So...are you idiots ready to lose everything?

So...are you idiots ready to lose everything?

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If that's really true, I'm ready to drop $10k on $900 btc. As are many others. Which is why it won't happen.

>If that's really true, I'm ready to drop $10k on $900 btc.

Since you are a laggard norm, you won't feel that way when BTC actually drops to $900

how do you feel knowing you are a sheep in disbelief stage?

I'm no sheep, I bought BTC before Winklevoss twins

Don't fool yourself. The last disbelief stage was in 2015 when Veeky Forums wanted nothing to do with cryptos.

We haven't bottomed out just yet.

Nice try banks. Market is close to 0.1% saturation, and fiat currencies are dead anyway. Welcome to the future, adapt or go extinct.

if you have a nice cost basis for ETH or really any of these coins use this bounce to lighten up exposure

you can always rebuy, but 40% moves up and down in a week is cause for concern

if it gets there you will too scared to pull the trigger

>fiat is dead
>be forced to buy btc with usd

these cycles repeat in cryptos too, but it seem to be happening once a month with small corrections rather than every few year with a total market crash.

>tfw i can live with this

Calling me a laggard norm.

Genuine kek. Where do you think I got the $10k to drop?

ITT: No coiners mad that they spaghetti-handed their holdings instead of BTFD

It's ok guise. Eth will stabilize around $70.

>still posting the same chart after being wrong for several months in a row

> but it seem to be happening once a month with small corrections rather than every few year with a total market crash.

Let me guess, this is your first year trading?

The markets have had 80%-90% crashes before

If we ever see btc again at 900 I am ready to go balls deep. If it keeps dropping I am ready to put in more
>implying the nose dosnt know

Fuck off Pajeet im not selling you my coins

I'm a natural risk taker.

So only a 100,000% (yes that's correct, ETH was 60 cents last year) return from last year. That's too bad..

You realize it's not possible for a crash to happen right? There's too many holders for it to happen.

I agree completely. When it returns to $70, i'll still be quite happy. You 300ers on the other hand, will be quite cucked.

Lol, cucks trying to catch the false rise.

That's where you are wrong kiddo, ever heard of panic Sells?

Yeah. Plus theres way to much money in it now. I said before I would not drop down to 2k again. The only way it crashes low is if something happens that causes people to lose faith in it and start panic selling. With the economy about to descend in to the pits of hell, I can only see BTC ascending to heaven.

And taking me with it.

The future of crypto really depends on what happens August 1st.
People say it's not an issue anymore, but it's clear as fuck it still is.
Miners could potentially make the whole market crash.

>if it gets there you will too scared to pull the trigger

This. it's why people don't "buy the dip"

if BTC goes to $900 your perspective is going to completely change, and its going to look like a stupid idea to buy it

You retards ever get tired of using that chart?

>Posts that chart when it was 35 bucks per ether
>Again in 150
>Again in 250

What ever happens, buy American. Never, NEVER, trust a chink.

You can make a lot of money by joining this telegram group:

thanks user I already did lots of money thanks to that telegram group!

thats korea btw

Cant trust a gook either.

Also it was the only one I could post on a blue board, you know why.

Why is all the media attention not in the media attention part

cope more nigger

FUD is hilarious

BTC is looking very healthy right now. Go read some TA on tradingview to get a feel for the general consensus. I know TA isn't everything, it is an indication.

A top hedge fund guy just came out and said he sees the crypto market at 5.4 trillion in 5 10 years. He is much smarter than you and your mainstream chart.

Get out of the business of calling tops it never works well.

I have to wait 50 years for my BTC to pay off? Ill probably be dead by then.

The sheer fact that a single institutional investor could double the entirety of the Crypto Market Cap (with plenty of money to spare), shows that this chart is fucking stupid and outrageously off.

You think the institutional investors already put their money in crypto? Fucking laughable.

Get ready for each legitimate cryptocurrency to make news and go through BTC growing stages, all the while the coins that "bursted" grew to new heights in stealthmode.

But what would be their aim. Those people are loons. They want to make money not retain wealth. I could see them using it hide their wealth for tax evasion purposes. Then they would want something like monero.

Be investment bank:
>stealthbuy $10m of promising altcoin
>announce you bought $10m of said altcoin
>price 10x in a month, profit $$$

That's why I'm toning down my trading even though I was making decent money. Too easy to miss a big pump that'll never go down.

>implying I didn't already buy the dip

What concerns me is a company that can dump 10 million in to a coin can take it away as well.

Lets say you are Satan in the Flesh, Goarge Soros. And you dont like these crytofags, they are interfering with your plans to steal all the wealth in the world and turn every country in to South Africa. So you take a small portion of your money, say, 1 billion. Then start pumping and dumping. Completely driving crypto in to chaos until you have soaked it all up and driven the price so far in to the ground, mankind wont have the technology to dig it back out for 5000 years and no one ever touches crypto again. Sure you lost a billion but you have 30 more in reserve and destroyed a threat.

I don't get why you guys post this pic. Isn't this pic related to how stocks work? We're dealing with currencies. Not the same thing as stocks. From what I've seen so far, all the pocs with stock patterns haven't been the same as cryptocurrencies.

Stop posting this pic you faggot.

False. I've seen this pattern everywhere in crypto.

you either think that btc and crypto has a future or you dont.
that is speculation.
I see a future where you are holding yourself under a desk.

Pumps and Dumps

I haven't! You idiots keep forcing these patterns but they are barely similar. I swear you guys post these "patterns" so you can feel like you are some sort of big time New York stock trader instead of being a fat lonely neet that you are.

As long as you buy low and sell high or hold longterm coins, ignore all these """"patterns"""".

Then you're a fucking idiot. You have the option of protecting yourself now and protect your gains today then buy in later but you're happy with cutting you're wealth by five. It doesn't matter what eth did for you last month. It matters what it's gonna do for you tomorrow.

How do I into economy? I want in on this action.

>Winklevoss twins
are they still holding everything? back then they claimed to own like 1% of all btc in circulation

>Then you're a fucking idiot. You have the option of protecting yourself now and protect your gains today then buy in later but you're happy with cutting you're wealth by five.

No, user, you are the idiots.

Listen, nobody can tell the future and what will happen tomorrow. DEAL WITH IT

>i posted some meme graph i found in my psychology 101 textbook and think it means something

BTFD pussy