What philosophical position do you hold?
What philosophical position do you hold?
death to nerds
Also which philosophers are your biggest inspiration for that view?
transcendental idealism + anxiety over unconditioned being + belief in god as a ridiculous, unreachable but nominally guiding concept
Hitler wasn't the bad guy
I don't, that's why I'm right and everybody else is wrong.
>holding any but your own
You've been memed.
You haven't watched the webm, I see
That everyone else is wrong but me, even if I can't prove it though there is always proof, and if they're right it's only because they agree with me.
I believe in God if someone was to ask me, but I'm not necessarily sure my actions reflect such a stance. Unfortunately, I think most modern Christians also fit this bill; to truly believe in talking donkeys or pillars of fire would result in absurd actions that follow suite. The Apostle Paul, he believed; St. John, he believed; but me and the rest of Americans, probably not.
spacetime substantivalism and wavefunction realism.
I sleep comfortably at night
>peak winona
muh charlie dickens
What is this webm from?
Philosophers aren't like football teams where you 'pick' one to cheer for, cunts.
the 80s
She got hotter with age DESU
Then again I'm into older women in general so fuck me right
Virtue ethics nailed on to epicueanism in a very odd way. I still occasionally think that mass suicide for existential reasons might be a good idea.
I approve of this philosophy
I'll have whatever he's having.
Gnostics get the fuck out.
Everyone is making shit up and pretending their enlightened, me too!
Nihilism, I guess. Not the edgy kind, the fun kind.
Some weird mix of Stirner, Locke and Evola.
I believe its from a movie called Heathers. Pretty fun dark comedy.
Agnostic bordering on nihilist and vice versa depending on the circumstances with a dash of rastafarianism, if you catch muh drift
>a dash of rastafarianism
Are you actually Jamaican or are you some white college aged kid going through a reggae phase
I hold to the young noni aesthetic.
i think he means he smokes a lot of weed
forgot pic, thats how indebted I am to my philosophical outlook: daydreaming mixed with doesn't give a shit plus another helping of doesn't give a shit
That fits with the latter
Finished college 4 years ago so no
>if you catch muh drift
Only if you are unsubtle and persist in your wrong conclusions.
Finished college four years ago so no, fucked up with the first reply as it was meant for you
Marxism Leninism (dialectical materialism)
Nah, isnt that like more of an aesthetic and/or lifestyle than a philosophical outlook anyways? Sorry to answer your question with a question, dont know the full deets of cyperpunk culture
Women are better than men
We only exist because the concept of infinity wouldn't exist otherwise.
Lots of space rastas in cyberpunk
Always held the impression it was just a bunch of dudes and dudettes stuck between wanting to be an extra in Citizen Kane and championing go-go gadget cosplaying.
Do you actually attempt to live like a stoic?
Cash Rules Everything Around Me
Get the money, dolla dolla bill y'all
Traditionalist-Liturgical-Confessional Christian with some Stoicism in day to day life
I grew up on the crime side, The New York Times side.
Fuck off, child
dtn (death to nerds)
is this a meme
I think what you lack is a close and personal encounter with God.
You should seek that if you call yourself a believer
Guys what is the next level after Stoicism ? Something more modern perhaps ?
For now I like Stoicism more but I wouldn't mind read more than ancient Greek stuff.
Some weird psuedo trifecta of Non-Denominational Christianity, Agnostic, and Nilhilism
I suppose Nietzsche is the one I think about and agree with most frequently. I'm not a teen, though. His philosophy motivates me to do shit.
So the edgy kind.
Enlightenment is a waste of time. The purpose is to live, and improve quality of life. Produce, reproduce, so on.
Any philosophy that does not advocate this is a cancerous game of verbal masturbation that needs to be thrown in the trash.
So about 99% of it all.
>What philosophical position do you hold?
I don't know.
not at all mate, read 'better never to have been'
>The purpose is to live, and improve quality of life.
my ass
Christianity, nihilism, anti-nihilism.
I hate nihilism, and it can be seen as nothing but an infantile mind playing with reductionism and claiming to have enough knowledge to slay all meaning, especially the meta-level is outright denied, since we know all our knowledge from the binary world. Except we don't get any knowledge from it, it merely seems to change the connections.
However, the damage seems to stay despite acknowledging the foolish nature of it all.
No it's not.
Isn't every answer to the purpose of life just someone saying the purpose of life though?
So you're basically criticizing a oversimplification of an already very simplistic philosophy for being simple.
The one where you sort of float through life a virgin and can't bring up the nerve to just talk to that girl in your english class already.
stealing from the rich is ok
Where is the line? Is it
>owns more than I do
>owns anything at all
>owns pic related
>having a life philosophy instead of just running around doing whatever the fuck you like or want, no self-reflective questions asked, because you feel like it
Fucking plebs
>mostly empiricist
>agnostic atheist
>some amount of stoicism against my anxiety disorder
I probably forgot some ideologies
STEM-induced idealism coupled with individualism (and essentially hedonism)
The school of wanting to die.
But that's also kind of a philosophical position.
Not if you don't make a conscious effort to do so.
If you have conceptualized it and continue to act upon on it, then it is a philosophical position.
scandinavia is where the pussy's at, bros
So if I conceded to your point, what would my position be? Instinctivism?
I don't know if someone has made up a name for it yet, just invent something
Oh cool. I'll go with jemenfichism.
I used to have sympathies with materialism / socialism
But I've recently been reading some conservative thinkers and finding myself convinced to an extent.
That is, even though the materialist/ atheist conception of history is objectively correct, it is not as useful as a tarditionalist/ theistic one in organising society.
In other words
>NEET comes across Los Zetas Cocaine Bunker
>is already on his way to becoming a keyboard Nazi
No, I'm afraid I don't know what any of that means. Nazism is not conservative. I've been reading P. Hitchens and Scruton.
I give you 3 months before you start ranting about the Jooz on unrelated boards. What is your general mental health?
I think you misunderstand what Conservatism is.
so exploitation is a better organising principle than mutual aid? that doesn't sound very convincing.
I don't, but here Conservatism is a gateway for becoming a frothing schizo basement Nazi.
Just ignore the marxist, he has mental problems
end nerdshaming
I'm more convinced by the social and morally conservative principles of these writers. I still do not believe in class and I don't believe I ever will.
Not at all. Conservatism by its very nature conserves. Nazism etc. are all radical ideologies and have far more in common with other radical ideologies.
lol. someone was born into the middle class.
some day i will pass this well
Nope. My parents are both working class and I went to a comprehensive school.
Now answer the mental health question. Do you have a healthy social life? Are you in a relationship? Are you on pills?
I thought you didn't believe in class.