Is this the most useless people in history?
Is this the most useless people in history?
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Phenotypical capital is still capital.
Cat peoples. Dumb non-use, Scandinavia is of dumb tiger
Sorry for bad english
All their women have ugly manjaws
All their men got skiny androgynous faces
Blond piss hair
Pinkish skin
they look like shit, easily among the ugliest people in the world.
Brazil is already the capital of mongrelization.
They're like 20 million people, the hell do you expect from them
If this is what the "mustard race" looks like, then I don't want to be part of it.
X5Y8 is a qt
Nice try.
>hurr, vikingz
I figured they were all swedish without needing to google first. Whenever that stupid 'swedish girls are the best' meme comes around show them this.
well as a swede my opinion will probably be biased but i will try my best to give the best description can
Scandinavia (not finland) is a european region with a white majority. So it's IQ is about 100. Wich means that we aren't dumb. We have had several inventors and are currently spending lots of EU monies on research projects. We might not be the best in europe but we are better than the finns, some slavs and all africans
oh and swedish girls are hot compared to other places of europe and america
pls give swedish gf
no she's not
Scandinavian women being the hottest is a meme created by shitskins obsessed with blonde hair above all else. Open your eyes. There are literally only two or three fuckable ones here:
t. butthurt slav
East Slavs are literally Scandinavians who settled into Eastern Europe.
>Is this the most useless people in history?
What are canadians
We're talking about a people not a mixture of peoples.
>shitskins obsessed with blonde hair
I noticed this as well, non-whites are so absurdly obsessed with blonde hair they will lust after every 3/10 chick as long as she has blonde hair. I don't know if it's the exotic factor or they feel like they're attracted to something superior, but it's fucking pathetic. You can always see this behavior among Mexicans, Argentinians etc.
t. blond guy
Italy has the best looking people and I don't think it's even debatable.
This girl is ugly too
Is there any attractive woman AT ALL in Sweden?
>Having a skinny face
Yeah, nothing more attractive than a chubby face.
>Blonde hair
"Bottle blonde" is a thing. Is "bottle brunette" a thing?
>White skin
It's a sign of beauty all over the world, it's been so for ages. Tanning is a relatively modern meme.
Ebin meme xD
>Is "bottle brunette" a thing?
Yes. My sister is blonde and she dyes her hair black. She says it fits her green eyes better.
>first Crusader King
>slaughtered Saracens, Berbers and other pirates on the way
>helped Baldwin take important city in Syria
>came back and initiated Norway's golden age
I dunno OP, is your family from there?
How is Iceland not Scandinavia? Are you confusing the word with the "Scandinavian peninsula", in which Denmark is also not a part? "Scandinavia" make up cultural and linguistic similar people. you know, Scandinavians?
Its true Finland is Nordic but not Scandinavian apart of some coastal areas.
no, Scandinavia is literally the 3 kingdoms of Norway, Sweden and Denmark
This man speaks the truth. The blond Swede is so bland. When I was younger I couldn't appreciate e. euro women because "they probably 'slavic race',, muh Germanic".
As a Swede surrounded by psychopathic self haters, I've come to realize the beautiful Slavs will inherit and continue the European race.
>ugly manjaws
gas yourself
strong jaws are a sign of health and giving strong sons
Finland isn't Scandinavian or even Nordic, because Nordic is a Scandicuck term for North Germanic countries that was expanded to include Finland after WW2 as part of the European integration policy. Nordism was created so that Finns wouldn't acknowledge their own Finnic identity and heritage, and instead larp Scandinavians and do their and the EU's bidding under the guise of kinship.
>Iceland, Faroe and Åland are not Scandinavian
Boy, the things you can read yourself into believing
Finns are not Scandanavian.
>TFW you inferior brain doesnt deserve that Norse pastureland to sow ur seed.
Scandinavians are literally partially Slavic.
No, Scandinavian is the term for north Germanic peoples. Nordic is a Geo-political term. Strong enough for Finland to happily be a part of the Nordic Council, and there to be a meme for Estionia into nordics. I think you got Nordic confused with Scandinavia.
I1: nordic
r1b: ginger
r1a: slavshit
the rest: niggers
Iceland is not Scandinavian
by that logic Dublin would be Scandinavia because it was settled by Norse peoples
Farore and Åland are scandinavian, because they are under the control of the Swedish and Danish Reichs
And I never said Finland was Scandinavian. Its obviously not. But Åland and the coast of i.e Österbotten are culturally Scandinavian. The Nordic is the overlapping Geo-political area. Scandinavian is the culturally one. Its really not that hard to understand, but on the internet anything is possible I guess.
Dublin was not "settled" by Norse people. Invaded and ruled by for some time. sure. But there are not enough culture, language or genes to count is as "Scandinavian".
And Åland belongs to Finland, the Finnish-Urgic Republuc of Finland.Its Scandinavian purely culturally.
So how come you agree that Åland is Scandinavian even though it formally belongs to Finland? Make up your mind.
No it isn't. It has racial and ethnic connotations because that's what it originally meant. Northmen, North Germanics. Not Finns. Including Finland in it is a deliberate scheme to erase our identity and heritage and to make us a proxy for pan-Scandinavianism.
>Finland to happily be a part of the Nordic Council, and there to be a meme for Estionia into nordics
No, Finnish isn't even an official language in the Nordic Council which is telling of their true agenda. Most Estonians don't want to be or care for being Nordic. Same goes for Finns.
Scandinavian and Nordic meant the same thing less than a century ago, it was changed to brainwash Finns into thinking that they are kin with Scandinavians.
>"Scandinavia" make up cultural and linguistic similar people. you know, Scandinavians?
That´s the Nordics, dumbass. Icelanders are Nordic, not Scandinavians.
>That´s the Nordics
Yet Finns are nothing alike to Scandinavians and Icelanders in language, mentality or culture (apart from shared Lutheran bullshit that was forced on everybody). Attests to the term's artificiality, and that they have an agenda.
>Finns are nothing alike to Scandinavians and Icelanders in language, mentality or culture
>Ignoring 800 years of shared history
Wew lad
>>Ignoring 800 years of shared history
That doesn't make Greeks Turkic, does it?
wait, spain has the most redheads?
basically, Germans and English are the real drivers of history, civilization, and industry
Greeks have always been enemies of the Turks, while the Finns and swedes are quite friendly
some of them are Scandinavian, but you're right, on the whole these few are mere scattered dandelions in a great field of grass over there
that's a pretty nice Schleswig you've got there
What makes Swedes less of an enemy to Finns? Nothing. It's just that Finns are brainwashed to be oblivious to history, and it is actively falsified and covered up to this day.
I wasn't aware there was anyone from the 13th century still around!
I see our missionaries taught you how to write :D
>What makes Swedes less of an enemy to Finns? Nothing.
You can smell the American ignorance from here
Swedes deserve to get genocided for their sins, karma will see to it.
Right, so Finns are Nordic because their language? wew
Scandinavian is more related to Hindi than Finnish.
This board is a joke.
Swedes would've had Finns exterminated and assimilated with force had Russians not interfered and kicked your figurative teeth in. Now shitskins are genociding your population as payback.
>By the end of the 18th century, a large part of the descendants of the Forest Finns had become culturally assimilated into the Swedish mainstream population. During the previous two centuries, various laws and regulations had been passed to speed up the "Swedification" process to the Forest Finns, including total banning of the use of Finnish language.
>During the reign of Christina, Queen of Sweden, a proclamation of 1646 called for the burning of houses of all those Finns who did not want to learn Swedish in the area that was later to be called Sweden Proper, west of the Gulf of Bothnia. Reading books written in Finnish led in some cases to imprisonment still in the 18th century.[2]
No. It's not the same subclade. Only East Germans are partially Slavic.
And this is sans one century. So we recognize Finland is a Nordic country but Finns are not Scandinavians. Did you have a point or just wanted to share insight to the thread? If the latter, thanks its probably correct.
I'm sorry you're so insecure.
Scandinavian states: Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
Nordic states: The Scandinavian ones + Finland
I promise its not that difficult.
A large amount of Finns speak Swedish
>Swedes forced Finns to learn Swedish
And guess what, Finns still learn Swedish and don't hold grudges to the Swedes.
>Now shitskins are genociding your population
>Assuming I'm Swedish
>Muh white genocide
>American knows he has no clue what he's talking about so he goes straight to /pol/ memes
I'm guessing you're not nordic, because foreigners confusing what scandinavia actually consists of is a classic recurring thing people talk about here. The scandinavia we know of, and what it actually is, are the 3 kingdoms of sweden, norway and denmark and arguably some of their island territories like the faroe islands. Then to confuse this there's the scandinavian peninsula which does not include denmark.
But really what it seems people have done internationally is just confuse "the Nordic countries"(Norden) with scandinavia since you love using that term for some reason.
>Farore and Åland are scandinavian, because they are under the control of the Swedish and Danish Reichs
Åland is finnish, but they speak almost exclusively swedish there.
>A large amount of Finns speak Swedish
No, 5% and falling.
>And guess what, Finns still learn Swedish and don't hold grudges to the Swedes
Most Finns are against mandatory Swedish, it's just that Fennoswedes have infiltrated the government like Jews. They promise full backing to any large party if they promise them one thing; not abolishing mandatory Swedish. And the politicians are corrupt and greedy enough to dance to their tune if its in their personal interests, but not those of the people. The Swedish People's Party of Finland was founded on the teachings of a Swedish racist called Freudenthal, who hated Finns with all his being. Unlike IKL and many other fascist parties it still exists despite its foundation lying in a precursor to fascism.
>and don't hold grudges to the Swedes.
Gonna copypaste what I said earlier
> Finns are brainwashed to be oblivious to history, and it is actively falsified and covered up to this day.
>it's just that Fennoswedes have infiltrated the government like Jews.
> the politicians are corrupt and greedy enough to dance to their tune if its in their personal interests, but not those of the people. The Swedish People's Party of Finland was founded on the teachings of a Swedish racist called Freudenthal, who hated Finns with all his being.
> Finns are brainwashed to be oblivious to history, and it is actively falsified and covered up to this day
>This is what Yanks actually believe
Oon ihan suomalainen, en oo jenkkiä nähnytkään.
Also, all of what I said is factual. Finns are taught in school that Swedes saw Finns as equals and treated them fairly, but this is a Swedish imperialist narrative that is propagated to draw Finns further in to the Nordic lie and away from who they really are. Fennoswedes had been in every government cabinet for 30 years in a row (even though they never got enough votes) until 2015 when the 3 biggest parties forced them out.
>Axel Olof Freudenthal (12 December 1836 – 2 June 1911), was a Swedish-speaking Finnish philologist and politician. Infamous for his racist beliefs, he claimed racial supremacy of Swedes over Finns in a way that parallels theories of Aryan supremacy.[1]
>The Swedish People's Party in Finland considers Freudenthal to be their spiritual father, and it issues an award named after him, the Axel Olof Freudenthal Medal. Many Silver and Bronze medals have been given to individuals since 1937, but only one Gold medal has been issued - to Elisabeth Rehn in 1994.[1]
>almost exclusively
Swedish is the sole official language of the island and you need to be fluent in it in order to be allowed to own property or engage in trade.
Despicable, Ålanders are filth and their islands should be sold to the Russians so that they may go and teach some humility to those rock niggers.
Ching chong desu yo
*throat sings*
>all of what I said is factual
>Finns are really being brainwashed by the Swedish fascist racist minority through their corrupt government guis!!
>I have Wikipedia quotes to back me up!
Kind of like how white guys obsess over any 4/10 asian girl
Its the exotic factor
>It's a sign of beauty all over the world
>wanting skin cancer and aging like trash due to a lack of melonin is a sign of beauty all over the world
Wew, says alot about the shit taste of the world
Finns are fucking revered by modern day Swedes.
"We need to be stronk and have a backbone like FInland!!! wah wah!!!! SUOMI!!!!"
Scandicucks don't even have white skin, they're pink. Untanned Meds are unironically whiter than Nordics. You are in a permanent state of looking like a pig unless you manage to tan a little.
holy shit stop posting anytime
That's bullshit and you know it.
Finns are pretty much sub-human in the eyes of Swedes.
They were, 200+ years ago. Today Swedes cry that they're not like the Finns
source: Swedish
>I see our missionaries taught you how to write
Nope. You killed the literate ones.
Probably because they were Orthodox.
Finns, the majority, do study mandatory Swedish for no reason at all.
with not any mention of finland in your article I am left to conclude that was nonexistent in the region
>The document numbered 292 from the Novgorod excavations (unearthed in 1957) is the oldest known document in any Finnic language. It is dated to the beginning of the 13th century.
Best area of the planet to live in currently.
>cucked feminist dictatorships swarmed with shitskins
>Best area of the planet to live in currently
Wealth isn't everything, and even then Scandinavians aren't that rich individually.
I thought Denmark had the highest use of Depression medicine per capita, while Sweden was now the rape capitol of Europe, Norway literally can't survive without selling its oil at a high price, and that Iceland's DNA was getting bad because of the lack of variation.
Granted I can't tell you if any of them are true, but that's what I've read.
No.but they live in marvellously run, equitable multi cultural societies. They are the model for the future of humanity.
Denmark has the highest household debt in the world.