Why has the term griffe fallen out of favor as a descriptor for black Americans. It is, short, simple, and unique.
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because the people that use it are often short, simple, and "unique".
I don't get it. It's superior to black, or African-American.
I'd "griffe" all over her face.
My high school computers teacher was called Mr. Griffith. He was black.
It means someone who is roughly 75% Negroid African and 25% European.
This might almost be what the plurality of African Americans are but it cannot encompass them all as some are over 90% and others 60%.
Just in general, without getting crazy with admixture classifications. Griffe is more of an umbrella term. It makes a lot more sense than the hyphenated cumbersome current descriptors.
You are wrong though.
This guys here is spot on with
>It means someone who is roughly 75% Negroid African and 25% European.
It's specific enough to describe the vast majority of black Americans. African-American is misleading, as Africa is an entire continent and it leaves it their euro admixture. Black is misleading because their skin isn't black. Griffe comes by far the closest to an accurate and simple description.
>middle school hall aids were a married couple with the last name "White"
>they were both black
Hmm what did they mean by this?
id COLONIZE her if you know what i mean
I'd partition her "national boundaries" so that my dick is in her ass.
If you know what I mean.
I would apartheid her buttcheeks, and then procede to introduce my penis into her anus.
If you know what I mean.
i want to send my seamen on a rendezvous mission to her head of government, so she can start the coup d'eat
and then not pull out, iykwim
Majority of Southerners and Blacks from the great migration don't fit in that category
Black American is a specific ethnic term, Griffe is narrow and a colonist definition of hyperdescent.
It's the same thing, except Griffe is just one word, and not hyperbolic.
3/4black=black Americans=Griffes
you're wrong lol
How am I wrong. Blacks from America average 20-30% European admixture, that can be looked up, Griffe was the term originally used to describe their ethnic group, and it makes sense, it's short, simple, not hyperbolic, and without the racist hyphenated undertones.
Because that's an average and about half of black Americans lack that 20%+ threshold.
African-American is all of those too. I really don't get people who can't get over conventional terms because of semantics. Like the people who dislike "anti-semitism" "because Jews aren't the only semites".
The "grifon" terms barely had a precise definition after all, they just meant "doesn't *look* fully black, doesn't look that white" basically.
What did he mean by this
Do you know what average means?
After-American is long , and hyphenated American, that ignores the euro aspect of this ethnicity.
People get upset when blacks try to claim African culture(Egypt) yet some insist on calling them African-American.
Why don't white people call themselves European-Americans? Why not just call black Americans, "americans".
Same reason why Southern Italians don't like when you all them Terroni
People don't like racial terms alot
Who decided it was a racist term.
just because on average blacks in america are 20-30% euro admixture, doesn'tmean most african americans are 20-30% euro admixture.
the distribution could be bimodal, with 50% blacks in america being full blooded and say 50% of the blacks in america being half black half euro. which would give a 25% euro average
Can you read?
I said racial
People hate "Terroni" because it reminds them they are Berber rape babies
Same for any racial term implying european admixture
Why all the mental gymnastics. This has been studied. Why does it bother you so much.
>Le rape baby meme
Can you prove it was rape, and even if it was, a child of rape is just as related to the rapee s the raper. Why should somebody only identify with the victimized part of thier identity.
He's literally just pointing out statistics and how they can be misinterpreted.
>Why should somebody only identify with the victimized part of thier identity.
Who the fuck wants to be a fucking Berber? Italian aint much better but still
No he's not. He's trying to warp them to fit his narrative. For some odd reason he's claiming most blacks are either 50% or 0%. Which is known to be incorrect. The stats are easy to look up.
Griffe is different from teroni, because there is no negative racial implication.
>People hate "Terroni" because it reminds them they are Berber rape babies
>le Southern Italy isn't white meme
Didn't happen, go back to /pol/
Griffe will never catch on nor should it
More and more African immigrants come in every day
They come from all over not just west africa
More and more black people are having mixed kids
There will be more pure africans of different ethnic groups and more higher percentages of Euro DNA
Griffe is stupid and will thankfully not be used
African immigration are distinct from black Americans that have been in the us for hundreds of years. Black Americans, make up a unique ethnic group unto themselves. Mixed and Americanized, that's all it means.
And they will be more and more mixed and americanized to the point were a term used for 25% Euro admixture makes no sense
African American means mixed and Americanized
No need to reinvent the wheel
Why on earth would you *not* pull out?
Griffe is not beholden to a strict definition. African-American means an African immigrant to America. Charlize Theron is an African-American. Black Americans are not African immigrants.
Why are you so against a shorter, simpler, more accurate descriptor?
Black americans themselves don't even like the cumbersome hyphenated American label. They are purely an American ethnic group, not some hyphenated other. Why are you trying to force this label on to them?
>not wanting to save the white race
shiggely digdoo
>Charlize Theron is an African-American. Black Americans are not African immigrants.
I guess Glenn Howerton is Japanese then?
And Jeremy Lin is not Asian American
So if some Nigerians have a kid in Europe he is European?
Such a stupid fucking argument
J (29.65%), E1b1b (18.21%)
J Western Asian
E1b1b Horn of Africa
She is an african immigrant, there is LITERALLY nothing you can do about it
I guess Idris Elba is a European now?
Lol you have no argument
I was being hyperbolic with that example, but the point stands.
Asian Americans are different because they are still ethnically no different at all from Asian, and still speak the language and engage in the culture. The second they get mixed, they are no longer seen in an Asian light. See Keanu reeves.
For those same reasons a pure blooded Nigerian born in Europe is still a Nigerian, but if he is mixed with a European, then he ceases to be Nigerian, and becomes something else entirely.
I see you can't read.
>I was being hyperbolic with that example, but the point stands.
>I got BTFO now forget that argument
>Asian Americans are different because they are still ethnically no different at all from Asian, and still speak the language and engage in the culture. The second they get mixed, they are no longer seen in an Asian light.
Africans feel differently deal with it. They take any and everyone
Black Americans having a unique and positive identity is a troubling notion. I know.
Why does giving black Americans a unique one word label bother you so much? Can we just refer to them as "Americans" than? Because that's actually what's catching on in the black community as we speak.
>Why does giving black Americans a unique one word label bother you so much?
We do its called African Americans
>Can we just refer to them as "Americans" than? Because that's actually what's catching on in the black community as we speak
K cool we call them what they want most of the time so who cares let them choose
this girl is italian pureblood
>one word
>African American
Why can't you just answer my question? Why does black Americans having a one word descriptor bother you so much.
>I guess Idris Elba is a European now?
He's British.
Are you me?
Imo they're only called African Americans to be more divisive and further the racial rift in america.
This is a common sentiment in the black community. White people hate the fact that we are American in a way way that most of them could never be. It stems from pure jealousy. So the Jews and white supremacists larping as SJWs. So they funded people like al sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, and made a false narrative of them being the spokesmen for for black Americans. They used those useful idiots to create the moniker "African-American" to underhandedly "other" us from our own country, to undermine our birthright. Black boomers being the eternal cucks that they were allowed all of this to happen, even promoting it often times. It wasn't until the millenials came of age that e bullshit psyop was called out. We're still fighting against hostile semantic psyops. They just carved "African-American" into stone, literally with the new DC museum. Black people need to petition to have the name changed. Self-Identification is our right.
Now I wouldn't put all whites on a pedestal, as some of them are directly descended from WASP and Scots-Irish stock that's been in America since the 1600s, but I agree. My mom is mostly Black Jamaican, my dad was born in Florida but his parents were Black Bahamian and Black/Chinese Jamaican immigrants, and I consider myself to be Black American, Jamaican American, West Indian American, but almost never African American, only for one reason: If you go back two generations, half of my family was still in Jamaica while the other half was just moving to America.
Getting a bit too /pol for me but otherwise I kind of agree. It's a shame people don't realize how much words can influence people and a phrase as simple as African-American can damage the entire population. It only serves to remind them that they're not "true americans" and that their ancestors were slaves. It only serves to divide this nation and most people don't care.
It's ugly. I wish I could start a petition to have it changed at the DC museum, but I don't have enough followers for it to get off the ground.
As much as I would like to see that happen im sure given the current state of politics in this nation it would be twisted into a racist movement on the news trying to diminish blacks "history"
>this man is from scandinavia
>he is somalian if he's born in somalia
Not if it was explained properly. Most blacks hate it already anyway. It would have a ton of support.
It's just as offensive and vague as 'black', what is wrong with black?
It's not nearly as vague as simply black. Black is an umbrella term that encompasses everyone from abbos, to HoA Semites, to bushmen, and bantus, to black Latinos etc. Black is just not specific enough to apply to Americans alone.
Those aren't considered "black", especially not the Khoisan. They don't even consider themselves black. African yeah, but not racially black. You are right about it being a sort of umbrella term though that includes people who couldn't be further related from each other, though I wish you said West-Central Africans rather than Bantu, as most West Africans aren't Bantu.
you're confusing political borders. even the blackest of the blacks can be a Finn if he's born in finland.
Black is simply a hyperbolic description of complexion.
Its because no one really cares about minorities. Its all a dog and pony show. America is and always has been a white country.
Literally every yryl threads on /pol/, hilarious really since that butthurt is self-imposed
It has a white ethnic group, but it is not exclusively a white country. Blacks have fought and died in every single American war.
Lol self important autism.
It's semantic autism, just ignore it.
Note how he doesn't want to use other racial term for partial heritage black for whites as well.
She's south African-american or to be specific Afrikaner-American.