WHAT I LEARNED IN Veeky Forums IS...
Other urls found in this thread:
Op is a gigantic faggot
The nation most responsible for World War 1, is Serbia.
We would be colonizing another solar system right now if the Roman empire never collapsed
Winning arguments on the internet is a sure sign of masculinity and virility.
The ladies love it.
Napoleon was 3 feet tall
Germany dindu nuffin, ever.
Veeky Forums is /pol/ with dates
Fuck Reddit
Austria and then Serbia if there's a race
france isnt a meme civilization (lol)
Germans are and always have been subhumans.
It is Germany's ultimate desire to destroy Europe
Veeky Forums is full of idiots.
Historians from prestigious universities are no match to the average hikikomori shitposter
Islam as a whole would be better without the Saudis and Wahhabism
>no mention of France whatsoever
If it weren't for them entering the war it wouldn't have escalated like it had. They were opportunistic fucks who wanted revenge for the Franco-Prussian War. The only country acting in the interests of peace and justice was Britain.
Anyone remember when this was relevant?
>why didnt France roll over and die and let Germany have its hegemony over Europe
Wow gee I really wonder
t. Lindybeige
Also, Germany declared war on France. And Germany basically demanded France leave itself open to an invasion.
All redheads are Franks
I remember when we used to belittle people for arguing over the internet. Now it's the norm.
Maybe because France until today is a captured
country by zionist piece of shit and brainwashed people by the elites?
giving reddit a colony was a mistake
John Green is the greatest historian alive.
what is Veeky Forums?
Asia would be white and center of civilization if not for the genocide of Asian whites by mongoloids
my sides
Go to bed Dmitry
abradramic religions are based on blood sacrifice just like paganism and occultism
i am always right and you're wrong.
Germans are responsible for literally everything wrong in this world.
not a single person on this board is over the age of 18 except me
Being French is the equivalent of having a severe mental illness
Reminder that Francophobia is a mental disease
& Humanites was a mistake
Finland is the true successor to Rome
absolutely nothing
in fact I feel stupider and less knowledgeable just by browsing Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is very gullible.
some faggots will repost a thread the same day before the old one 404s.
People don't know anything about history
mass murder is human nature
The Holocaust actually did happen.
That the Holocaust is mostly fake.
For fucks sake