Bancor is literally unstoppable
Bancor is literally unstoppable
Go shill your bags elsewhere bud
repeat with me: unstoppable
Oh look another fucking bancor shill thread.
Fuck off idiot.
repeat it with me: u-n-s-t-o-p-p-a-b-l-e
That bitches face triggers me
rip whale support
Lol yeah, "bags" I got this on the upswing, and I'll be riding it for quite some time, perhaps even to the moon.
This bancwhore cost me fuckin everything I'm gonna eat ice cube sandwhiches for the rest of the month REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;_;
and Galia is unshtuppable
Ice cube sandwhiches are delicious, though.
NMR is superior, bancor has nothing behind its use
>eth goes down
>bnt goes down
>eth goes up
>bnt goes up
yeah it's unstoppable as long as eth goes up.
t. BNT holder
I get that you're happy finally seeing a bit of green OP - but are you even above ICO price yet?
Listen, i think its hilarious that you kept this "bancor is literally unstoppable" thread up everyday apart from when bancor released and it fell to complete crap and you were too ashamed to show your face, genuinely - that was hilarious, thank you.
But don't you remember all those claims you made about 5x ico price at launch?
20x in the first week, do you remember all that bullshit you spewed out?
You're an absolute moron OP, your coin is recovering just like everything else in the market but bancor is never going to be a coin that is going to make you rich, the coin is literally designed to be a stable form of currency exchange, everything about it is literally designed NOT to moon. If you already have enough money bancor is a solid investment as it has a high chance to keep its value and you'll make very small % gains gradually.
But its not going to turn your 3 digit portfolio into a millionaire you fucking retard.
this guy gets it. BNT was never going to 10x overnight.
it is, however, probably the most solid long term play right now.
I'll Screencap this and post it next summer when I 50x my investment
Bancor is designed to be the base form of currency for all future community-based coins
If normies are ever going to adopt cryptocurrencies it will be through a protocol like bankers.
No companies going to buy fucking Factom coins on an exchange to pay for their services
However they will buy BNT to pay for various services needed for their business, if BNT gives a proper platform for valuable currencies.
If you think a fucking normie is going to use a Hex address and fucking Bittrex to transfer assets, you're out of your fucking mind.
Bancor is Coinbase and Bittrex combined
Faggot. Go buy some sia or something
It is, and I'll say that it is free money to invest in this hard as a motherfucker at least until the market cap surpasses dogecoin.
Who gives a fuck. If you buy through the Smart Contract you get whitelisted so even if ETH moons you can trade it back for the same amount of ETH you put it.
I bought into bancor last night for less than $3, wish I could have bought more but my funds were tied up in polo because of their fucking withdrawal limit
Pajeet confirmed
beancor token changer when?
It may be Unstoppable but I bet her pussy is Flappable.
Buy more digishit, faggot.
Slowly making BNT my reserve crypto currency over bitcoin. Once they setup the ability to buy crypto with a credit card I'm all in. Imagine if coinbase had a coin that increased in price and stability with each transaction? This is the Bancor network. The future of crypto.
repeat with me: shitcoin
It's up 10% in the past 2 days. That's not bad! Unfortunately, ETH is up 33%.
So unstoppable that everyone wants to sell and no one wants to buy.
ETH IS beating almost every coin, but other coins have higher potential given their smaller market cap.
Go back to your pajeetcoins
i-is this really how it will work?
im gonna keep my eth and wait for this jew dollar to dip
yes it will you jew hater . this cocksucket dosent even have a 1 bill market cap yet . ill give you a second to think about that
I literally dreamt about Galia today. She was kinda mixed with another person like is often the case with dreams, but still. I entered my room and she was sleeping in my bed, said hmm nice what a cute chick and went to sleep, we talked a bit in the morning. Wtf guys I think I need a girlfriend.