Can you imagine the grief and suffering Japanese mothers and wives endured after world war 2, and the economic depression that followed?
Can you imagine the grief and suffering Japanese mothers and wives endured after world war 2...
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No, i can't.
>Japanese """people"""
No but I can imagine the lucky GIs over there who got some bombass pussy.
Hopefully the grief and suffering was excessive.
Maybe Japan shouldn't have given the US the good ol' sucker punch and it wouldn't have gotten such a fucking beatdown.
Can you imagine the grief and suffering Chinese mothers and wives went through, watching their children get slaughtered by Nip Imperialist dogs?
Fuck Japs.
Honestly the Pacific war was avoidable. The US doggedly stuck on a policy towards Asia that put principle in China well above prudence. That's not to say that US policy should have meekly cowed before all Japanese aspirations in the region, but it seems as though US policy was unnecessarily rigid in the way that made military confrontation all but certain when diplomatic concessions on both sides were still possible.
no it's ok if it's chinese, they're fake as fuck
>war in the pacific
>in regards to Japanese expansionism
Nah. Its true we were pretty rigid, but the fucking nips were slaughtering their way over all of southeast Asia; they were subjecting it and the rest of the pacific to nothing less than wanton rape, theft looting and murder. I can't say I blame, frankly.
The "depression" was marked by rapid growth. Some 20 years after the war most Japanese people were living with an unprecedented level of wealth and comfort.
I feel bad for all of the cats and dogs they ate as comfort food.
Not quite Japanese, but my Chinese great grandmother had a story about WWII
Her town got bombed by the Japanese but luckily only a few were injured, so everyone started to sing and praise the goddess of mercy
So then the Japanese came flying back and just shot everything that moved with the machine guns on their planes
So everyone who survived started screaming and cursing and damning both the Japanese and the Goddess of Mercy
Pretty rough times
I wonder how a people as polite and meek as the Japanese could just turn into complete niggers when set loose
>what is loli guro?
Japs are just really good at hiding their power level
>they're fake as fuck
As opposed to the Nips, whose entire culture was supplanted in favour of becoming Murica-lite.
And this is different from American expansion west how? A Japanese held SEA allied with the US arguably could have been better in the long run for us and the region.
And all that autism could've been avoided if Wilson didn't fuck the nips out of the treaty of Versailles
Japan's position is strengthened by a peace, which allows it to actually build infrastructure in its new empire, instead of draining resources to hold it in a futile struggle. Allowing them to attain self sufficiency in economy would have been foolish and deprive the USA of one of the levers of power. Peace at any price undermines our ultimate position, and reduces our chances of victory in a later war.
Wilson was apoplectic at the time and was busy getting fucked himself by every other Allied power. It's a fucking miracle the USA didn't join Japan in a conquering frenzy, simply out of spite. The USA never actually ratified Versailles, since it was seen as a national humiliation.
A culture as overbearing, strict, and demanding as traditional Japan is a goddamn powderkeg of neurosis waiting to be unleashed.
>And this is different from American expansion west how?
Every civilized power at the time has at one point engaged in the destruction or conquest of another people. Ironically, the Indians more often than not betrayed each other more than anyone else. They'd been slaughtering each other and taking each other's lands before we even stepped foot on this continent. We just came along and did it better than them.
The difference is that Japan was invading and occupying sovereign foreign territory, not policing tribal people.
But Japan was getting a little too big for its britches, to be honest. Their ultranationalistic and jingoistic war time culture was bad for diplomatic resolutions. Moreover, Japan picked a fight it couldn't win in the long run. It lacked both the industrial output, raw materials and technology to combat an ever increasingly sophisticated foe.
t. chang
Asians need to be despooked desu
Fickleness is often observed with eastern religious practitioners.
Japan couldn't have held those territories for any real length of time even if the burgers never got involved. Overrunning some poorly trained chinese conscripts and raping women and children works when you have the element of surprise. China would have eventually got their shit together and the jungle asians aren't exactly the easiest insurgent force to fight.
Amerisharts didn't destroy Japanese culture as much as gommunists destroyed Chinese culture.
I'm sure they got over it once they had a taste of massive Yankee cock in their vag.
>invading and occupying sovereign foreign territory, not policing tribal people.
You mean colonies whose inhabitants didn't want Euros to govern them. The US was the only power in Asia that was going to give independence to their colony (the Philippines). We even had a deadline BEFORE the Pacific War (10 years after the Commonwealth was instituted in 1934).
But yeah fuck the Japs. They were worse than the Euro imperialists because they were doing it to their fellow Orientals.
>They were worse than the Euro imperialists because they were doing it to their fellow Orientals.
They were literally civilizing African tier people who lived in mudhuts.
>but muh ancient Chyna
China was an irrelevant backwater shithole since the Mongol invasions.
>civilizing people by killing them and replace them with japs
worked for the romans, but that was 2000 years ago
I had a resident in a nursing home I worked for who had been in the force occupying Japan. He said the women would fuck the balls right off of you for a dollar bill.
Lots and lots of VD, though.
They didn't do that in Korea. Even if comfort women is true, it would be pretty tame compared to the rest of their war crimes. Gooks are the most butthurt people about Japanese imperialism yet they have absolutely no reason to be.
>It's another "imperalism is good because you can build buildings" episode
Fucking idiot
Ming China was the apex of eastern civilization until the Manchu ruined everything
t. weeb
t. Kim
Go fap to cartoons
Go drink your shit wine.
>Grorious Nippon before Chinese influence
7/10 comfy
would reside
They could build this in the 5th century. What did Koreans build?
that's a tomb? looks more like central park
My grandfather on my Mom's side was one of them.
He was scheduled to take part in the invasion of Japan, until they surrendered of course.
Saw Hiroshima 2 weeks after it was nuked. Could recall it vividly even when he was a puckered old man riven with Alzheimer's
Said that when he first landed on the beach he was blown away by how many pillboxes and fortifications there were. Every village he went to his squad confiscated arms, and there was often a military rifle for every man, woman, and child in the village. Many Japs didn't even know that the war was over so when they saw the Americans coming they panicked and ran.
By far his fondest experiences were in the city, chasing around geishas who still thought of Americans as a novelty. His eyes would light up when he talked about fucking them. Yes, my grandpappy was an old poon hound and fucked dozens of women over the course of his life, even keeping a little black book in his old age, and openly bragged about it to his grandsons.
He was the man. I sure do miss him.
Giant stone tombs with a huge complex inside them. Now post something equally impressive from Korea from that era.
>A fucking baseball mound
>can you imagine the grief and suffering of Japanese mothers and wives
White boys are waiting in line to fill that hole in her.
Bible is filled with fickleness. Even Jesus was fickle as fuck. The son of god was cursing a god damn tree.
>tfw you will never deploy to war and have tons of hot sex with willing foreign women hungry for superior American seed and rebuild their into a prosperous free nation
>this is of course after enduring the literal hell through other campaigns in the pacific and you haven't seen a woman in months and now they're literally throwing themselves at you
>you will never have the chance to tell your grandsons of your glorious conquests
>instead you'll be deployed to a sandpit where the women are just as nasty as the men and accomplish next to nothing or objectives of indeterminate importance
Their entire structure is made of stone. Kofun era Japan was at least more advanced than Vikangz if they could build stuff like this.
Why are Japanese women so slutty?
Wave some cash in their faces and they become more depraved than a Thai ladyboy on cocaine