>yfw you realize there is so much fucking money out there that if you're not at least a millionaire by the time you are 30, you fucked up and weren't paying attention
Yfw you realize there is so much fucking money out there that if you're not at least a millionaire by the time you are...
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so? become a millionaire at 31.
Good thing i got 7 more years to strike gold on this crypto rush
I guess . but there are so many sharks out there .. every normie investing scheme is a ponzi , cryptos are super volatile. could try to start some sort of business but there are so many smart developers out there capturing massive markets. not saying its impossible but it feels pretty difficult sometimes.
I'm 22 and I feel I ran out of time to become a millionaire and have to work and finish school
Beliefs are your only limits
>tfw 30 is constantly being mentioned as the deadline to make it
>tfw already 30
>tfw no gf/no kids
Where did it all go wrong for me lads? Don't be like me, 30 will hit you in the face quicker than you think.
mu nugga
you will have a rude awakening when you hit 30. see how poor is the world. most 30 and over are dirt poor.
you are not special. you are not gonna make it.
31 reporting in. That's because this board is populated by literal children who can't comprehend life after 25.
getting gfs gets easier as you get older
31 here too. high-five m8
>tfw being broke and 30 give a nigga the chills
Ok pajeet sorry but the rest of us arent stuck shitting in a street for the next 10 years
21 reporting here. Net worth-500 Dolares. Please help me elders, what advice would you give me to avoid making the mistakes that you made through your twenties?
When did you start actively trying? because im 23 and want to hit it before 25
Bet it all on the Patriots.
you would think that. but you're a lot less likely to put up with people's little annoyances at that age than in your mid twenties, and you're a lot less likely to get yourself out in girl meeting situations, especially as you might not have any bros to do it with, no homo
Im 20 and this is the only thing ive got going in my life. I hope im gonna make it.
When you reach 30 years old, the scales tip in your favor. Men become more valuable than women. No one will give a shit about some 30 year old used cunt unless she is married.
Enjoy your 30s son, the world is literally your oyster. 20s you were still too young and naive to know fully how things work. With 30s you have your idealism, and plus you have invaluable life experience.
I agree with this sentiment. Most people don't "make it" until they are in their 30s, even into their 40s.
20 with 200k? You can open a small business now user, your dreams are possible, you can do whatever you want dont waste that working somewhere you hate.
I am mediocre at everything i do and 'im also lazy. The only thing i've been good at is riding the cryptowave.
32 is the deadline for making it.
In ancient Rome or Greece, I forget which, you could lose citizenship if you were still single and unsuccessful by 32, or at least you were seen as a delinquent. Often what your family would do is pair you up with a 16 year old and get you married in a rush if you were approaching that "deadline".
The basic idea was that 32 years was enough time for a man to get himself in order (achievements, career, etc) and marrying a much younger girl meant you could potentially have lots of children. I personally think that's how it should be but the current cultural climate is pretty hostile towards men, teen-pregnancy, families, etc.
doesnt matter, mediocre is more than enough to keep a smart small business afloat, and if you really care about it youll be able to keep it up, so choose something you love.
Wise user
>buy 21 BTC
>hold 5 years
>turn 30 and be rich
What's so hard?
I wish i liked anything. I only tolerate things. I'll just keep my job for now and in a year or too if the cryptowave was good enought, just invest that in stocks, bonds, idex funds and stuff like that and i can retire with a modest lifestyle.
I've tried since I was 15 to not be a fat failure, but there is some sort of inbuilt genetic flaw in my composition that makes me either give up when things get annoying or angry whenever unfair things happen to me.
Every 3 years I try my best to be better than I was and I fail each time, due to constant changes in my environment.
As I am now 27, I have one more chance to make it again in life, if I have not made at least $2 million by the time I am 30, I will become an emotionless wagecuck with no ambition and earn Crypto on the side and hopefully fuck off forever.
See you in some bamboo shack somewhere in Asia.
25yr old millionaire chiming in. Havent cashed out much yet, and barely anyone knows i'm a millionaire lol. I want to go for 10mil and then get the fuck out.
My plan exactly, what do you do when youre out?
Wow you're right, it's easy!! Let me just buy 21 BTC!!
(looks at bank account)
Hmm, guess not!!
The number one secret to making money, unless you're some sort of financial genius: networking with other human beings.
And that's why Veeky Forums is fucked.
Travel around the world for at least a year. Then we'll see. I might actually buy a lambo for the lulz.
I do pretty damn well at my sales job. I don't want to work 9-5 though and I know I won't be a millionaire doing so.
What avenue allows you to make money without a boss?
I've only got a few months until I'm 30.
No where near a mil.
Wat do?!
Same only been shook out like 4 times this year but at least I keep buying back in
>tfw 26 and only made 100 grand from crypto this year.
>networking with other human beings.
95% of humans out there are fucking trash.
That being said, I feel like I joined this rollercoaster a bit late. I'm 24 and only for $250 into the game a month ago.
Hodl me goys
Buy IOTA, it's going to be $100 by the end of the year.
In ancient rome you didn't go to school until your mid twenties, and houses didn't cost 30 years wages.
>entered crypto world 2 weeks ago
>portfolio worth $300
At least I wasn't stupid enough to buy at ATH. bought into BTC around 2550
We didn't lie, you just misunderstood the facts. We were talking about the Barbie Dream Mansion™
gee I hope, holding 4.5 GIOTA
at least 100.
Ran out of time? What were you gonna do become a millionaire in high school?
I just wish I had a little moneys
you are a little monkey.
You are going to be a 30 year old balding loser unless you are rich, that is, unless you buy 21 BTC now.
I'm 24 and already on suicide watch, no job, can't pay the gas bills and I'll freeze next winter, I just want to end it t.b.h
Dude, are you saying you can't make 21 BTC soon enough before its too late?
People are braindead, im sure BTC will not explode x100 in a while, you have plenty of time until everyone in denial stage jumps on the capital B blockchain.
whats your plan to get 10 mil? hopefully going all in on BTC
tell me more about your plan to put 21 btc into iota.
Are you Sure? i got 200k in my bank just 4k in crypto i don't know if btc will still be there in the future thats why i'm afraid.
who wants to buy IOTA?
Do you want to be rich or want to be a pussy?
BTC will outlive you and all of your family.
i'll wait for your adderall to kick in.
Could 1 Bitcoin reach like 20k? even with that, you will only make 375k its fucking peanuts in need millions.
I know your feels bro....I know your feels
I would be fine making 2k$ a year
33 here no wife no kids
I feel like I have no purpose I should have my own family to raise and protect but I don't. I've hit the wall.
Got no one to blame but my self spent too much time gaming instead of experiencing things
Where the fuck do you live, Somalia?
There's still time you fool
2k buys a lot of dirt cookies.
Why do you pick the number 30?
Are being jewed into following some 'life plan' bullshit?
1,000,000 and 30 are both arbitrary numbers.
don't you enjoy life and the fact that you can do whatever you want whenever you want an have no responsibilities like a family tying you down?
Im kinda thinking of breaking up with my gf because I want that freedom
>don't you enjoy life and the fact that you can do whatever you want whenever you want an have no responsibilities like a family tying you down?
I'm almost 30, single and I definitley enjoy that. I live off my passive income and crypto trading. Live in different countries around the world.
But some men are just geared to settle down and have a family, or maybe they just read /pol/ too much.
I feel like I'd have a great time being single. Im very introverted and probably have undiagnosed depression so I most of the time prefer sitting at home alone rather than hanging out with friends.
Tbh I dont feel a need to start a family but maybe that's just because I'm 22, does that need start later in life?
It's probably because I'm an introvert aswell so I don't really spend my free time doing anything.
I have money but what's the point of travelling by myself for example.
what do you think traveling means? people go new places to do things. why would you want to go somewhere and do something?
in Europe in mother's basement
ya i dont really like traveling all that much. I prefer to stay in my neighborhood while doing the hobbies I like. Lately I've gotten into rock climbing. It's very fun and quite challenging. I'd rather have enough passive income to be able to go rock climbing twice a week during the day instead of going to work
See new things etc
> I have money but what's the point of travelling by myself for example.
Strange attitude. For the enjoyment of exploring a new place.
that sounds lovely.
> Tbh I dont feel a need to start a family but maybe that's just because I'm 22, does that need start later in life?
I don't know I don't feel that need. Pressure seems to start later in life though.
Damn if you're like this at 22. It only gets worse. What's happening is you're not keeping up with subtle things in the culture (and it moves fast nowadays) you'll be an Alien in 5-10 years. I'm this way now at 30. But honestly if your a loner you won't really mind. I worry more about how odd i look to others. As long as you have a couple hundred grand by then You can just tell people you're a busy but successful crypto trader.
starting a family at that age is way too early, around 27-33 comes the need
How are you not a millionaire by 30 though?
I'm trying to figure it out...because even if I never ever got a raise for 10 years at this job and spent pretty recklessly, and NEVER invested a single penny of my money, I would be a millionaire by 30. And that's accounting for my wife, which you said you don't have.
How the fuck are you not a millionaire?
Yup, what you described sounds like me a lot. I feel like a loner and desu I'm ok with it most of the time, I enjoy being alone at home. Like you described, when I go out in public to do "social" things by myself, I also worry that people might find me weird that I'm watching a movie or eating at a restaurant by myself. Oh well.
oh ya I know rn is too early but I'm just wondering if it's some sort of instinct that kicks in where you want to start a family. Because I don't seem to have that at all. To me, having kids seems very similar to having a pet, they're just more expensive. This might be cynical but I'd rather be left alone than ahve to "deal" with raising kids.
....how? Is the cost of living cheap where you live? I just graduated college and started a 53k/yr job a few weeks ago, after taxes that 53k is something closer to 40k. That's a decent salary for a kid my age. The problem is where I live a 1 bedroom apartment in a decent neighborhood is 1500/month minimum. If I didnt have any bills whatsoever and just paid rent, that leaves me 22k each year to save/invest. I'll be 30 in less than 8 years, that means saving everything would only be 176k. Not even close to a million
Phil Jackson got fired from the NY Knicks today as GM/president and worked for a total of 1,200 days. He was paid $60 million for it or $50,000 a day.
>mfw becouse of stupid laws i could have been a millionare at 16 but no you got to be 18 to use your inheritance which is slowly being jewed away by negative interest
I'm paying 1750 per month in rent, about 175 per month in utilities, 65 a month for internet, 800 every 6 months in car insurance, 300 every 3 months for water, and 600 in everything else, including groceries. Not cheap.
I graduated college December 2016 and started working right away but I guess my salary is a little high.
Still. If you put your money into even just funds or something, it would compound enough that you'd get to a million by that time (9 years here).
100 grand ain't bad, faggot.
do you make $200k a year or something?
I have roughly 350 grand in crypto I have 5 years left to meet my goal which is 2million.
2 million
-taxes = 1.6 million
1 million in the stock market
400k for a house
200k for living expenses for a few years(which should be low, which means I wont need to pull out of my investments for quite some time).
That's my goal. I have basically no other money besides what I have in crypto holdings but I have a well paying job. I could live off my savings and investments for the rest of my life and never have to be a wage slave again I've gone all in to accomplish this it's victory or death for me. I refuse to be a wageslave for the rest of my life.
Patently false about the education bit.
>"A Roman student would progress through schools just as a student today might go from primary school to secondary school and then to college."
Don't know much about housing costs in ancient Rome though, but I think that 32 idea is a good standard to hold to.
>I graduated college December 2016
>How are you guys not millionaires yet??
Opinion disregarded.
Never spend any money. I can't tell you how much I wasted on useless amazon shit that I never use anymore. Stop eating out, don't get a gf because she will suck you dry. Google cardboard + your phone is just as good if not better. Don't let the jew banks keep your money. Put it in btc and under your mattress
yes but sit on a beach somewhere, smile at people when they look at you, and you will make friends, your life will change.
you must make a lot of money then. I did the maths because I am autismo. Inflation and investing not taken into account to make this simple.
Your rent/bills total 27,280/yr and since you are 9 years away from being 30, that means in 9 years you will have spent 245k on rent/bills. If you want to have a million saved up then in 9 years you need to make 1,245,000 which means that your salary, after taxes, is 138k/yr. Which means before taxes your salary has to be something like 210k. And you're 6 months out of college? What do you do?
I'm doing that.
kneepad salesman
It will reach 1 million+
I work in IB
Thank you for your kind advice. I'm going to make a strong effort to live frugally from now on, I've already been cutting down on expenses like smoking and eating out.
The only thing which I really enjoy and don't think I can or even want to give up is alcohol. But even if I stick with that I suppose I'll have enough left to make crypto/stock investments.
I don't have a gf so that is not a problem. Probably not going to have one in the near fear future also because I don't have good smv desu. I guess that just saves up more money fo investing.
Dude I would kill to have that.
Start a business, that's what I did, that's my direction in life. Pay people to make money for you. Working is for suckers. Just pay other people to work and keep the lion's share of the profits to yourself.
25k at age 30 gonna off meself tonight thx OP