The big one is coming

The big one is coming

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No shit but all these daytrader fags looking at their 30 minute charts have no idea.
I'm staying in crypto thou because I can make more than the ~50% hit BTC will take.

The big boom?

poorfags from Russia won't save you

>but all these daytrader fags looking at their 30 minute charts have no idea

I know it's coming, but i can sell anytime.
Until then, i'm not gonna miss those sweet sweet profits baby.

Russias economy is too small to have a significant impact on anything.

For sure. We're currently in "return to "normal"" phase. I predict blood on the streets within 2 days.

We've been in return to 'Normal' for months now. This meme graph is getting old

I don't get why people keep thinking the bubble will pop. Most investors right now are crypto enthousiast who actually have knowledge about the technology. Also the big whales aren't going to panic sell.

So how far are we expecting it'll go up?

And how long until another drop?

I don't think it's going to "pop" but if you look at every time it's had a rapid price rise in the past there has always been a correction not long after.
Everyone seems to be forgetting $2k was the ATH less than a month ago.

ah yes just like every time BTC has crashed, and risen higher than its last peak.

unless you're daytrading, and know what youre doing (unlikely), you are much better off consistently buying & holding.

jesus christ its like you guys don't even want to make money.

"this is a sucker's rally"

>300% in 3 months
>this wasn't the "thrill / euphoria" stage

The normies are here already. It is in the mainstream media ffs, literally old codgers 60+ years old are talking about crypto on TV. We were in the eye of the tornado and now the market is going to be shit out the other side.

>everyone panicking like never before, even worse than may crash

>muh head and shoulders pattern!!
>'pro' traders, who held even through may crash panic selling
>currently disbelief that the rally continues

amazing how accurate that chart is

>'pro' traders


Yeah true. But I already got my total investments out so I'm basically playing with my profit. Corrections don't bother me that much. 1 or 2 corrections every month is okay with me, I still see my portfolo growing.

As I said here I'm staying in but I fully expect BTC to tank for the next two months.
Why do you think it won't?

yes, we're already well past the public stage tbqh. My gram gram uses BTC to buy her morning coffee and runs a full node.

it looks like bitcoin 2013

too bad it reached a new much higher ATH in 2017

so your dumb meme graph is debunked, nigger

besides, only nocoiners and poorfags that got in too late posts them

hidden bullish divergence on the RSI for bitcoin

higher lows on price and lower lows on RSI

disbelief stage in action.

another thing you failed to notice is that the market cycle in that chart repeats itself

after disbelief comes hope, and another rally, you just need to hold

>nocoiners getting BTFO by their own meme graphs

...this kid is retarded

I'm saying it'll go UP you fucking moron.

Suddenly I'm bearish on BTC.

Nigga we're barely through awareness, we're in a small bear trap that may last 6 months, zoom the fuck out.

are we going to see another crash in the next 24 hours? These coins are gaining back damn quickly.

>all these salty af nocoiners
>he fell for the crashing meme

ETH Mooning 30% since yesterdays lows

good, its a garbage coin, you should short it now

Alts recover much faster than BTC because most people trading alts have long term faith in BTC.
They don't care if the coin they brought last week for 80 cents is now worth 60 cents so long as it's BTC value has gone up.

you cannot save face. You are fucking stupid.

It was so fucking obviously my implication was that the market was about to repeat itself.

How the fuck can you possibly be so stupid and function IRL? probably a fucking nigger too

I'm laughing at any biz holding stagnating highs atm

They arent from Veeky Forums they are from ethtrader. Their euphoria is hilarious to watch though, every crash in the history of the world, nah this one is just going to 180 flip and go straight to lamboland. Their arrogance deserves to be REKT.

We're not close to mania yet, lads, we're still in the beginnings of awareness.

Why do you fag want it to crash?

what coins is everyone shorting?

I'm personally waiting for the right moment to short ETH
I expect it to reach 150$

So i can buy more and hodl

Is anyone shorting DASH?

funny shit ey, but sometimes I feel a bit guilty laughing at them

Reminder: The market only needs markets behind it to actually increase output.

Just because the market itself increases at the rate it has, doesn't mean that it's irrespective of reality. A rally like this could last years if output meets investment.

never short a rally

>thought the crash was over
>look at 1 day candles of both BTC and ETH

what is your play Veeky Forums? Play it out like a good goy, or press everything into USDT and wait for the final crash?


I only care about maximizing BTC and think I can make more trading alts than shorting BTC itself.

yep, the volume tells teh incoming sad story

>implying that wasn't the second corrective wave
>implying bitcoin isn't going to make a final leg up in the 4-5k region

Then it's totally going to tank though

xrp is going up, dip is over


dont fucking short rallies.

Sold ltc for tether 4 minutes ago. Feels like it could crash any minute now.

Lol that's just bullshit. If it's gonna crash then it will take a while

Crash already happened and normies are about to fill the space as well, everything is going up right now. Hope you bought during the crash.

>oh shit its going down!
>fuck, do i sell??
>i-iron h-hands!
>thank god it bounced back!
>well i guess ill sell now because it was scary!
fucking Veeky Forumscucks

its not coming anytime soon

w-why not?

buy high sell low

buy high sell low that's why

how long until ETH reaches 500?

I say 2 months

I give it 2 weeks.

Shit, I think you're right
Our bubble is going to have its own bubble

this isn't a bubble, it's a perfectly normal bull market cycle. it'll tank because that's what bulls do, bear market ensues for a while but here's another prediction: it won't last nearly as long as the last one and won't be as bad.

pandora's box has been opened and most of the investors that crypto gained are going to stay in it barring something huge like the SEC going after all ICOs and enforcing new legislation that cripples it or Poloniex going the way of Mt. Gox.

So suckers get scared out, then FOMO a year later, much closer to the pop of the bubble

To buy everything at lower prices, duh.
You NEVER buy at a high.

This graph explains it

>linear graph

Both of you prove that Veeky Forums doesn't know what it's talking about. We're barely in the awareness phase. Mass-adoption has not occurred yet.

>We're barely in the awareness phase. Mass-adoption has not occurred yet.


biz is retarded and confusing that chart with a market cycle, which repeats.

You guys have been saying the same thing week in week out.

The indicators in the graph itself is missing - like there is no media attention, the normies are not into cryptos yet.

There are on the other hand plenty indicators for the first sell off. The great players cashed out their share on ETH and BTC already a month ago - so basically we are more likely in a bear trap.

No. They know about bitcoin but barely any are buying.

What about people like me who thinks altcoins have value outside of btc value and dobt give a shit if btc collapses.

So you are shorting all to make a fortune, right? Otherwise GTFO

Dude, bitcoin is far from being mainstream.

My brother and my brother in law, who both invest in stocks and are under 40 years old, have refused to buy it ever since I told them about it when it was $100-300. I've told them over and over as the price has been rising, "Buy bitcoin, buy bitcoin, buy bitcoin".

They won't do it, they're scared of the volatility, plus their lack of knowledge of how it works.

You bullish types are ignoring the giant ICO bubble that locks up 100s of millions of paper gains.
It's a ticking time bomb. 90% of those won't deliver and some % probably never intended to deliver. Those who did will still need to cash out to pay recurring expenses which adds to the downward pressure of miners offloading and jelly hands getting nervous.
The only way I see the price staying high for long is banks continuing to pump fiat into the system (at a loss) which is certaonly possible since they print the shit for free.

oh look, the same graphic with the same post again.
When will all of you faggots learn that it doesn't exactly apply here because this shit doesn't follow the exact same rules?

>It's different this time guys!
you're stuck in the new paradigm euphoria bro

Most people don't trade options or other derivatives either. They don't onow how it works. Those who do drive lambos and fuck babes.

Shouldn't the majority of those who do lose money, especially after fees?

>Those who do drive lambos and fuck babes.

Or get wrecked by something that is called "margin call", lose everything and live the rest of their life in debt.

itt: salty cucks who sold because "muh doomsday"

Protip: everyday you don't buy back in is lost profit


>phone posting from mumbai's finest shitting streets

Amazon is in a bubble guys. Sell sell sell!

good good, we have 17 years left.

Faggots been posting the same gay ass graph every day give me a fucking break

Yep I predict it should be triggered when it hit $330, we still have a nice margin for profit, then at $320 I short with full leverage.

Fuck you and your "old codgers" statement. I've used computers every day since 1981 and I've been on the net since 1994 and experience equals additional IQ. Additionally, looking back it seems like I was a teenager 15 minutes ago. That means, in your case, you'll be an old codger in 15 minutes.

Holy shit you are right, I didn't notice. converting to fiat right now, thx user.

The "Return to Mean" price is $2290, that's where we are on the chart.

>you'll be an old codger in 15 minutes.

This. The real normie bubble won't start for at least a year or two.

sooner if you faggots blow all your shekels on lambos and tell them how you went from rags to bitches. unless that's part of your plan?

>"If you hold ANS/NEO in the official wallet, you will be rewarded with more ANS/NEO"

i call bs

Haha, look at this old normie faggot getting all ass blasted

Veeky Forums broke normie boomer invasion confirmed

But it's not. I've not done it yet because of vulnerabilities in their client, but eventually I will for those sweet antcoins.

Disgusting. Boomer trash on Veeky Forums now? What happened to this place. Go back to your microsoft and apple stock granny.

So what was this aug 1 thing that people were spreading here that made everyone freak? Now people are saying that is canceled? Wtf?

On august 1 BTC hard fork, that means it will reset it's ledger, all bitcoins unused will be lost.

you don't even like forks, ching chong bing bong.

You have autism if you can't see how this graph is relevant. Btc does this every time.