So where is the most likely location

for the holy grail? if we presume the holy grail is still around (while presuming it existed in the first place)

I heard France is actually one of the candidate locations?

In the Vatican vaults?

and what about the ark of the covenant?

In the Vatican vaults?

American meme

It's metaphysical, ya dip

buried deeply under the Petra with a bunch of Nazi corpses

in some secret US-Army base

The grail isn't a chalice/cup. It's a precious stone that fell out of Lucifer's crown. It was hidden by the Cathars in the mountain beneath Montsegur.

t. Otto Rahn *tips*

>quantifying the grail and reducing it to a mere object

>Julius Evola


I agree that modern society is why I can't get a wife.

>none of these plebs know that the grail is actually a piece of advanced alien technology

>(while presuming it existed in the first place)

Why would you presume such an obviously fictional object existed? Do you wonder where Excalibur 'really' is?

Anyway this exact question was answered perfectly by the legendary medieval scholar and author Umberto Eco in his historical novel Baudolino.

The Hermetic Tradition, Mysteries of the Grail, and Introduction to Magic are great works in the study of esoteric history. The Hermetic Tradition was a new and correct analysis of alchemy, which was primarily a system of metaphysics that used the material to illustrate the immaterial, esoteric to avoid being labeled heretics, and always symbolic. Evola was better read than Jung and Geunon in the history of symbols, mystery religions, and alchemy, and Jung was actually a great admirer of Evola as an academic iirc. Most people falsely believe things like "alchemy was proto-chemistry", and "the grail is a real object". They think only in terms of quantity and materialism, they cannot contemplate symbols the way the medieval mind contemplated them, this is why people on Veeky Forums keep posting those monk manuscripts with bizarre fantasy creatures, the dragon in the bed etc. To us, these symbols are amusing and absurd because we only see the strange fantasy creatures, but the medieval mind would instantly understand what these symbols meant.

For historians it is important to read writers like Evola because he gives us access to the medieval mind. The past is not just an imperfect present...

The Metaphysics of Sex is Evola's masterpiece. It's exceptionally well written.

He was a garbage philosopher for garbage people who spurred no further thoughts and work. Don't give me any of that "he was ignored by the world for being right wing" crap either, because Heidegger, a literal nazi, was one of the most influential philosophers produced by the 20th century.

I think the Doctrine of Awakening was his best after Hermetic Tradition. I should've included it. Yes, well Evola seems to only be known for his "politics", which is really just the logical extension of his romanticism (just read Meditations on the Peaks if you don't believe me) and historical esotericism, and he is really writing esoteric self-help lit rather than political theory. His main achievement was his history and de-mystification of Western esotericism in modernity.

Only someone who has never read Evola's major works could write this. You really cannot understand Evola by reading Revolt, MATR, and Ride the Tiger. Those can only be understood in the context of his esotericism and romanticism.

He has spurred further thoughts and works in esotericism, alchemy (Hermetic Tradition), eastern religions (Doctrine of Awakening), introducing tantric sex into the West (Metaphysics of Sex), etc. He filtered out of Italy via his esoteric works rather than his political. He's not really a "philosopher". Keats wrote "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," but Keats wasn't a "philosopher".

Heidegger didn't agree with nazi politics. Heidegger knew that the nazis and other such movements could place man before death and so affirm life. Evola was even further to the right and wrote a slim volume called "Fascism Viewed from the Right", which is a critique of Nazism from an aristocratic, esoteric, and reactionary perspective. He is not known because he is so far out of the mainstream belief that he even positions himself further to the *right* of the most infamous and demonic (in contemporary academic circles) regime of the 20th century. Devi and Serrano are almost entirely unheard of. Most extreme right wing thinkers and sort of demi-mad esoteric mystics are totally unknown in academic circles.

I recently spoke to a fairly senior philosophy professor in England, and he had absolutely no idea who Evola or Guenon were.

>Heidegger didn't agree with nazi politics.
>I'm unfamiliar with his black books.

Also go ask Thoth about his thoughts on Evola. Even as an esotericist, he's trash.

>Evola is trash
What does this mean? Evola is not, and does not claim to be, an original thinker. On the contrary, he is quite explicit in that his only intention is to make accessible the views of a different time in man's history. Are you saying that Tantrism, Buddhism, Taoism, Kabbalah, Roman Paganism, Islam, Hermetism, Grail mytholgy, etc are trash? smdh

Is there any specific perspective on these traditions that he offers which you consider to be trash, or are you saying this because "muh Thoth (whoever that is) said so"?


planet earth's McGuffin

In a Japanese city where every 50 years, a tournament is held between 7 magi and their Servants for possession of the grail.

In some long forgotten catacombs below some old ass city.

regardless of what you think of Evola to call him trash is proof that you simply havn't read him


Underrated post.

What the fuck even IS the Grail? I hear conflicting views depending on which Medieval literature I read. Sometimes it's the cup Christ used at the Last Supper when he instituted the Eucharist. Sometimes it's a chalice that was used to catch the blood that flowed from Christ's side when he was pierced with a lance on the Cross. And then we have this nonsense about Jesus' secret line of descendants with Mary Magdalene. So what exactly is the Holy Grail?

It's under the Louvre pyramid, how do you not know this?

I'm saying that he accomplishes nothing of that sort and layers a whole lot of his own idiocy on top. Anyone interested in those matters would be best served by reading the original sources.

Can you remind me about the grail in Baudolino? IIRC there's a fake grail which is just the one his father uses but there is also a real one, right?

Older versions of the legend depict it as a precious stone that fell out of Lucifer's crown during a battle in the heavens.

Specific examples please. Your examples need not be exhaustive. Just a few instances in order to demonstrate your point, please.

His spiel about rape being a form of sexual magic springs right to mind, as does his spiel about the protocols of the learned elders of zion having any value despite being a hoax.

in ur mom's aticc

are you referring to "raping the virgin on her throne"? that's figurative, it's an image from Tantrism. alAnd his opinion about the protocols falls under politics, not esoteric traditions.

>Taking Paradise Lost as Canon
Too funny m8

In Celtic Myth the hero-priest-king weeks the magic Grail of the gods. This got Christianized into the Grail. The entire thing is non-canon (like the best parts of Christianity) and as such all three things you said are correct. Grail Myth is a folk creation and has no Middle Eastern roots.

that's not from paradise lost...are you being sarcastic?

well maybe it incodentally happens to also be in paradise lost, but i wouldn't know since i haven't read it.

wolfram von Eschenbach, for example, recounts that version of the grail


Is it all sheer allegory? Communications of ancient red-pillingtons? Are the mysterious Blemmyes the keepers of the true meaningful imaginings?

the knowledge necessary to effect an inner transformation

The medieval mind? What fucking rubbish. The human mind is no different now than it was then.

an' we're all equal, no one's betta' than anyone else innit?

We're all animals, still driven by the same basic material necessities we've always been. Evola can't offer any insights into the "medieval mind" because he doesn't understand the human mind to begin with.

bump is probably in france somewhere..some half forgotten castle ruin or chalet somewhere remote.

Somewhere in eastern Wales, or France.


The vatican aknoledges the Holy Grail is in Valencia Cathedral.

It would have been a wooden or clay cup. Some gem studded gold chalice would have been beyond the means of a carpenter.

Magic doesn't real faggot.

Mount Nebo. It's literally written in Bible (the full one, not Luther version)
