who have lost a big chunk of their genome and developed in different ways. We're basically half-breed sperm donors, women are the true humans.
They said, "if you gave rights to OP we totally should have some too".
They were right.
Patriarchal society started with groups of people known for animal husbandry. The populations that domesticated horses and other livestock tend to be more patriarchal, as these societies spread that became the norm. For most of human history we were probably matriarchal.
>Men commit more crimes.
>Men are more violent.
>Men have a "warrior gene" that makes them more aggressive.
>Men started communism and fascism.
Seems to me that men are the bigger liability to society.
Men are the reason societies even exist you retarded cunt, without men we would still be in Africa because we all know women would never ever move from a single spot unless they were forced to.
t. fedora
It's okay Feminism is eating itself to be replaced by an even worse patriarchal style of governance.
>Men are the reason society exists
Then why are they so hellbent on destroying it? Why are men pushing and buying drugs, killing each other and women, and spreading their HIV?
>women fought for rights
>against men
>who are physically and mentally superior
Women can't "fight" for anything. You're a woman, aren't you?
>implying I'm not gay and don't hate women and genuinely and logically realize that they are inferior
Until your gender makes a society from scratch please shut up. You parasitic fuck toys would go extinct without us men.
>biology ought to inform ethical values
you've done it again Mr. Harris!
You should really drop your identity politics and realize your kind is a poison to society.
Larger, stronger, and smarter m8. Only real purpose is reproduction and emotional support.
Only real purpose for females, I mean.
>the weak can't rise up and fight the strong
>your kind is a poison to society
Men are society.
Women are objects.
Men are obsolete and insecure. Women are the superior sex.
No your kind is poison to society, literally all the bullshit issues we have today is due to you getting freedom to destroy civilization.
>still cant make any civilization from scratch
Friendly reminder an entire elephant brain separates you from the roasties
Exactly, they whine, moan and screech until they get their way. Basically toddlers.
That usually ends with the weak dying in the strength difference between men and woman, even a teenager 15 year old could beat the shit out of an adult woman or a group of them easily.
Because they can play with a man's dick to get what they want when whining doesn't work? Truly superior.
>Complain about women whining when /r9k/ exists.
Do you see them marching? Neigh, do you see them at all?
You must be human to post on this board.
r9k whines due to how you treat them badly, women whine about how reality isnt their fairy tale of perfection, thus women whining is still worse.
t. Robot
Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.
>dodging the issue
This guys gets it.
Fuck off already, I already told you
UNTIL YOU CAN MAKE A CIVLIZATION FROM SCRATCH dont say zilch about being superior to men in anyway whatsoever.
this thread proves Lacan was right
Because the Gun exists, and physiological strength is irrelevant vis-a-vis political power and violence.
Get yourself a smart woman who only whines when something is actually wrong, and not about how overpriced her favorite makeup is.
>Do you see them marching?
>women are good I swear guys
Then explain why there has been no evidence of female dominance in our cousins the hominids? Simple because women were cancer that had to be controlled in all human species that ever existed. They are nothing more than subhuman fuck toys that screw with your emotions to control you like a puppet.
>from scratch
Negative population rates are societal death knells.
Society does not exist without both sexes.
All those men had to come from somewhere, friend.
Nice hyperbole. Plenty of lanklets can get beaten by a women. I want to see you try to fight one at MMA tournament.
But they're not asking for free gibs, they just wanted certain person elected.
You need to relax lmao
Men can be just as illogical as women. I legitimately don't see your point here other than actual misogyny.
What did this man Lacan say, pedro?
>All logic says that women are inferior to men in most regards
On the contrary LOGIC suggests we should be the same, it is empirical observations that have revealed the fact of sex difference. As to why we treat women as equals, well, we treat YOU as an equal despite your many obvious mental and emotional problems, seems churlish of you to demand for yourself what you would deny for others.
>On the contrary LOGIC suggests we should be the same,
Nuh uh
Yeah huh
Men on their own can develop societies, you cannot.
What is sperm
MMA women are genetic outliers not the average you fucking idiot.
You need to fuck off.
You also need to fuck off.
And here I thought feminists got triggered too much. You are taking /idpol/ to a new level of being offended by facts.
Please explain how you would use logic alone to determine the equality or otherwise of men and women. Remember, no synthetic statements allowed, that would be EVILDUMB empiricism! You have to use reason alone.
>Men on their own can develop societies, you cannot.
Good luck making a society without women, dumb-dumb.
Estrogen vs Testosterone
That's all that needs to be said
They conflict with each other if treated equally and history has shown the fall of nations being equated to women's rights.
You are merely a tool to the superior gender, sorry, but that also doesn't mean you don't have your place in the world. Lots of women enjoy happy lives as wives, culinarians... etc
If men are superior it literary doesn't matter. Only men who are so horrible that they're basically girls with dicks would be bothered by it while real men couldn't care less since no rights in the world will make them less superior to women.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
some women turn out good, the problem is for whatever reason they are statistically more likely to fall for leftist memes
Nope. They bitched and men gave them away.
There were no "wars of women's rights", their grand demonstrations were just hoes walking around and bitching about how guys aren't dying fast enough at war.
>the amount of nu male white knight cunts in this thread
>The amount of betas that take their eternal virginity out on others.
Have we reached peak autism in this thread?
So your "purely logic" argument for why the sexes are unequal is based on empirical observations, exactly as I said it was. Thanks for playing, you dumb bastard.
Good luck acting civilized without men.
It's another shit thread where the word "logically" is going to be thrown around like candy isn't it?
>Muh specific worldview based on a deductive sequence that enforces muh biases and is backed by a bunch of factoids, completely unrelated to one another or to the conclusion, is logical cause I dun thunked me a way to make it sound "logical"
>huuurrrrr men buildt civilizashun, cheg mate cumdumpsters! duuurrr every stronk man needs a womyn you'd be shit without muh pusseh cuz no babies lol
A society of one sex dies out in a single generation dummy. God made us as a pair, different but equal.
maybe women were never given the chance to catch up to men, i think they're gonna get better as the years go by
>All those men had to come from somewhere, friend.
>What is sperm
user confirmed for self fertilized sperm genetic freak
Every society that has been created by men only existed due to the cooperation of women.
4/10 too obvious
>We're basically half-breed sperm donors, women are the true humans.
You're basically retarded.
I, merely an amateur mma fighter, could unironically beat ANY female mma fighter to death.