I got out of Ether around the $230s

I said I'd never panic sell, but I got weak (lesson learned).

When to get in again? This is a d-deat cat bounce, right?

Same here but then bought lower because I am a gambling degenerate

At least you guys didn't sell at $40 thinking you'd landed on the moon.

Bought back in during the dip.

The only mistake anyone can make in crypto trading is selling

Spotted the bag holder of DGB,ARK,BNT and SIA all at the same time!

Bought in at $40 and everyone was like "IT MIGHT GO TO FIFTY!!!!"

now I'm rich.

lambos baby

You missed the ATH.No lambos for you,audis instead



lol faggot

> t. weak hands coming in

You missed the ATH.

that attitude would've made you sell at $30 considering my entry point faggot

I meant the ATH after the moon and media attention,not the first ATH
If you think ETH is ever going to reach a new ETH,just invest your life savings.I'll post a thread to mock you

>This is a d-deat cat bounce, right?

user, think about how insane of a rise Eth experienced in the last 6 months. You're going to hear a lot of people on here banter about how "Hodling = bagholder", but in all reality its still extremely early in terms of crypto's mass adoption.

Don't fret too much about the loss. Buy in @ 280 and enjoy the ride back up. If the price drops again, just hold steadfast and wait for the storm to pass. Spaghetti-hands are the ultimate enemy of profit.

Also diversify into Iconomi; its a solid Eth asset with a bright future.

>not being a hodler

weak hands deserve their no gainz kiddo

You do know about market corrections right?
I'm not even FUDing,I'm 99% sure that ETH will never reach a new ATH

bitcoin will never go above 3000$ again either

crypto is going to die in 2017

In short: if ETH bridges the $300 barrier get in asap. Then observe $340+ very closely for it may still end up being a bounce, imo

people are saying if it goes above 310-320$, its another bull run

ethereum is getting a lot of media attention again, and metropolis (ethereum 3.0) is in its final testing phase, along with PoS and Raiden in the horizen

i just bought it in again btw

>I bought in at the bull trap
Its like you want to lose money.Buy at the first sign of an uptrend and sell at the first sigb of a downtrend.I've made 25% since monday doing this

yeah it will probably bounce

... down to like $750 after it hit $800+ :^)

ye, likely, but I will remain observing for now; finger on the trigger in case we make it $300+

Godspeed, my friend.


There we go, I guess.

>bull trap @ $280
>when it was @ $400+ a week ago

you sure do know what you're doing/talking about, kid
but i guess your "%25" is like $2 so it's all k, you'll learn

i sold at 240 because you cunts said it was bombing down to $100. i sincerely hate Veeky Forums. sincerely

only 1 delusional / speculating fucktwat said it was going down to double digits, seriously there was 1 thread about it?

why didn't you just buy back in?

>25% since monday
>only 25%
Uh. lol?

i sold 30% of my stash at 225$, thinking it would dip below 200$, maybe even hit 150$, so my initial investment + a couple of grands would be safe

i had to buy back in at 275$ yesterday

im going to stop listening to these retards from now on, and delete my blockfolio app, too much stress watching these numbers

i hope my other shitcoins moons so i can recover my lost ether desu

Sold at $230 because of all the controversy. ICO's are fucked, Bitcoin is getting Segwit so ETH as a payment coin is out of the question.

>Mfw it rises back up to $300

At least I still have 2 ETH left.

I dont know what that was, after all. The FUDing was real the past days... especially towards ETH.

Protip for future times: Try to remain some kind of inner rationality - probably good to imagine it as a calm and considerate mode you put yourself in. The market is volatile, yes, but shills and FUDs are like 10x more extreme than the market is.

"This extremely new technology has reached its pinnacle in application just on the cusp of mass adoption."

Even IF this last price rise was mania (which I don't believe it was), a subsequent new mania in a few months or a year with more hands ready to invest means a higher ATH. This doesn't even speak to the wider adoption of the technology.

The future is bright, user.

Requesting the image of the "Bitcoin will correct to $2" guy from 2013.

Thanks for the cheap ETH OP

i know

i was being ironic towards the retard that said you should sell eth at 400$

>I made 25000% in the last 3 seconds.
>*teleports behind your gains*
>"Nothing personal, kid"

I used to love summer... now it gives me cancer.

you're getting old :^) dw it'll be fun again

top lel

Op, what the fuck are you upset about? Did you make good gains? yes? then go invest it or spend it and enjoy them. You only live once. Fuck tons of people lost money this week.

Red lines

Green candles
> OMG IT'S GOING TO $100,000!!!

In reality it falls rapidly, then retraces back up and resumes is slow and steady decline.

mfw we'll see a generation of crypto-funded kids starting their academic careers in a couple of years

I am so ashamed of myself Veeky Forums

I couldn't sell my ether for some reason so I panic sold what little bitcoin I had left at 2300

>resumes is slow and steady decline.

yes, that's precisely is what BTC and ETH been doing ever since their birth this guy clearly knows what he's talking about, and he's TOTALLY NOT a buttmad nocoiner AT ALL :^)

dangit missed the date from that pic
anyho, it's a snapshot from 2016 june :^)

> Since their birth

Look, I know 'since their birth' as far as your concerned is about 4 months ago, but look at the BTC chart from 2013 to 2016.

In late 2013 BTC fell from over $1000 to almost $600, then retraced to around $900. 6 months later it was $220. But now it's over 10 times that.

This is happening to ETH right now.

i bought most of my BTC @$10 and @$70, bro

and the situation for ETH is 10000% different. back then BTC was 'the crypto' and the actual use case literally was pretty much silkroad. it crashed short after the FEDs actually started arresting the drugmarket runners

there's nothing to crash ETH now, it has the best reliability/'convenience to use' -ratio of all current coins, and cryptocurrencies overall have a 10000 times stronger foundation than they had in 2013

bitcoin also never had a list of companies like ETH does publically supporting it

BTC does have a much stronger foundation, and, i'm still holding half my stash in BTC, something deep inside me just can't let me go 100% ETH no matter how good the midterm outlooks seem :^)

there are always risks no doubt, but the current situation literally cannot be compared to 2013 in any way