Why did the British ARMY perform so poorly in WW2?
Why did the British ARMY perform so poorly in WW2?
Other urls found in this thread:
>has never heard of the North African campaign
Extremely poor performance compared to the undersupplied German troops
>Relative to?
The Germans, and other allied countries like the USA, Canada, and Australia
>Why did the British ARMY perform so poorly in WW2?
Got any examples or are we just memeing?
probably just memeing
>why does Russia suck at war even though they outright won it
>why does Britain suck at war even though they held on all throughout it
>why does France suck at war even though they were the main allied army in WWI
>why does America suck at war even though they crushed most of the axis armies sent their way
really the only country that isn't accused of sucking at war is Germany who got their asses kicked
>North African campaign
>The same Campaign where a moody German General with a primarily Italian taskforce managed to hold off the might of the entire British military power for three years with limited support from Berlin until the Americans showed up.
Oh lord, buddy.
>where are you going guys hitler is the other way
"Lance Corporal Dennis Wykes was also dug in with A Company at the tennis court, In old age his heart would quicken as he described the Japanese attack. 'They came howling and screaming and full of go. It was terrifying but the only good thing was the screaming let you know where they were coming from and so we got our lines of fire right and mowed them down. Wave after wave, we cut them down with machine guns. I didn't know if I was killing one or a dozen. I just swept the machine gun through 'em and that was it.'"
They didn't.
>It resulted in the Japanese capture of Singapore and the largest surrender of British-led military personnel in history.[6] About 80,000 British, Indian and Australian troops became prisoners of war, joining 50,000 taken by the Japanese in the earlier Malayan Campaign. The British prime minister, Winston Churchill, called it the "worst disaster" in British military history
It's made worse by the fact that the Germans in the region were utterly demoralized and scattered after their withdrawal from France. The British in contrast, high morale, high organization, their plan months in the making. All undone in a few days Germans from Railway workers, to Labourers, luftwaffe ground crews, and exhausted Heer and SS men, who trained everyone else on the spot. And all it achieved was giving the German's their confidence back, making the fighting that much more stubborn.
Picture related: Waffen-SS officer and Heer XO teaching a Luftwaffe grunt how to use a grenade.
Impaired movement from anal tearing.
I'm still not quite sure what this meme is all about. The British army has historically always been pretty tiny so why would you expect massive combat formations like on the Eastern Front from them? The only actual fuck up was Singapore which is to this day considered the most atrocious defeat in the history of the British armed forces.
Commando actions = general British Armed Forces efficiency
t. Lindie
Ended up in a war against every industrialized nation on earth because 'muh Poland'
>Called a loser because they inevitably had to lose.
The political and diplomatic ability was shitty, but when the British military have the opinion that "Those who have never fought the Germans, have never known war" then they have to be doing something right.
Honestly Germany may have been able to get Danzig if they did not invade czechoslavakia, invading the Czech lands showed that Hitler could not be trusted and would throw away agreements that did not suit him.
pretty sure Lindie would be in the "France suck at war" camp
doesn't really help your argument
Welp. I'm convinced by this thread.
Excellent evidence. Well presented ideas and arguments.
OP you have proved your point with scientific and careful discussion of the facts.
It's a bait thread. What did you expect?
who is the artist behind these?
>what is north african campaign
>what is east african campaign
>what is burma campaign
>what is anglo iraqi war
>what is battle of atlantic
>what is operation market garden
>what is siege of malta
>what is battle of britain
and so many others
>mfw Operation Menace
It really is a shame the British and French weren't exterminated when we had the chance
*Osprey publishing
People presented arguments and evidence, you illiterate cunt.
Because they are filthy ANGLOS
>mifw revisionists have tried to spin monty into a good general
>Russia, France, Britain, Spain get memed on re: military history
>Countries like Sweden are flat out forgotten
>Germany gets its dick sucked despite being Europes bitchboy for most of modern history and back to back World War losers
Arguably the worst they performed was in North Africa early in the conflict.
On November 18, 1941, the British 8th Army, as the forces in the Western Desert had been rechristened, launched Operation Crusader. The British undertook that offensive with more than twice as many tanks as their opponent. In addition, some one-third of Rommel’s tanks were poorly armed Italian ones. Rommel handled his tanks more skillfully than the British, however, and he made clever and effective use of concealed antitank guns. Thus, he was able to claim the advantage over the British in the first few days of the battle, despite their four-to-one superiority in the air (and despite the fact that two-thirds of Rommel’s meagre air force consisted of obsolete Italian planes).
Rommel was worth a few extra divisions though
Starving german kids managed to hold US troops for 3 years at Belgium.
>north africa
beating a third string army made mostly of italians. Also with the navy and airforce they STILL COULDN'T STOP THEIR CONVOYS!
>east africa
a massively under equipped, poorly led force completely cut off from resupply oh and they had the help of ethiopians to do this too.
>burma campaign
the british army was continually beaten back by an outnumbered, over extended japanese army while the americans and australians did the real work.
>anglo iraq
>battle of the atlantic
despite having the most powerful navy at the time they still couldn't do shit until the americans stepped in
>market garden
the british soldiers performed exceptionally their leadership was pants on head retarded, i'll give you this one
>"siege" of malta
ah yes when the mighty italian navy and airforce oh wait, fucking dumb faggot the Axis never had a chance of taking Malta at any point and never made a serious effort to
>battle of britain
basically tied until the germans fucked themselves up
They didn't?
>3 years at Belgium
>US troops didnt even land north of the alps until mid 1944
>the war ended in early/mid 1945
>3 years
There is an interesting case regarding the 7th Armoured Division (The Desert Rats). In North Africa and Italy they performed very well, so much so that Montgomery personally lobbied for them to be transfered back to England so that they could land in France for D-Day. While in Normandy, however, the troops performed noticeably worse than expected, to everyone's surprised. Here was one of the single most battle-hardened divisions the allies had to offer, whom were made up of experienced, battle-hardened troops and were well equipped, yet they were in Normandy (and this would be true into the Netherlands and the end of the war) performing worse than their less-experienced peers and just generally lacking a certain elan that was expected of the them.
Then, you think about it. A great deal of the Desert Rats had been deployed since 1939, and had been seeing major combat for several years. The men we simply just tired. Not physically, necessarily, they got their fair share of leave and rotations, but it was concluded that there is a point where combat troops become TOO experienced and have seen too much (A point to placed at around 4 years or more) to where it starts negatively effecting their combat effectiveness. These men were done with the war, just finished with it emotionally and psychologically.
They did pretty good given the position Poland put them in
You mean most of history
>League of Nations tells Germany to fuck off, partitions the Sudentland, Alsace-Lorraine, and Danzig from Germany
>Danzig is a city state protected by League of Nations
>Both Poland and Germany want the clay
>Molotov Ribbentrop Pact happens
>Britain decides to send millions of lads to their doom to fight for a small square of dirt instead of waiting for either Stalin or Hitler to sperg out over each other and break their NAP
How stupid are britbongs?
shitty inbred genes and so much fucking gold at the top of the pyramid that the countrys worth sac
Poor leadership for the most part.
British troops encompassed both Canada and Australia in the war. Very seldomly we're Aussie troops under orders of Australian generals.
Honestly though OP, the British we're fine albeit a little stagnant from WW1 which was its peak. Britain could of won the war without the Americans but it would taken many more lives, years and costs for it would of been huge.
The only reason the Americans did so well in Europe was because of Patton.
>Wearing v neck sweaters in battle
Anglos confirmes for comfiest race
I think they performed fine, outside of a few armor clusterfucks where they lost a Russia of tanks.
hes an angry french guy whose always making threads shitting on britain
>The only reason the Americans did so well in Europe was because of Patton.
That's a funny way to spell Bradley.
> beating a third string army made mostly of italians
Army Group Afrika was actually one of the most well equipped formations in the entire Axis. This is because the demands of fighting in a desert required it. It had enough motorized transportation to equip an entire Army Group on the Eastern Front.
>despite having the most powerful navy at the time they still couldn't do shit until the americans stepped in
The British were already turning the tide by the time the Americans stepped in, in 1942, and in fact the Americans went through the exact same hard lessons of the Brits. In the end, the Brits sunk twice the German subs that the Americans did.
t. freeaboo
> ah yes when the mighty italian navy and airforce
You say it sarcastically, but the Regina Marina was genuinely mighty. It had the fourth largest fleet in the world after the USN, RN, and IJN.
>basically tied until the germans fucked themselves up
A myth. Read Bungay's "The Most Dangerous Enemy". The Germans had little chance to begin with, and squandered what little chance they did have. Dowding and Park totally owned them.
>control+f operation compass
>no matches