Why does he trigger the British so much?
Why does he trigger the British so much?
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Napoleon did Britain an enormous favor, he practically neutered Europe for a century and his successor Napoleon III made France dependent on them to counter-balance Germany.
Also, its his blocus that triggered the industrial revolution in England.
fuck me i wish he had won
Same he was /ourguy/.
He did win though
Also the Peninsular War guaranteed that Spain would never be able to threaten Britbongistan again.
Hahaha no, the Armada was the last time Spain could threaten Britain.
Because they are a bunch of faggots. He fought basically for the same shit that the British already had: A parliamentary monarchy, and the rights of men. I am reading his biography right now, he seemed like a great guy. He literally freed most of Europe from disgusting despotism. Also he Napoleonic Code was redpilled as fuck
He won in my heart.
And the libraries and parks and schools he established. Also don't forget one of the best things Nappy did was the extermination of the >HRE.
Why does he trigger the French so much?
Don't cry because it's over smile because it happened
Yeah but "the Armada" was three different fleets, one of which landed soldiers on Cornwall.
Why are British so delusional they think they won the Napoleonic War? It was the Prussians that ended France's final bid when Napoleon returned, not retarded blue-blood Albion kun.
I think wrongly added a "p" there.
Ivan pls
Historical revisionism hates Napoopan because he 'was evil White man who killed many people'. i HATE LEFT WING REVISIONISM
Why no Napoleon biopic yet? DIsgusting
There was no way the 100 days could have succeeded, the French Empire died at Leipzig.
just imagine how glorious would French-influenced Europe be
he BTFO'd them so consistently that even after eventually defeating him they are still so fucking triggered that they spent 200+years desperately trying to meme him into a cartoon villain, he's an eternally smug pepe staring down at them from history
>It was the Prussians
if there was one constant of the Napoleonic era it was Prussia getting BTFO by France
>tfw we got anglo-german influenced Europe instead
why even have a civilization desu
It would be disgusting to shorten such an eventful and great life to just 3 hours.
I doubt the average French even knows who Horatio Nelson is
>the destruction of the grand army and the continential system wasn't the main cause of Napoleon's downfall because the Prussians outmaneuvered him at Waterloo.
Prussia has a great military history, but apart from Waterloo, all they did in the Napoeleonic wars was lose
Many tried but crumbled under the immensity of the project.
French Empire died at Waterloo. If Napoleon didn't suddenly become infected with a sudden case of stupid he would've used his old magic to pull another Austerlitz on the British.
The Empire died at Leipzig, a victory at Waterloo doesn't account for Austria and Russia's mobilization. Napoleon would've had to pull off 2 or 3 Austerlitzs to go back to 1812.
nah lad literally everyone just talks about waterloo. there's nothing amongst brits but pride about this
The entire strategy was to knock out the British then isolate the Prussians. This double knockout blow would've definitely had the political and military ramifications had Napoleon succeeded of making the Czar withdraw from attempting to prolong the inevitable.
I like how I watched a PBS documentary and even the venerable British historian is like "We take far too much credit then we deserve as the real victors were the Prussians in defeating France, not the English."
The entire strategy was to knock out all the coalition powers, because Britain, Austria, Prussia, Spain, and Russia all declared war on Napoleon literally days after he escabed Elba. A defeat at Waterloo would've not have won the war there and then, in fact Waterloo was really the easy part for napoleon. The combined armies of Austria and Russia would be much more dangerous and difficult to defeat.
nah, couldn't stand a europe of frog language
>tfw you can only think and speak in english
Span and Russia would have done nothing once Prussia and the British were knocked out.
>austria haha
>having one of the largest and best-equipped armies in Europe lol
>Russia would have done nothing because Napoleon defeated 1/3 of the coalition's strength
there's shit-loads of alternate history video-games and stories that have been made, but I've never seen anything like that about Europe if Napoleon's invasion of Russia was victories. An alternate history where the French empire lasted for a long time is by far one of the most interesting and plausible alternate histories, but instead it's just a rehashed Wolfenstein.
as the good Lord intended for the civilized world
it would need about 8 feature length films
>largest most well equipped armies in europe
>need poland to pick up your slack when the ottoman comes calling
>references to a war that took place in the 1600s to describe the Austrian military in the napoleonic wars
Also I said one of, not 'the'
He was defeated by his betters, gods chosen people; THE BRITISH. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN
God Save the Queen.
It took enormous shekels amounts to defeat him
it also helped that he gifted the french and spanish navies to the floor of the Mediterranean, and ~500k frenchman to the frozen ground of russia
how do we break free of the Anglo-Matrix without falling into the G*rman cesspit?
you can't :)
fear not, ours is a benevolent language
Napoleon was everything stormfags pretend Hitler was.
He doesn't though.
If he is the greatest general since antiquity, then the fact he surrendered to the English twice is a great inflation of their ego.
Also, I think you will be surprised how little the British think or even know of Napoleon.
Explain this ridiculous statement.
Because we hate incompetent manlets?
Because just like Hitler, he also caught dysentery and most likely pooped himself!
too bad you guys couldnt do it on your own
because he wanted a strong and powerful europe, which is the antithesis of the anglo parasite
>I think you will be surprised how little the British think or even know of Napoleon.
If I recall correctly, Churchill dedicated an entire chapter to arguing why Marlborough was a better general than Napoleon. That doesn't sound like not caring about Napoleon to me.
We thought we would humour old Nappy, we didn't want to go too hard on the old chap, might've hurt him and his irrelevant country.
shame is eternal
or irreversible, like my raincoat
>Explain this ridiculous statement.
stormfag revisionist try to make Hitler into this amazing idealistic revolutionary who sought to unify europe under great leadership when thats what Napoleon was
You also have to remember Churchill is an insane nationalist and egotist.
But he obviously had no chance? The Anglo always wins in the end.
Name a war the Eternal Anglo won against an equal opponent that doesn't resolve itself with superior numbers, extra allies, or betrayal of faith among its opponent's own supporters post-16th century to have a legitimate victory.
I'll be waiting.
>Fighting "fair"
Real talk tho for a second, the eternal Anglos have always been at a disadvantage, smaller landmass, smaller population and less natural resources than others.
They quite masterfully made up for their disadvantages with state craft and have always done so. It might seem cheap or petty or cowardly but if they tried to fight the French the way the French fought them then I doubt the population would stand for it.
>not answering the queston
>moving the goal posts
Dumb disgusting Albion apologist.
>being so fucking dumb you lose your eye
>being so fucking dumb you lose you arm as well
>slog your retarded crippled ass around the decks of ships and act like a war hero for sinking transports and supply ships
Why would we hate him, we won all wars he started, and let us go from great power to world power
Jacobite wars
War of Jenkins war
7 years war
9 years war
I see why the Germans admire him then
>7 years war
>War of Jenkins war
>Result: Status quo ante bellum
First Anglo-Dutch war
Why does this trigger the French and Germans so much?
They can't understand how a people could be so insane as to burn half the good part of your country over a fucking trade deal.
Honestly most brits no nothing about Napoleon he's not even taught in schools over here, personally i'm a huge fan of Napoleon though (secretly kinda wish he won).
On that note though it's incredible how little people know about their own history these days, my gf was born and raised in France and only moved here when she was 15 yet knows fuck all about him.
Next time dont carry an army to talk about trade deals.
You'd think by now that people would realize that Russians are naturally nihilistic and that to them death is release from having to live in Russia.
Would have to be at least 3 series similar to Rome, a movie wouldn't do him justice.
>Old, fat retard has to write good shit about his wuwuz grandpa to escape the fact that he got btfo by hitler and had to watch the britshit empire disappearing
>explaining how your parameters aren't fair is moving the goalpost, and not pointing out that the first goalpost is shit
tu n'as qu'une chose à faire
>Napoleon ended his reigme by enforcing protectionism
This is why we should all be globalists
If the putting down of rebels was more efficient then what was wrong about America
>invasion of Georgia repulsed
AND the fourth one
You made me smile. +1
I don't know what you mean, he's barely remembered in history other than someone that got beaten.
Most Brits would just about recognise his name but very few would be able to tell you much about him at all, let alone get "triggered".
>invasion of Georgia repulsed
Well, yes, but it was a war that the UK had declared, a Status quo ante bellum when you are the one who started the war... Is far from a clear victory.
>Walpole was deeply reluctant to declare war and reportedly remarked of the jubilation in Britain "they are ringing their bells, soon they will be wringing their hands".[10]
not even a frog, but me too
How can you kill that which has no life
>War is a sports game where you have to level the playing field for others to participate.
>he doesn't play wargames with his cousin
>he doesn't order the sending of his cousin's arch nemesis who will eventually order his counsins execution
>"why does Napoleon trigger you"
>rest of the thread is about French butthurt
>In a different time and in a different place
>You would be ma chérie
I want to FUCK Napoleon