Why did G*rmans have to ruin fascism with their autism? There's literally nothing wrong with original Italian fascism (and Spanish for that matter). Why was Mussolini such a cuck to Hitler later when that only caused him to be fucked over?
Why did G*rmans have to ruin fascism with their autism...
>There's literally nothing wrong with original Italian fascism
kys fascist scum
Yeah, Fascism worked so well in Spain and Italy that it stopped immediately after the heads of state are gone. I don't know how Salazar put up with those retards.
I think the end of fascism in Italy might have had something to do with the country being invaded.
Like, maybe.
Except the people of Italy didn't like Mussolini either. He sucked Hitler's dick because he knew his ties to Germany would help him stay in power long after his popularity waned. Remember it was a bunch of Italians that killed him, not Soviets or Americans.
>Remember it was a bunch of Italians
Gommies aren't even people, let alone Italians.
>Except the people of Italy didn't like Mussolini either
Yeah...no, this is demonstrable wrong.
Most people were perfectly fine with the regime up until the war (to be precise, up until the war went south)
The people who didn't like mussolini were either communists or intellectualy anti-fascist, and those two groups combined don't make a majority of the people.
Literally anyone in Sicily would've killed him given the chance too
Terroni aren't people either.
They're barely human.
All fascshits will promptly be bashed.
G*rman here. I am glad that Hitler came to power back in the day, fucked over the jews, the communists, the slavs, the French, his own people, the nationalists, the fascists and finally screwed up so bad that he got fucked over himself. Let the events leading up to and including WWII forever be deterring example for authoritarian and right-wing extremists and hypercunts of all other political ideologies that this fuckness shall never graze the face of the earth, ever again.
>b-bash the fash guys
Why are all leftyfags always so triggered?
Its obv u lack intellectual knowledge
Eat dick
t. Aint even a fascist
But you reddit fags are just annoying
No, but they're Italian
man your brains have been jewed so hard
how is mohammed treating your girlfriend, hans?
>There's literally nothing wrong with original Italian fascism
As an Italian fag who had a granfather dying during war and his brother beaten to death by fascist during the funeral of a anti-fascist giornalist that exposed the corruption in the fascist party and got killed by fascist, I argue that you are an idiot
My great grandparent fought in North Africa against the Brits.
>identifying as Italian
Pick one.
Even in America they go full "muh heritage" saying "I'm Sicilian, not Italian".
This, the edglords spouting pol memes have no fucking idea what they are talking about.
>be user's grandpa
>family is poor as dirt
>spanish civil war breaks out
>fascists come to town
>brother and father killed by the nationals just for being members of the socialist party
>attend funeral of an enemy of the state
>get killed by zealous citizens
Where's the problem exactly?
>brother and father killed by the nationals just for being members of the socialist party
>just for being members of the socialist party
They deserved it desu.
And Mussolini objectively deserved to have his face turned into pudding
>Giornalist who exposed corruption in the party deserve to die
>Someone who disagree with the goverment deserve to die
>Attending funeral of what is considered an enemy of the state should be illegal
>be socialist
>think we should violently overthrow the current system and anyone who opposes us must be killed
>get mad when people kill you
But why?
>follow an enemy of the state during a dictatorship
>Enemy of the state
>Endorse the goverment that violently overthrow the current system and anyone who opposes us must be killed
Can't understand half the stuff you're writing desu
>be starving
>socialist party defends your interests
>stop starving
>get killed because you had the wrong piece of paper
Hurr durr holomemes and helicopters, fascists dindunuffin, killing people without judgement is good
You are an edgy c u c k that's the point
Yeah, why are Shitcilians so ungrateful? Mussolini almost got rid of the mafia there. They only started gaining power in southern Italy again after his regime was over.
Enjoy your country becoming an islamized shithole, cuck.
>no, dude, you don't get it, it's civil war but we have to do a background check on every single socialist, it's totally feasible
Are you for real?
>leftist using cuck
That's not how it works
Lack of freedom of the press meant that the state could never be put under proper scrutiny and the social model of Fascism meant that revolution and civil war would be an inevitability due to its inability to change through other means.
>That's not how it works
Someone post that Marx quote where he compares a proud capitalist worker to a man who takes pride in letting his boss fuck his wife.
Who cares what Marx said, his ideas are meme tier when it comes to economics.
More like
>no dude we entered your shit village and this dude told us you are a member of the socialist party, get into the car and come with us
>*get killed in some wasteland without judgement*
Lol viva franco arriba espaƱa xddddd
>leftists don't get to call people cucks
>leftists have been doing it longer and with a sounder basis for doing so
>Yeah but who cares what he said!
Right wingers, everyone. By the way, there are many more famously cucked right wingers than left-wingers. Something about being confident enough in your masculinity that you don't feel the need to turn it into a political ideology seems to keep relationships stable.
>it's better to become a stalinist puppet state XDDDDDDD
>a sounder basis for doing so
Except they don't, their basis is meme-tier economics.
>there are many more famously cucked right wingers than left-winger
Yeah, tranny lovers can't even manage to get cucked, go figure.
>keep relationships stable.
>stable relationships
fucking oppressive dude
>Except the people of Italy didn't like Mussolini either
that might have something to do with him riding Hitler's dick and sending thier fathers, brothers, and sons to die at Stalingrad (fun fact: the Russians would put the most pressure on the Italian held sectors because they knew the spaghetti benders were so fucking underequipped and demoralized). The electorate generally dislikes a politician who says he is going to make the country strong who goes back on his promises and actually weakens it.
>against fascism
>is a leftist
Not even the guy you responded to
You're not, he is.
>posting the biggest meme of the decade
>it is better to keep being ruled by useless priests xDDD
>it is better to spend 20 years eating mud xDDDDDD
>it is better to have all unions banned who cares of you starve xDDDDD
>lol your great grandpa and your grandpa's brother are buried somewhere in a field who gives a fuck just forget lol
>Except they don't, their basis is meme-tier economics.
Authoritarian right wingers are literally saving their wives for a bull. They just put their bull in a uniform.
>Yeah, tranny lovers can't even manage to get cucked, go figure.
Yeah, there are so many of those among leftists. I'd wager there's a higher statistically incidence of being into trannies among right wingers, what with fetishes typically being born of subversion of social expectations and right wingers being obsessed with sexual morality.
>left wingers don't have stable relationships
Historically, most left-wing leaders remained married for life.
>Spanish Socialist Party
>Stalinist Puppet state.
That's as true for any of the regional cultures as it is for Sicilian. When I was in Torino with my boss, we were getting espresso at this cafe before heading back to the office. This man comes up to him and starts blabbing away. My boss knows some Italian, but not that much and uses what he knows to say so. The man compliments my boss and says "I apologize, you look so Piedmontese". Not Italian, Piedmontese. You will never meet an Italian, only Romans, Venetians, Sicilians, Piedmontese, etc.
>Authoritarian right wingers are literally saving their wives for a bull.
Stop projecting, it's not the right wingers who are literally importing Jamals by the thousands.
>Yeah, there are so many of those among leftists
lol, trannies and those who support them are disproportionately leftists. Gender is like oppressive maaaan
>Historically, most left-wing leaders
All 6 of them?
Do you seriously want to compare the economy in francoist spain to the one in soviet puppet states?
Because we can easily do that, spain wins on every level lol
Italy had almost no casualties during WW2.
>Stop projecting, it's not the right wingers who are literally importing Jamals by the thousands.
>supporting immigration is the same as wanting to fuck them
>lol, trannies and those who support them are disproportionately leftists. Gender is like oppressive maaaan
>supporting treating transsexuals like human beings is the same as wanting to fuck them
This has been very enlightening to your psychology. It speaks very poorly of you and supports my point well.
Supporting immigration is the same as wanting to get your country fucked by them, hence the cuck term, yes.
>supporting treating transsexuals like human beings is the same as wanting to fuck them
You mean you don't want to fuck them? Dude, they're just like every other woman! That's transphobic as fuck.
EY! Why dont you compare francoist Spain to a Early Neolithic comunity? I bet francoist Spain has a bigger GDP.
>40s and 50s economy of spain wuz so great, people did not starve
>franco totally performed the spanish miracle
>it was not the US aid, nor the tecnocratas nor due to spain being a shithole
When you're comparing francoist spain with a hypothetic stalinist spain, it makes sense to compare francoist spain with stalinist puppet states.
As an Milan-fag I can confirm
>Supporting immigration is the same as wanting to get your country fucked by them, hence the cuck term, yes.
Fascinating. Have you ever told a psychologist this fear of yours? That having brown people in your country will necessitate having sex with them and letting them have sex with your wife?
This, a country that managed to stay out of ww2 that was already well underway to recovering from its civil war and propped up by foreign aid managed to have a good economy? Shocking.
>Supporting immigration is the same as wanting to get your country fucked by them
Not who you're debating but you deserve a bullet just as much as any fascist or Nazi that rightfully got there's. At least they were respectable assholes, you're just a faggot.
user, can you read?
>Supporting immigration is the same as wanting to get your country fucked by them, hence the cuck term, yes.
"Your country", not "your women". "cuck" is not intended literally, it's a metaphor. You want your country fucked by other men like cucks want their wives fucked by other men.
>Military Deaths in WW2 306,400
>Civilian Deaths in WW2 153,100
>The Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files contains records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War.
and the US had almost no casualties during the Vietnam War. The populace still hated the war and administrations who were perpetuating it.
>third world immigrants disproportionately commit violent crimes
>w-we're not getting fucked, g-guys
Who cares lol
>death threats for holding different opinions
holy..... this is the power of leftism
>"Your country", not "your women". "cuck" is not intended literally, it's a metaphor. You want your country fucked by other men like cucks want their wives fucked by other men.
>I-it's all just a metaphor!
How about you just stick to saving your non-existent wife for your hypothetical dear leader?
>death threats for existing
holy..... this is the power of fascism
user, did you just have an aneurysm or something?
The term "cuck" as used by the right, initially meant only towards conservatives, has always had the meaning I was talking about. Who told you otherwise?
>recovering economy from a civil war
Franco's policies destroyed the spanish economy for 2 decades, it was not until the tecnocrata when the economy gets better, franco did not do shit
No, why hell should we compare the francoist shithole to a hypothetic stalinist anything?
Just cause preteding that the Republic was stalinist makes you feel better? Sorry, I dont care about your feelings.
This "it's just a revival of an old insult!" bullshit didn't come until people started calling you on the fact it says more about your own sexual insecurity than it does anything else. Cuck revived among the alt-right due to people posting interracial cuckolding threads on /pol/ and that business with Moot. It's always been a literal statement and it's always said more about you than the person you insult.
>No, why hell should we compare the francoist shithole to a hypothetic stalinist anything?
What do you think spain would have become if the nationalists had lost the civil war?
I'm not a right winger, but the fact is the Stalinists had disproportionate influence among the Republicans due to the fact the Stalinists were the ones receiving aid from the USSR.
Well, this began cause apparently being sympathetic to the left was enough to be killed, not threatened, but killed, as expressed here , for example
History is about what happened and not what would have happened.
user, you've no idea what you're talking about. The insult was inititally used by the alt-right only in the form of "cuckservative" to insult the conservatives who want their country fucked by immigrants. It wasn't a literal term.
And? I'm not the one who started the hypothetical history thing.
Leftists do the same, it's just self defense.
>still using freudian psychology
You guys really like pseudo-science, don't you?
>if not for franco spain would be a stalinistic shithole
you started it you drooling retard
Go read the thread, moron.
>When you're comparing francoist spain with a hypothetic stalinist spain, it makes sense to compare francoist spain with stalinist puppet states.
>spain would be a stalinistic shithole if not for papa franco weeeeeehehehehahsdshah dont hurt my feefees he did nothing wrong
you should kill yourself
lmao can't even read a thread
I dont know... Maybe the Republican regime that allowed multiple parties, including rightist ones (that even did get the power two years!), that existed before the army began their failed pronunciamiento and fired a whole war?
What I know is what came with the victory of "nationals" a long lasting dictatorship which needed 20 years to end the rationing.
Soo... We should thank Franco for strengthen the Stalinist making them reach a power during the war that their never had enjoyed during the peace, and them saving Spain from the same threat that he has fueled?
you are literally retarded, read the thread
>I don't know anything about Stalinist support to revolutionary troops in spain
Fine, user, but just go read about it.
>Soo... We should thank Franco for strengthen the Stalinist making them reach a power during the war that their never had enjoyed during the peace, and them saving Spain from the same threat that he has fueled?
No. I just don't have high hopes for how Republican Spain would have turned out after the coup started the civil war.
We shouldn't really do anything but acknowledge the events as they turned out.
There wouldn't have been any such support if the right hadn't started a fucking coup.
Yeah, I see that you know nothing, thats why I had to explain you some basic stuff. You are welcome.
>We shouldn't really do anything but acknowledge the events as they turned out.
Yeah, and they didnt turn very well.
>chimp out against democratically elected government
>kill everyone who is a member of the socialist party
>democratic countries do not help the republic
>fascists help the coup
>USSR helps the republic
>the population starts supporting stalinist tendencies
>chimp out against democratically elected government
>a popularity contest legitimizes governments
>a popularity contest legitimizes governments
In a democracy yes, thats exactly the point.
In your power fantasies, you own wishes may be the only factor of legitimacy, but in a democracy, and the Spanish Republic was a democracy, that popularity contest which we call elections are the main way to it.
>a sector of the army, supported by foreign powers, chimping out is more legitimate than an election
So what is your take on the war of italian and german agression against spain
>In a democracy yes,
That's the problem
From which standpoint?
Citation needed
What makes a government legitimate then?
For which country, user? Not that it changes, but depending on the country you can easily access crime databases on the internet, in english even.
It never ceases to amaze me how people actually live in complete ignorance of this simple fact.
No, its not, its "your" problem if you wish, but its not "the" problem.