Why did it take Moses 40 years?
Why did it take Moses 40 years?
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read the bibble
>6th of October City
>10th of Ramadan City
ayy wtf
It's a fake story. All of it is fake.
he was searching for a lost shekel
Someone dropped a coin
someone lost a penny
pls ubboat xD
Because it literally never happened
Do you think they found it?
Is that lost penny why they are still doing archeological digs on Palestinian land?
So what really did happen?
Was Moses just making things up?
What did OP mean by his post?
We don't exactly have an account by Moses. He certainly didn't write the Torah. Moses himself is most likely some combination of myth and real people that was handed down through oral tradition that we couldn't possibly untangle.
he didnt exist
A bunch of people through a series of conflicts between larger empires ended up together and confused so they needed a back story so they made one up.
Its like if you dump 1000 people on an island and come back in 2000 years, they'll have some mad creation story about how they swam there from the moon with the help of God.
Moses was a priest of Akhenaten (the maker of monotheism) who was banished from Ægypt
>habiru meme
It's disputed whether habiru corrosponds to hebrew. also, even scholars who do think it does do not see habiru as having the same ethnic connotation that hebrew later had. habiru doesn't refer to invaders, it refers to a social class that was often hired by various rulers as mercenaries. when Jerusalem was attacked by habiru, the king of Jerusalem accused the king of Shechem of hiring them. accusations like this would go back and forth all the time. never did the habiru actually conquer a place.
They reached Israel really quickly, Moses sent out spies who claimed that the land was fertile but inhabited by giants, which scared the people and made many of them revolt and want to return to Egypt. Moses decided that the generation which revolted wasn't worthy to enter Canaan and so they wandered the desert for "40 years", until that generation had passed away. 40 in Hebrew is also the language's way of saying "a very long time" and may not have been literal.
A better question is why do so many people think that Moses aimlessly wandered the desert for 40 years immediately after leaving Egypt, when the Bible explicitly states otherwise.
Fuck off retard, it's not a meme,
Saying they have nothing to do with hebrews is pure denial, the fact that they were a social class of people rejected from the surrounding cities actually goes well with what the bible say about hebrews.
>10th of Ramadan city
wtf is wrong with these people
the hebrews of Joshua were certainly not hired as mercenaries of other canaanite warlords, taking plunder from raids rather than exterminating the population. perhaps you should read the primary sources for habirus before making huge claims about what it means. I really don't get why christians will only take a cursory glance at evidence, take out what matches their narrative and then look no further lest they see something that contradicts their narrative.
Here's the letter from the king of Jerusalem you referenced vaguely:
>Say to the king, my lord: Message of Abdi-Heba, your servant. I fall at the feet of my lord 7 times and 7 times. Consider the entire affair. Milkilu and Tagi brought troops into Qiltu against me... ...May the king know (that) all the lands are at peace (with one another), but I am at war. May the king provide for his land. Consider the lands of Gazru, Ašqaluna, and Lakisi. They have given them [my enemies] food, oil and any other requirement. So may the king provide for archers and send the archers against men that commit crimes against the king, my lord. If this year there are archers, then the lands and the hazzanu (client kings) will belong to the king, my lord. But if there are no archers, then the king will have neither lands nor hazzanu. Consider Jerusalem! This neither my father nor my mother gave to me. The strong hand (arm) of the king gave it to me. Consider the deed! This is the deed of Milkilu and the deed of the sons of Lab'ayu, who have given the land of the king to the 'Apiru. Consider, O king, my lord! I am in the right!.... EA 287.[6]
Apiru is an alternate possible way habiru would possibly be pronounced. notice that the habiru are hired by Lab'ayu, another client of Egypt ruling Shechem.
More evidence that the Habiru worked hand in hand with Egypt's various vassals in Canaan, from Lab'ayu responding to the charges against him:
>To the king, my lord and my Sun: Thus Lab'ayu, your servant and the dirt on which you tread. I fall at the feet of the king, my lord and my Sun, 7 times and 7 times. I have obeyed the orders that the king wrote to me. Who am I that the king should lose his land on account of me? The fact is that I am a loyal servant of the king! I am not a rebel and I am not delinquent in duty. I have not held back my payments of tribute; I have not held back anything requested by my commissioner. He denounces me unjustly, but the king, my Lord, does not examine my (alleged) act of rebellion. Moreover, my act of rebellion is this: when I entered Gazru-(Gezer), I kept on saying, "Everything of mine the king takes, but where is what belongs to Milkilu? " I know the actions of Milkilu against me! Moreover, the king wrote for my son. I did not know that my son was consorting with the 'Apiru. I hereby hand him over to Addaya-(commissioner). Moreover, how, if the king wrote for my wife, how could I hold her back? How, if the king wrote to me, "Put a bronze dagger into your heart and die", how could I not execute the order of the king?
>Let's go to the promised land !
>Fuck no, there might be giants. Climb that mountain and sacrifice your son or whatever, but we go back to Egypt
>Well okay then, let's wander in this desert until you die instead.
>Eh... That sounds acceptable. Alright, lead the way.
40 in the bible is used to represent a long period of time.
Hence the 40 days of Jesus in the desert or the 40 days of Noah's flood.
Therefore it is just a story told in a symbolic way, which may have some remote historical antecedent.
>40 years
Ah a Protestant I see, this is why translation was a mistake. 40 years is used in Hebrew prose to mean 'a long time', as it was when you'd had a kid, which felt like a lifetime, in the ancient world.
because he pissed off g-d or some shit
>6th of October City
>Be Egypt
>Be humiliated by Israel
>Have an autistic obsession with getting revenge
>Surprise attack Israel with the help of Syria on October 6th 1973 while pretty much all Israelis were busy in synagogue fasting for Yom Kippur
>Briefly have the upper hand for the beginning of the war
>Have a 3:1 numerical advantage and support from 8 other nations
>Get outflanked and completely assraped by the Jews anyway
>Israeli tanks within 20km of Damascus and 100km of Cairo without any serious opposition in the way
>Encircle the retarded Egyptian army in the desert
>Despite getting completely and utterly BTFO, Egyptians were winning briefly on October 6th
>Declare it a national holiday and name a city after it
If anyone ever tells you that Arabs aren't a bunch of autistic retards, remind them of this.
pic related
So that the unbelieving slave minded Jews would die and not enter into the promised land.
40 is a time of testing or trial, yes.
40 years is 40 years.
But for Nixon, the Jews might have required more overt divine assistance to survive.
t. C*tholic heathen
Real followers of God (Jews) do not see this as a metaphor.
Well first of all, there is a lot that is disputed about the Exodus. First of all, we don't really know the route they took, as the place names provided in the Bible largely don't exist anymore or we are unsure where exactly they are referring to. The Mount Sinai in Egypt is probably not the same Mount Sinai that the Hebrews camped at. We are entirely unsure of its location, and there is no reason to even believe that it is in the Sinai Desert. For all we know it could be in Saudi Arabia.
Secondly, the journey was not 40 years because the path to Israel was particularly long. God wanted to punish the Hebrews for the sin of the golden calf, so he wanted the generation of Hebrew who left Egypt to die off before the new generation, lead by a new prophet (Moses wasn't allowed to enter Canaan either), could enter Canaan. The generation which left Egypt was considered ungrateful, while the younger generation would be more obedient and worthy of God's guidance.
>For all we know it could be in Saudi Arabia.
It is; the locals call it the Mountain of Moses. The top of it is somehow blackened. Completely.
They crossed at al Aqaba; Solomon erected a monument on the east side of the crossing.
Not for the sin of the golden calf; that punishment was to eat the gold.
The punishment was for the 10 spies bad report on how they could not possibly take the promised land, and how the people relied on their bad reports instead of Joshua and Caleb's good report on how awesome it was going to be to kick the living shit out of these giants.
Moses wasn't allowed to enter into the promised land because he struck the rock at Horeb instead of just speaking to it, as instructed.
>The punishment was for the 10 spies bad report on how they could not possibly take the promised land, and how the people relied on their bad reports instead of Joshua and Caleb's good report on how awesome it was going to be to kick the living shit out of these giants.
My bad, I should have known this, my Bar Mitzvah was this part of the Torah.
>It is; the locals call it the Mountain of Moses. The top of it is somehow blackened. Completely.
>They crossed at al Aqaba; Solomon erected a monument on the east side of the crossing.
I saw it on a documentary. I'll see if I can find some pics. Or the documentary.
>haha jews amirite guys?
fuck off
He refused to ask for directions.
Lain rules this world, not any mere human
Wow, I just realized how far away people must have thought Egypt was from Jerusalem. Upon hearing that it took 40 years, a person who doesn't know better might think the two are on the ends of the earth.
Makes me wonder how good the average person in like France knew of world geography. Probably not much. Going on Crusade might have been really eye opening for many.
ritual sacrifice
Moses led the Jews for 40 years to wander the desert and "cleanse"/sacrifice the generation of sinners, so the next generation is rewarded with Israel
the entire theme is blood sacrifice
Jews are punished/sacrificed for their sins and given to Babylon, Greeks, Rome, Germans
after they are cleansed through sacrifice (trial by fire) shoah they are rewarded with return to Israel
>catholic heaven
>Jews are followers of god
Do Protestants ever think their ideologies through before publishing it
>Real followers of God (Jews)
They're such real followers of him they killed him because they accused him of being a sorcerer, top lel.