How did Tyrone become a common/stereotypical African-American name?
How did Tyrone become a common/stereotypical African-American name?
Scotch-Irish slave masters with Black concubines
Cultural appropriation.
Irish are the blacks of Europe.
and whats with the Le and De prefixes
That makes sense, ty
Pretty sure all that stuff comes from Haitian/Caribbean French creole
There was a celebrity in the 20s called Tyrone and Black people rolled with it
there's a really clever cartoon I've seen where an irishman mistakes a negro for one of his number that's come in to the country before him.
he asks the negro just how long he's been in country, on learning that he's been in country for only three months the irishman exclaims that he wouldn't get a tan like that for all the whiskey in Tipperary, and that he's getting on the next boat back.
That actually sounds quite shit m8. Although maybe you're just bad at describing things
Late 60s attempt to carve out a unique and identifiable Black American culture
>blacks tried to make a unique black culture by appropriating Latin suffix
>black americans pronounce it 'Tie-Rowan'
reeeee it's supposed to be 'tear-owen"
There you go. Logic
more like a foggy memory really fails to relate it adequately, I just gave the gist of it, certainly it was no worse than any meme image, and I got a reasonable chuckle the first time I saw it
it's in the neighborhood of 150 years old most likely
>tfw you will never be able to give your son a strong Roman name like Marcus, Julius, or Tiberius because blacks have culturally appropriated them and your son would have his job application thrown in the trash
>tfw fucking WE WUZ'ers destroyed cool Roman names
Although I could envision someone with a middle name like Atticus and not be frowned upon
Augustus is still a common white name
Here you go, friend.
aha! there is it!
although it's broaching upon disparaging xenophobia for ants territory
irsh were originally black all the white people their are english settlers.
there's a reason why Irishmen are called white niggers
>wanting your kid to be bullied in school
Thank god you'll never actually reproduce.
Not really. The narrative that "whites" have had privilege and have been treated like a monolthic group is false.
name him Gaius faggot
so is australia a white nigger continent then?
Of course not, Australians are rice niggers.
Irish and blacks lived in close proximity to one another in the Americas. Often being forced to interbreed, there was bound to be some sort of cultural exchange
Yeah but Tyrone has never been a personal name in Ireland. In Irish it means "Eoghan's Land".
Yeah nigger are stupid lad
>tfw can't name your son Vercingetorix
You think the Irish are bad?
You should see the irish in the north that want to be british. Bigger we-wuzzers and dindus than your average african americans. What a fucking meme of a "country" NI is, it's like the somalia of Europe.
They're not Irish
Whatever you say my guy, those faggots are awful. Every thread they enter they shit up and they are the biggest bunch of revisionist triggerbabby shitheads I've seen on this board. Worse than fucking norseboos.
according to Caesar that would mean your son was a fool, and significantly inferior to Caesar, who is extremely clever.
I agree
I beg your pardon, but I'm not European.
I'm not him, but you can't argue that they are irish in the same way that the indigenous irish are.
I bet you wouldn't say this about scotland.
NI is as ancient and precious and valuable part of the UK as wales or anywhere. We have beaten the IRA definitively and you faggy taigs and niggers down south have not and will not ever defeat us because we're british no matter how bad that upsets you.
shush, paddy.
I guess, I see everyone on Ireland as "irish" but I get that planters are obviously not the same as connacht dwellers.
oh gosh, you are trolling too hard, friend
>different opinions are trolling
Typical pro-repubican alternative facts. They didn't work in the past and they won't work now. That cuckold Collins got what he deserved.
>I bet you wouldn't say this about scotland
Scotland has existed for about 1200 years, Northern Ireland has existed for less than 100 years
screw you that was pretty funny and I aint even seen the actual comic
It's 100 years old you fucking twat. There are people alive who were born before it existed
in that vein of logical constraint then "Ireland" has only existed for 100 years as well
The Republic of Ireland yeah, nobody disputes this
The English have effectively colonized and controlled Northern Ireland, such that we could consider it as existing separately from Irish Gaelic Ireland since the 16th century.
So I think we can fairly say it's 500 years of history.
Irish Ireland is obviously much older. Who knows when the Irish became a distinct group from Celts?
It comes from Black low income New Orleans
Proddies are mentally retarded
>muh colonial hurrrrittagggeee muh 500 year unbroken ENGLISH bloodline XDDD
God damn this is pathetic.
I don't understand what is pathetic about this.
It's a fact.
I'm not English. I'm an American and have more German and Irish heritage than English.
I literally don't give a fuck about your meaningless island struggles over a completely insignificant amount of land. My extended family probably owns more land collectively than you people have been fighting over for so long.
Roman names that I can think of that are associated with niggers
desu it be kinde cool to be named Virgil
Who says "tie-rowan"? In my hood we say "tie-roan"
In Southside projects we pronounce it "Tire-one"
one of the few names you hear and think exclusively of african-american
What about him?
looks more like a jimmy
You're trying too hard, boyo.
They also tried to escape "white slave culture" by taking names from muslims, a group of people enslaving blacks for hundreds of years to this day. Don't expect any logic from American niggers, they're collectively retarded and so is their "culture"
>it's a "we hate ireland for no real reason" thread
my favourite
its pronounced ti-roan
it was like teer-owen originally iirc
>They also tried to escape "white slave culture" by taking names from muslims, a group of people enslaving blacks for hundreds of years to this day.
That's wrong though. If that was the case Christians would be the exact same as well.
And New Orleans is steeped in French cultural traces and influences.
From the name of a county in Northern Ireland which is derived from Irish Gaelic Tir Eoghain meaning "land of EOGHAN". This name was popularized by American actor Tyrone Power (1914-1958), who was named after his great-grandfather, an Irish actor.
More like Spanish. Even most buildingsof the French quarter is actually from the Spanish colonial period.
my name is roman :3
Hi Roman, wanna go bowling?
not in the slightest
>mfw when i'm irish-german in the us
hyphenated americans are the worst
t. Theodore Roosevelt