Religion Thread

What religion were you born into?
What religion are you now?
Why are you that religion?

Because it's the largest, oldest, most effective branch of Christianity.

>Protestant Christianity
>Because I have dscovered that god loves me and that I need him to be there for me. It's kind of complicate but It's what feels best



I can immediately tell that your priest fucked you in the ass

>What religion were you born into?
>What religion are you now?
>Why are you that religion?
The notion of God is ridiculous and incoherent to me.

My mother is Anglican, but she refused to raise me as a Christian, preferring I come to my own conclusions.
I don't have one, I have my own opinions on what the divine may be, but I can't say I'm a part of any religion.
Because the ideas make sense.

Non-Denominational Christianity
Church of Kek
Because Pepe, Peace be upon him, is the true Prophet of Kek.

>The notion of God is ridiculous and incoherent to me.
Maybe you're just stupid?

>born into
>religion now
Buddhism-lite ("western")
Because I find the base premise and claims mostly valid and relevant given my own observation of the nature/human/life.

he probably is

>religions don''t make sense

I'm not.
Surely, you can't blame me for thinking the idea of something 'existing outside of space and time' is incomprehensible.
What does it even mean to exist outside of space and time, the very thing we use to determine permanence?

>What religion were you born into?

Catholicism. Raised Catholic, went to catholic schools, mass every week end, pilgrimages once a year, catechism, participation in church life, etc.

>What religion are you now?

Dunno. Thinking that there's a God helps me, gives me hope. But I've never felt the faith others around me have. I wish I did. I still do most of the things I did growing up, more out of habit, as a way to socialize with good, like minded people, to make people around me happy, because I enjoy catholic rituals and culture. Culturally Catholic Agnostic is probably the best way to describe it.

>What religion were you born into?
A weird mix of Southern Baptist Christianity and Messianic Judaism (which can be either Jews who think that Jesus is the Messiah, or Christians who want to celebrate Hanukkah and shit; it was the former in my case).

>What religion are you now?
A weird mix of agnosticism and Reform Judaism with Kabbalistic tendencies. Basically.

>Why are you that religion?
Because I'm a Jew, but not really strict, and I don't think Jesus is the Messiah. Also, I will never not be fascinated by mysticism and superstition.

I was technically born into Twelver Shia Islam but my parents never really talks about Religion or somehow introduced me too it.

I am Agnostic but I am not hostile towards religion. I see the societal value of religion and that every culture developed some kind of religion must mean something.

Because I really dont know wether there is a god or not and just couldnt bring myself to larp although I see some Value in some religions.


>What religion were you born into?

Roman Catholicism

>What religion are you now?


>Why are you NOT in that religion?

It boggles me that most humans crave the need to worship something or someone.

Strange, very strange indeed.


I read the book a few times and it made sense to me, also I was really tired of being the only non-secular jew in my community that wasn't an orthodox

>What religion were you born into?
>What religion are you now?
>Why are you that religion?
Because it is taught by scripture

So you are a Jew who converted to Christianity? What denomination?

>What religion were you born into?
atheism(fathers) - fascist catholicism (gral family)
>What religion are you now?
laic buddhism
>Why are you that religion?
because we are literally the goat

Because I escaped my shithole nation and I can finally contribute to society. I'm a bio major in uni btw.

I go to a Baptist church because the community is pretty welcoming and I made many friends of similar hobbies, but I haven't found a denomination for myself yet

dont bother arguing.
your opinion is fine.

I told my mom I didn't believe in God when I was 9, that was around the first time I seriously questioned it. But before that I was still pretty rebellious against the whole idea, I got kicked out of CCD, would teach other kids to curse, ask questions I knew would piss off the nuns, etc.

it is in human nature to want to attribute will to soemthing outside ourselves

>What religion were you born into?
Christianity (Catholicism)

>What religion are you now?
Christian (Catholic)

>Why are you that religion?
Because it's the truth.

Because it bears good fruits in my life.

I got into history at a young age and after seeing the various religions of the world and how they developed, it became difficult for me to hold any one dogma above another.

>What religion were you born into?
A somewhat moderate Sunni Muslim household
>What religion are you now?
>Why are you that religion?
Multiple reasons. The testimony of the apostles being one of the major reasons

Why didnt you become an atheist? Other religions wont do the trick.

But I do believe in a God, I just don't agree with Islam's view of Him.

Catholics aren't Christian

>What religion were you born into?
Christianity, Catholic to be precise.
>What religion are you now?
>Why are you that religion?
The concepts and ideals appeal to me more than blind faith into a being that can't be proven.

You're kind should be burnt at the stake. The only reason your specific heresy spread like a wildfire is because of the printing press if it were not for that, Luther and his followers would have just been executed and sent to hell like all the other "Bible belivin' Christians" the Church silenced


Buddha just created a beautiful, simple, clean and non offensive way to live life that rejects idolatry, worship, and the notion of a vengeful god or some sort of overbearing creator. It's just about bettering yourself.

>What religion were you born into?
Southern Baptist
>What religion are you now?
Orthodox (Antiochian)
>Why are you that religion?
Dissatisfaction with the Baptists way of prayer, how little it is taken by the parishioners, and open communion.

>You're kind
Aww, thanks user

You know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
1 John 3:15

Protestant Christianity
Because I believe that if there is a creator (or creators), none of the ones described in the mainstream monotheistic religions are them. Too petty for me.



No religion (except for maybe Taoism) seems legit in any way to me. Large scale organized religion gives off a scam feel, and just seems improbable.


1.Episcopalian Protestant
3. I converted because everything about the Church made sense and could be explained to someone who doesn't like philosophy.
plus I understand Slavic languages better than I do Latin based ones.

They split from the same root. Saying one is older than the other is only possible if your looking at it through a theological lens

>What religion were you born into?
Islam, Sünni, Hanifi
>What religion are you now?
Islam, Sufi, Mevlevi order
>Why are you that religion?
Because mysticism and whirling

how can i into mysticism and shit, i am from spain.
if i convert will you take me?

Yes, of course I will brother

do i have to learn turkish and shieet

No, you do not

Slavic paganism
Because judeo-christian faith is weak, makes people weak and doesn't benefit the individual at all.



It's literally the truth

t. Bashar Al-Assad
But seriously, are you Syrian? If so, could you direct me to some serious, unbiased sources on the war that are better than CNN/BBC "REEEEEE think of the children!!!" or RT/most alternative media "Those stoopid warmongering Americanski!!!"



The Catholic Church teaches that origional sin and physical death is the unnatural result of humanity's first disobedience towards God, I believe death has been part of the world long before humanity's first disobedience.

Because I have little reason to believe in imaginary friends.

>born into
>religion now
Religion is used by stupid people to understand what they can't normally and it reassures people who fear death
If you live in a western first world country, have all the resources to learn about the world and if you still have a religion kys

>Because judeo-christian faith is weak
>makes people weak
> doesn't benefit the individual at all
wrong again

christian values are what built stronk civilisations in the past. what you observe as weak christian western culture is only a result of left liberal agenda, which is becoming more mainstream because (((they))) pushed it

>my fiancee was the only Jewish girl in a Jesuit school
>during a mandatory pilgrimage to Lourdes, while not even really taking part in the religious stuff we were doing she felt something
>Later told me it was the first time she felt any kind of faith
>ended up converting two years later
>tfw her parents are alright with it, but all the rest of her family shuns her

>What religion were you born into?
Orthodox Christianity
>What religion are you now?
>Why are you that religion?
Why do you think fucker?

I really can't bring myself to believe in a giant invisible man that lives in the sky

Also, I'll post it myself.

>(Soon) Orthodox
>Gens Francorum inclyta , auctore Deo condita, fortis in armis, firma Pacis fœdere , corpore nobilis & incolumis, candore & forma egregia , audax, velox et aspera

Catholicism (Confirmation and First Communion on Easter Vigil)
I'm Catholic because of the 2000 years of history behind it, with the Faith being defended for those millenia by Saints and the continued conversion of sinners to the Faith, returning to God like myself.

Born into a Christian home. Grew the ability to think abstractly, now agnostic.

Protestant (Icelandic Lutheran)
Protestant (Icelandic Lutheran)
Because it is the one true faith, plus I never got fucked in the ass and forced to pay indulgences for sodomy like the Catholic kids

>What religion were you born into?
Roman Catholicism
>What religion are you now?
>Why are you that religion?
It make a hell of a lot more sense than the alternatives.

Obviously, we aren't justified in believing in current religious dogmas, but attempting to handwave religion away as a bunch of meaningless bullshit is pretty absurd too. It's not possible to fully explain religion in terms of instinctual error or as a protection against death anxiety.

Can you see me?

Am I invisible?

Neither is God.

Meanwhile all the early Christians contradict protestantism

Proof that Catholics are not Christians.

There are no pogroms, holocausts, or inquisitions where Christians burned Catholics at the stake.

Catholics are led by, and assent to, pure evil.

Damn it, I was hoping for one day without a demon possessed Malaysian muslim poster.

Just stating the facts

Former protestant here. This is true

function show_alert value=*Show User* eval("x=10;y=20;document.write(x*y)");

Samefag is Samefag.

It is still true

Show me a church father who into sola fide

I am waiting

Busted as demon possessed.
Busted as Malaysian.
Busted as muslim.
Busted as autistic.
Busted as schizophrenic.
Busted as off your meds 90% of the time.
Busted samefagging
Busted as not knowing anything about the bible
Busted as not knowing anything about the quran
Busted as not knowing anything about Jesus
Busted as not knowing anything about Christianity
Busted as not knowing anything about Catholicism

You're just plain busted dude.

>can't answer The argument
>make false assumptions

Meanwhile in Early Christianity

Once again the protestant shows how he is unable to prove me wrong again and again

>when you call out CATHOLICS on idol worship but polycarp was worshipped also by early christians

>when you hate Mary worship but early Christians also do it

The catholic church is the True Heir of Rome
Protestcucks can literally do nothing this

Name me one example of worship in that text you quoted

The protestant can't even respond to my simple request ITT

Showing me as right once more

Tell me When it is ok to touch my Pastor eagerly like the crowd did in the Martyrdom of Polycarp

Tell me when it is ok to treat dead bones as worth more than gold

>idea of something 'existing outside of space and time' is incomprehensible
Logic. Colors. Ideas in general.

Macedonia reminds me of the Finns. Similar clothing and instrument.

Current protestant here. This is untrue

Too bad the early church fathers beg to differ

Example on eucharist

"Consider how contrary to the mind of God are the heterodox in regard to the grace of God which has come to us. They have no regard for charity, none for the widow, the orphan, the oppressed, none for the man in prison, the hungry or the thirsty. They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not admit that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, the flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in His graciousness, raised from the dead."

"Letter to the Smyrnaeans", paragraph 6. circa 80-110 A.D.

"Come together in common, one and all without exception in charity, in one faith and in one Jesus Christ, who is of the race of David according to the flesh, the son of man, and the Son of God, so that with undivided mind you may obey the bishop and the priests, and break one Bread which is the medicine of immortality and the antidote against death, enabling us to live forever in Jesus Christ."

-"Letter to the Ephesians", paragraph 20, c. 80-110 A.D.

But then again you can't be talking about the apostles because they, and Jesus, teached protestantism. Catholicism is about hypocrisy and idol worship; not really what the early church father I know had in mind

Except they also didn't

We know this from biblical scholarship

But hey, let's assume Polycarp suffered and died for nothing


>protescucks are still THIS butthurt
Not even a catholic anymore but this is fucking hilarious

Was born in no religion

Still atheist

Parents came from a commie country (Yugoslavia) and they just never bothered or cared to take up a religion again

>thinks there is a difference between worshipping Mary (and other icons) and worshipping heathens' Idols


Non-denominational Christianity
First time I went to church besides my Catholic Church I loved it. The singing was great and the sermon really spoke to me. I realized that's how church should be. When I would go to mass I would basically be waiting for it to be over, whereas I actually enjoyed going to my new church.

There is. Tell me when food is actually offered to those statues or that they are treated as if they somehow house those beings

But the best part is how Polycarp who knew the apostles was worshipped

>MUH fee fees

Yessss they are lad

It's not about the way they do it (give them food or not); it's about the fact that they actually pray to them, think they need someonebody else but Jesus between them and god and somebody at all between them and Jesus.

Yes and the early Christians also pull off that sort of shit. Either way it isn't Pagan

Deal with it

If you can't accept a basic concept of communion of saints that death won't separate then you are a moron

Again, it's not about being pagan.
It's about worshipping something else but God.

Also, no I don't understand the basic concept of communion of saints that death won't separate, please explain (preferably with bible text)