Is Veeky Forums the most HAPPENING board now?

late 2016 /pol/ saw a huge increase in traffic for the elections. now with the cryptocurrency bubble, has Veeky Forums become the most exciting board? Have /pol/ lurkers come over to Veeky Forums?

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>Have /pol/ lurkers come over to Veeky Forums?
Yes, you can tell by the vastly decreased quality.

You could thank a Ghost for this crossover.

>Have /pol/ lurkers come over to Veeky Forums?
If I wasn't one of them myself I'd have probably dismissed this as a meme

Yeah but we were all /withher/ and I have a feeling she would have rekt cryptos

I literally just came here from pol

I have noticed a lot of pol people are here after the election I tuned out politics. All they talk about on the news is russia. But I spend my time here getting them gains

>tfw been coming here since late 2015 when eth was pennies

>still haven't bought

Exciting is an overstatement

Once you see the 59th DGB and ARK thread in the first hour, it gets pretty boring


This is our board now, goy.

Gas the /pol/tards

fellow /pol/tard checking in, I fucking hate that board now and I'm starting to hate this one too.

You only get 59 dgb threads if that one autist is still on here posting his nonstop fud


i'm tired of being accused of being a migrant. biz was created because of crypto discussions on pol. i'm not out of place being here.

>tfw when you are an endless board migrant forever doomed to travel to new boards. I just want my old and gamefaqs back.

>I fucking hate that board now
Why, was it better with the BBC threads? Ironically despite it's edgy leanings it's still friendlier than this shithole board.

if you need a friend, get a dog.

are you me?
dbg at least gave us the cat meme
and ants the demented wojack
no one has freaked out about ark tho. it seems fairly civil

Case in point cunt

The point is ladies and gentlemen that greed, for lack of a better word, is good.


Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

Just who the fuck is that mcdonalds toy robot supposed to appeal to?

It's gonna be -the- happening board once the financial bubble to end all bubbles busts next year.

I think /b/trap is tied with Veeky Forumssips is tied for hottest Veeky Forums board

4pol is god awful and I will never go there again. I would go to 8pol but politics are not as fun as getting rich af amirite? who needs to be mad all of the time when you keep amassing wealth? tehe

excuse my retarded grammar. x is tied with y for hottest...**

Holy shit, don't tell me you can buy that sad little robot toy.

There are things that turn me off financial instruments but a man-child toy is just awful. They probably give that little nigga away to anyone who even says they will buy digibyte.
I can just imagine some neet with that little fag on his computer desk just beating off while the reflection shines off his little blue goggle eyes.

I came from /pol/. It got stale. I enjoyed the fresher memes here, but now they're stale, too.
Both are pretty decent for getting news, both are total shit for hanging out in.

>I enjoyed the fresher memes here, but now they're stale, too.
You fucking lie!

This got stale after a day. Especially coming from /pol/.
I enjoyed the DGB and bitbean memes more

Being on /pol/ for 10 years gave me the bone headed shitposting skills to shill ETH to Veeky Forums when it was 80 cents which made Veeky Forums rich.

I got tired of /pol/ when they introduced flags and everything became about countries. Coincidently i used to post about crypto a lot on /pol/ before Veeky Forums was created, and i was one of the founding fathers of this board. Then ethereum was invented and the rest is history.

>i was the guy replying "buy ethereum" to every single post asking how to make money here for 6 months solid. I would also have long heated arguments with anyone who said anything bad about ethereum.

For me it went:
2011: /b/
2012: /gif/, /wsg/, /b/
2013: /soc/, /gif/, /wsg/
2014: /vp/
2015: Veeky Forums and /v/
2016: /pol/
2017: Veeky Forums

I hopped on /pol/ right when primaries started, and then got bored by Feb 2017 and came over here right in time for the ETHsplosion.

I'm here spying on jews to report back to my homeboard.

For me it was
/b/, /gif/
/gif/, /pol/
/gif/, /pol/, /out/, /k/, Veeky Forums
/gif/, Veeky Forums, /pol/
/gif/, Veeky Forums
and now /gif/, Veeky Forums (main), and /pol/



Veeky Forums

still check biz

how can anyone think the nigger debacle was boring
it literally outed a crypto platform as centralized and people found a way to keep it going

>jewish shills in Veeky Forums /pol/
>indian shills in Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
both of these boards are trash

Niggercoin was easily the funniest meme in Veeky Forums history. I've never laughed so hard here as I did during the couple of nights it took off.

Been lurking biz and fit for years but not fit nor rich

I miss the biz fucking only trend you niggers need is the September issue

Shame PCfag Waves devs ruined it!

I still go on /pol/ at least once a day, but usually only a quick skim through the first page, whereas during the election I swear that board was responsible for me failing one of my classes last semester.

checked. I go there usually a couple times a day just to see what is up with the world cause they get better news faster. Also I have family in Europe that I want to make sure haven't been jihadi'd

I've been here two days, and I already figured out everything everyone says here is some kind of scam/misdirection

Kek. I do miss how much better it was during the election. It was almost like I had friends

The only thing this board is useful for is following the hype trains for the latest shit coin and then quickly dumping it after the first (and usually last) pump before you get stuck bagholding.

If you filter the (discord) shills and shit posts you can actually find good posts and threads here unlike pol.

>starting browsing biz late 2015 - early 2016
>pretty comfy
>threads for real estate, resumes, interviews, small business ideas, job hunting, ect
>investment threads for just about any type of security, as well as robinhood, australian securities exchange and occasionally lse and whatever the euro exchange is
>crypto general and a small amount of eth threads, along with whatever flavour of the month memecoin is being shilled (such as waves)
>learned alot from simply reading threads and doing my own research afterwards

its literally all crypto now. i want that lovely diversity back that made biz great. dont get me wrong i love crypto but i miss all of the other threads that were posted weekly here. remember when resume threads used to last forever? that shit would 404 within 2 hours now


/b/-tard since 2007

/pol/-tard since 2013

Now a Veeky Forums-tard starting 2017

Apologies for any oldfags on this board for the influx. You guys need to redpill us on business real quick here

World revolves around me

you are the oldfaggot. biz is /bpol/.

I have been predicting that /biz would be the new /pol/ since 2015.

Once we get a mass influx of autistic NEETs who begin concentrating all of their energy into the world of finances instead of focusing on culture/politics, shit is going to get really really really fucking funny.

I am predicting that people are going to die.

>I am predicting that people are going to die.
who n from what user

about the same here + 2011-2013 r9k. Fuck whatever happened to /pol/, but I'm pissed that crypto has completely consumed this board.

Its over Veeky Forums fags, this is the new /pol/

Can we start memeing the death of fiat and make us all the new soros pls


Yeah... I kinda miss all the happening threads every day. Feeling like I was a part of something. Not that the happenings are good, but it has to get a lot worse before it gets any better.

I think they were on /g/, not /pol/. I seem to recall a lot of dogecoin threads.

I think all of the weaponized autism of /pol/ is going to flood into this board, and they are going to start fucking with the financial world hard. They are going to turn over stones that have never been turned, and they are going to cause more chaos than anyone has ever caused. Even more than all of the hijinks they pulled off during the election.

The financial world is the top of it all. It is the big leagues. It is the final evolved form of Veeky Forums.


it happened the way i remember it. who the fuck are you?

Honestly I think so too. There is already a massive hatred for Soros, (((bankers))), etc... and it is truly weaponized autism. If you have not seen it firsthand, you know nothing of it's power. The outside world has no idea.

Veeky Forums has always been exciting.

I meant to say 1011


Just some oldfag. My memory might be slipping. I've just had so much Veeky Forums it all blends together.

/pol/fugee here.

Because it's a lazy shitcoin and it was not really removed from Waves?


NGR was the reason I sold all my waves.

/b/ from 2006-2014, now only a visitor
/pol/ visitor from 2012, regular at 2014
Veeky Forums visitor from 2016

Being an Aussie, you can thank me personally for the positive uptake in quality shitposting.

/pol/ was taken over by YouTube celebrities who use the board to advertise their channels and gain subscribers.

That's why I came here. Now I'm making huuuuge gains with crypto! So much better and more profitable than /pol/!

I came here from /pol/, yes
>has Veeky Forums become the most exciting board?
no njgger

>8 years on /b/
you must be really fucked up, are you addicted to traps?

If you want to keep getting cucked by the Jew go back to/pol/. Veeky Forums is where we beat the Jew by becoming the Jew.

This is very true

Same here

me too lads /pol/ reporting in


/pol/ still has 10x the traffic of Veeky Forums


>/pol/ hates their own board.
>/pol/ comes to biz
>Starting to hate this board too

Dunno if you were the guy, but i bought eth at 5$ thanks to one of the shills here. Thanks for your service

We just hate everything

migrand do make everything wrose, who would've thought?

Yes. We've been over this already. It went /b/ - > /pol/ - > Veeky Forums.

Veeky Forums is becoming old /b/, etc. with loads of fucking begging threads and all that.

I came over because you turds came to /pol and shilled your coins

Something isn't right. These faggots brought something unholy with them.

it's the normie influx which is killing off the boards. Times are changing.

The pro-migrants will be enlightened eventually

>/pol/ discovers crypto a few months too late to get filthy rich and save the West

Exactly this.

Fellow /pol/tard here, it's not even my final form
However don't panic, we still have something like 2 years or so the T_D crowd discover the place.

We aren't even in the happening mode yet. The memes will overflow when another financial crash gets going.

Engineer is mai waifu

Goddamn, me too
I had not laughed that hard in months

It was probably me. I was literally the only one shilling eth here for about 3 months before others joined in


That was me too, sorry for making you rich

Unarguably true

I am a perfectly adjusted human being.