>Used to be powerful
>Used to be wealthy
What went wrong?
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Rest of Europe went protestant, they stayed catholic. Same reason there are so few famous chemists, astronomers, etc compared to the rest of Europe.
Armada got BTFO
Colonies BTFO
Years of fucked up shit and civil wars left them in ruins
weren't willing to work hard enough, took too many siestas.
Gold makes you relay structural reform and concentrates power within unaccountable political structures.
>Rest of Europe went protestant, they stayed catholic.
Terrible shitpost. Most of Europe is still Catholic.
It's still wealthy and powerful by the worlds standards.
Time. It'll happen to everyone.
35628190462583917 civil wars
>What went wrong?
They aren't ruled by superior Moors anymore.
Spain is better in every way
See based cortes working with the matives to absolutly BTFO the aztecs
In Spain's case, a big cause was inflation. Theey were arguably the most powerful country in the world besides China for several centuries due to their massive wealth from their colonial empire. But that massive influx of gold and especially silver from the New World hurt them. This constant injection of money hugely distorted the Spanish economy and destroyed local industries. Instead of making goods domestically, Spain would simply import it from other European nations, with an unsustainable model. Combined with the sheer volume of silver, this caused massive inflation and eventually the Spanish economy came to rely on constant injections of gold from the Americas which was the 16th century equivalent of constantly printing money. It's kind of poetic, in a way; the Spanish Empire which had caused so much destruction was essentially choked to death by its own money.
Napoleon's buttfucking of them explains the rest.
Too much prosperity actually.
Massive amounts of silver and gold led the Spanish to just buy whatever they needed. No human capital developed, and when the metals ran out it was straight back to poverty. Saudi Arabia is headed for the same fate.
>the Spanish Empire which had caused so much destruction
The amerinidans who attacked the inca and Aztec empire caused this destruction. The Spanish just replaced on empire for another.
>Most of Europe is still Catholic.
Only the poor and underdeveloped parts, the successful nations are all Christian and not catholic.
t. Jose
If non-whites did that they would be called savages.
Peninsular War was the final nail in the coffin.
>Used to be wealthy
Do you know that both those 2 countries have very high quality of life standards? don't you?
if you compare them with sweden or finland probably they don´t but still.....
it think is more like conjunctures. sweden was poor in the XIX century and iberia was rich, what changed?
True desu, if the Chinese or something did it then Veeky Forums would be pointing to it as an example of Asiatic perfidy and cruelty forever.
>implying non-whites didn't do it
The aztecs were literally hated by everything on the continent
Spain was just doing everyone a favor
>Theey were arguably the most powerful country in the world for several centuries
For ONE century- The rest is correct though; inflation raped them hard
>people like the Aztecs
good meme
Constant civil wars and communist propaganda by the colonies.
Also shit like the colonies uprising and the hundreds of civil wars
The last nail was the armada being destroyed
Anglo pls.
The Armada was rebuild in no time and continued to be the major naval power in europe. It was only challenged some 2 decades or so later by the Dutch and French.
Also, in its time of greatness, the Spaniards had no civil war and only one serious revolt (that continued for 80 years though)
Colony uprisings (if you refer to the Independence Wars) only happened some 150 years after Spain ceased to be a major power
The Chinese did do it, though m
Lack of Fossil Fuels
Belgium, France, Austria, South Germany, north Italy are all catholic
That are horribly ignorant and historically false posts
>Catholicism isn't Christianity
They got challenged by French, English, Dutch and Ottomans and managed to hold it together when they had less population than French. They also managed to colonise 2/3 of Americas and some land in East Indies while being the dominant force in Europe for better part of a century. Spanish Civil War ruined them and after some time they were getting back on track but then Napoleon happened. Also they had like 150 civil wars and internal conflicts.
All in all, they had a fairly good run
>Switzerland is majority Catholic
>Germany is majority Catholic
>Austria is majority Catholic
>Protestantism is irrelevant and dying outside of the USA and Africa
the muslims left
>after Muslims leave
>Discover 2 continents
>Become rich
>Become the dominant superpower in Europe for a while
They dick-waved too much to a bit too many countries so those countries (France, Netherlands, Britain) trolled them to oblivion
because Spain can into imperialism but cannot into economics
Portugal was alright but Spain dragged them into the above bullshit
They fell for the gold meme and stopped trying to produce actual goods.
They still had the fucking inquisition while the rest of the world was embracing science, humanism, and other modern views.
Basically they remained primitive and missed the train to success.
You can later see this with Russia and Ottomans missing out on industrialization, thinking its a fad they shouldn't bother with.
They have been constatly at war for over 200 years against France, England, the Ottomans, north africans, dutch and protestant germans while relying only gold and silver from their colonies and completly ignoring their own industry which then led to bankruptcy.
Another reason is that other countries (especially france) catched up on military in the late 1600s and actually managed win battles against the spanish, which then failed to adapt and started to lag behind and were unable to protect their interests in europe.
>Wars with fucking everyone
>Small population, dispersed
>Bad monarchs
>Civil wars every other tuesday
>Anglo historians belittling their accomplishments
>The rise of the UK as a true hegemon
still one of the best countries to live
t. german expat living in Granada
asians shoved east europe shoved nordics shoved england, also shoved by germanics shoved by franks shoved by romans, england than shoved franko, which in turn shoved spain
her only saving grace was the fact that they eventually figured out the flat world theory was a troll hoax employed by a northern anglosphere to keep them the fuck out of europe.
cherry picking middle of nowhere churches this hard is not good desu
This. And communism after civil war 30 no one realized we need to genocide to get rid of this shit like every other country.
Blame this guy
Another lets pretend that Spain is not a first world country thread?
Most Protestant churches are ugly as a reflection of the theology and people who worship there
Spain was an incredibly corrupt state by the mid 17th century and then about a full century of chaos followed Napoleon's invasion.
It comes off as a poor imitation. Like the entire protestant faith.
Thats really your best comeback, after nine hours, really?
>yeah well just take high church anglicans and not calvinists
catholic churches
Arab admixture in the gene pool kicked in.
How many crusades did protestcunts fight again?
When was Spain ever relevant? Shit hole to fund Habsburgs and Burbons that lucked out funding an italian explorer
It was the major power in western europe from around 1450-1650.
Spain's nobility was one-tenth of its population. They spent some of their fortune seeking government office, and in government, it is said, were thirty parasites for every man who did an honest day's work. Some of the nobility maintained customs barriers as a source of revenue, taxing commerce and driving up prices. The government taxed the working poor more than it did the wealthy, while the idle, vagabonds and discharged soldiers swarmed into the cities and about the imperial court. Harvests in northern and central Spain were gathered by French workers, doing work that the Spaniards preferred not to do and taking their pay back with them to France. Trade and industry in Madrid were pursued largely by Frenchmen, about 40,000 in number, who claimed to be Flemish or Burgundian rather than Frenchmen, in order to escape a special tax imposed upon the French.
>New world holdings produce shitloads of silver and gold
>Spend like crazy
>Spending so much that you have to import everything
>Domestic industry dies because why cobble shoes when you can spend gold that flows like rainwater?
>Gold and silver run dry
Same thing is happening to certain civilizations today
Moctezuma's Revenge, Puto
>bottom left
Is that the fucking house of lords?
>conquered by muslims for hundreds of years
>the second it breaks free from this chokehold it goes on to colonise an entire continent
Wasted its colonial profits, poor place for agriculture, no coal, got outnavied by the Brits.
>tfw the only reason people make fun of Spain is because they were once so powerful that now their position as a stable, prosperous, first-world parliamentary democracy looks weak in comparison
It's all English stuff, so really a false dicotomy
They're counted as the 14th largest economy in the world, and are one of the wealthier nations in the EU. So whether you look at it regionally or globally they are definitely prosperous. Where they are in the global economy, it's very hard to move upward because all the competitors are major global economic powerhouses once you get into the top 20. And really the top 3 should just be discounted outright since the dropoff after China is immense.
China is probably a better place to live than Spain at this point; at least they don't have a 45% youth unemployment rate.
In what way?
America got a boner for imperialism.
t.Zhang Xui Pao the emasculated little cuck
Leave Canada and go back to your shithole if you love it that much
He did nothing wrong.Liberals were psycopaths and submitting to their demands would only end in destruction as it was proven in the XIX century.
If he had stopped fucking with the criollos and implemented a few basic reforms, we wouldn't have lost the empire. His obsession with "muuuhhhhh tradishun" was the ruin of Spain.
Spanish Catholics would just party and create big families. Protestant Germany, Scandinavia and Britain work hard to create a better life through science and hard labour.
The criollos were just masons financed by Britain.They would have pursued independence either way.If Riego would have gone to America instead of orchestrating a liberal coup they would have been stomped.Liberals were cancer both in Spain and in the colonies
ay whats up
This is fairly accurate. Asian Protestants do well economically in the states, but Catholics apparently do better than white mainline Protestants.
spent all their sweet sweet new world gold on mercenaries and wars against the French, ottomans, germans and pretty much fucking everyone.
Catalonia has about 250 thousand Protestants, but a slave class can't compose an aristocracy for the entire country so the Catholics naturally do that for them.
>Catalonia has about 250 thousand Protestants
All low class niggers and sudacas.The wealthy people in Catalonia are all catholics and some jews here and there
They didn't industrialize because no one wanted to work.
religious fanaticism and praising literature and poetry instead of science made them stagnant compared to other european powers this combined with being comfortable with their power level and not trying to improve while the other powers did, although those explainations might not be the 100% of the cause they were important to their decline
Christians chimped out
El si sabe.
someone invented siestas
>Switzerland is majority Catholic
>Germany is majority Catholic
Neither of these are true; they're *plurality* Catholic (they have slightly more Catholics than Protestants, but less than 50% of the country is Catholic, hence not a majority). And this is only because of secularism which has caused Protestantism to decline (another reason is the Nazis and the Communists in Germany who both took active steps to eradicate Protestantism).
On the eve of the Nazis coming to power, Germany was 67% Protestant. It had been dominated by Protestants basically ever since the Reformation.
In 1950, Switzerland was 57.5% Protestant. It was still plurality (though not majority) Protestant in 1970.
Both of these countries were controlled by Protestants for centuries. As I say, the only reason this is no longer the case is because of secularism; because religion is essentially obsolete now. Catholics never gained control of these countries. CATHOLICS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A MINORITY IN BOTH OF THESE COUNTRIES, EVER SINCE THE REFORMATION (or possibly since the counter-reformation since that had a bit of success).
Picture related. This Protestant son-of-a-bitch unified Germany. Germany has always been, culturally, a Protestant country with a Catholic minority in the south.
Cathocucks. When will you learn?
and then protestants went on to overwhelmingly vote Hitler into party
we all know how that ended up for Germany right?
true germans (austrians) are catholic
Hitler was a catholic who followed the jesuits orders to destroy protestant germany
One century isn't a bad amount of time to be on top desu
Crazy number of civil wars. Raped by Napoleon.
what even is spain?
they don't really exist in the same way that france, germany, or the UK do
I know those countries, but modern Spain? what is its driving character or national idea? I just don't get any impression it exists.
>One century
More like 4.Castile was the european hegemon from 1230 to 1650