why do women generally let their hair grow long? why is it seen as feminine?
Why do women generally let their hair grow long? why is it seen as feminine?
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For the same reason they have more gender-appropriate clothes that are meant to be expressive and pretty, rather than easy to wear or work in. Keeping long hair tidy was something working men often couldn't afford the time to do.
In some places today, women might cut their hair short and men may let it grow long, but not around these parts; see the tchambuli, for instance.
And noblemen used to wear long wigs, while noblewomen used to wear tall wigs.
Generally speaking, more fertile women have faster-growing hair. Men only know this on a primal level.
There are two options. Short hair and long hair. Men typical cut it shorter for practicality reasons.
It's physiology. Women's hair naturally grow faster and longer (because the old and longer hairs don't fall as early) than that of men.
Haircuts just exaggerate a natural secondary sexual characteristic.
It's a sign of good health and youth (the second is especially important for women, fertility and all) but I also think it's part of the social construction of the feminine too.
Depending on fashion etc. women seem to either like or dislike long male hair for example which would seemingly serve the same role. So why wouldn't women all prefer long hair on men? Estrogen extends the anagen phase but men are still able to grow very long hair so it seems weird that long hair on them might even be seen as less attractive often.
Also I remember coming across a study that showed that already facially attractive women were considered basically just as attractive no matter the length of their hair. So this seems to help less attractive women more. Perhaps it dons them with some of the femininity (either due to inherent factors like perceived more estrogen or conventional femininity) they're judged to be lacking since attractive female face = feminine face, on average.
>Women's hair naturally grow faster and longer (because the old and longer hairs don't fall as early) than that of men.
[citation needed]
>Depending on fashion etc. women seem to either like or dislike long male hair for example which would seemingly serve the same role. So why wouldn't women all prefer long hair on men?
I've often heard it claimed that women's mate preferences are more socially malleable.
The glory of a woman is her hair.
Lol just shut up
Men cut their hair short because it's more efficient to work in and more practical in general. Women have historically not been expected to do manual labor, so they have the option of growing their hair long for flamboyance and fashion.
I dunno mang
What do you mean by 'historically'? Women have always been involved in 'manual labor', especially post-agriculture, of some sort and usually got their hair out of the way with specific hairstyles, headdress and scarves etc
Arguably the division of labor follows the sex divide in many ways ever since our pre-human days but this seems a bit simplistic. Plus men wore their hair longer in many societies.
Not as much as men though.
Women have historically not been known to be the most practical or efficient also
It's seen as feminine only in some cultures and societies, such as modern society. So the reason why it would be considered feminine depends on what culture you are talking about if it was viewed that way at all.
Just look at OP's pic. Does that hair look like it'd be a good idea to fight in a war with? Or do any sort of labor with?
Women with higher estrogen levels grow longer, healthier, and shinier hair. This is a sign of healthy genetics.
Obviously not. Testosterone is a performance enhancer. It transforms the body. Women have significantly less testosterone.
FtM transgenderism makes sense. It's an upgrade.
[citation needed]
I know of some societies where the men grew long hair such as the celts, germanics and greeks but did any have the custom of women with short hair and men with long hair?
>Women have historically not been expected to do manual labor,
Ah yes I forgot about all those medieval women with white collar office jobs.
it's true you retard.
long, voluminous,healthy-looking hair indicates good health and genes whch makes someone a more desirable mate.
men have evolved behaviour whereby they generally are attracted to things that are good for passing on genes
Feminine = weak, less significant, fragile etc.
Masculintiy = strength, aggressiveness, and capability
A man who doesn't lift can be described as feminine when compared to a man who does. A sporty athletic woman can be described as masculine when compared to a woman who lives a sedentary lifestyle.
Long hair is considered feminine because it is less efficient and exist only for visual aesthetics.
Purepecha, the men partially shaved their side but kept long hair while women had it shaved or a short cut. The men also wore shirts (a womens garment) and the women wore skirts above the knees (lewd by mesoamerican women clothing standards).
>it's true you retard.
That's not good enough. Give proof. At least give proof to your original claim that estrogen makes hair grow faster.
>men have evolved behaviour whereby they generally are attracted to things that are good for passing on genes
Such as? Pre-civilization men just forced copulation with women. Spraying their seed everywhere.
a female strand of hair is onger than a male strand of hair
do you have a fetish for terminal cancer patients and old ladies?
Not quite
Alphas were happy to rape, betas were more tender
Alpha was whoever was physically the strongest. Alpha owned all territory and had anything they wanted. They likely even raped other males if they were strong enough to over power them.
>I have no citations for anything I post nor will I ever guys
Can you baby niggers learn some actual history/anthropology?
You're both retards who oversimplify the world and have 0 self awarness
What? This is just the truth. Penises are insemination devices. The reason why ejaculation is pleasurable is because it's an adaption to give you incentive to stab a birth canal and spread your DNA to as many females as possible.
To bad all of us low t betas are cucked by alpha chads amirite lad :,-(
Next thing you're gonna say is:
>In the past only 0,002% of men got to reproduce, they were the alphas
Clearly getting emotionally reactive. Let me guess, you think females somehow overpowered men's physical strength and sex drive and evolved some sort of mate-selection faculty?
You're the retard here.
No I would never post anything like that without a citation to back it up :^)
And where does this say estrogen speeds up human hair growth? Give me a summary of this book's points.
But it's probably what you believe.
Long hair = youth, fertility
Short hair = utility - long hair is hot, heavy, gets in the way, difficult to clean, and an easy handhold for an enemy to grab in a fight
Women don't care about having kids, and cut their hair short
Men spend too much time on appearance and groom their hair out
It's true that long hair relates to health and that it gets in the way of hard work, but actually look at history.
Long hair on men goes in and out of fashion every so-many years.
Shaving hair for ease of cleaning is not a male-only trend; see wigs.
>le sign of fertility
most black women can't grow long hair (evolutionary adaptability to heat or some shit like that ) but have like 7 kids.