b r a s s
Oh god please make this coin 2 dollars
Glad I sold today. That shits gonna dump. Might pick up some more cheap.
I think you're a bit backwards there...
he's right. This literally always happens. sell now and buy the dip
ass golem
No wonder the price is rising. Can't wait :)
Everyone thinking this will moon...
Has anyone every heard buy the rumor, sell the news? Happened with ANS, and their conference was overall good. Just a heads up.
>This literally always happens.
Oh yeah? This is how it normally happens when golem releases a full version? THIS IS THEIR FIRST FULL VERSION YOU SHILL. We don't know what it going to happen. But when a company releases a working product you don't typically expect their value to drop.
did someone say golem
Brass Golem isn't a rumor...Golem on coinbase however...we haven't seen Golem moon yet.
>buy the news
I will make money off you in future trades no doubt.
The saying is "buy the rumor, sell the news" and it applies more to companies outside of the tech realm. Technology has such groundbreaking advances that this saying gets less and less valid even though people parrot it nonstop.
Look up tech company stocks vs major announcements and you'll see they don't actually drop on the news.
true but by now you have redditors squawking it so much that it's become a self fulfilling prophecy.
ANS is the best example. People we so ready to "sell the news" that it prematurely dumped hard.
>Golem on coinbase
There were also rumours of REP and ANT joining too but I can't see it happening
Things move fast in the crypto sphere
Remember when XRP was going to be on Coinbase any day now? None of this shit is going on there.
did they find Golem in coinbase's code though? Golem has been mentioned in their blog too, and it is an ETH asset which facilitates their back end.
I'd say Coinbase is still accumulating Golem, but who knows.
XRP is going to have it's own better coinbase soon though.
What is it?
yeah but the person who predicted ETH and LTC would go on coinbase also predicted GNT would go on there. she probably has some sort of insider info. make of that what you will...
no one gives a shit. the average person does not need a network super computer. just like the average person doesn't need SIA to host CP... fucking idiots.
yeah and I'm sure people said the same about home computers, the internet, and especially smart phones. get on the right side of history comrade.
>no one needs a home computer
>no one needs a computer in their pocket
>no one needs a network super computer
famous words from t. noinvestment
>Golem on coinbase however
that was literally people inspect element and adding themselves and saying look at this leak!
name one thing you would use golem for. go ahead. just one.
Coinbase is adding dcred next most likely, Golem wont sniff coinbase unless brass is a success
>talking about what average person would use golem for
>names super specific thing used by filmmakers and VFX artists
anything you would use cpu for, brainiac
Many people checked it out (including me) until coinbase locked the access to the file. kek Later they made a post about ETH assets like Goleme and Augur in their blog.
It's important to buy on rumors because not everyone gets a hint kiddo.
>has never heard of folding at home
>doesnt understand people mine coins at home
gee normal people dont want large amounts of computing power.
>filmmakers and VFZ artists
>what is youtube
Ok, I could spend 20k on shit golem coins, or I could spend 4k and get a top of the line computer that does everything I need.
The average person isn't rendering avengers 3 in 8k res you fucking retard. Stop being delusional.
why has it gotta be the average person, the average person has no money
why are you trying so hard mate.
yeah it's not just for rendering, the developers just said they would begin with artistic-oriented tech stuff and CGI but it can be used for gaming, YouTube, using your computer much faster in every way. and if you buy "shit golem coins" - 20k of them - you will probably be pleasantly surprised at your profits. then you can buy an 8k top of the line computer to talk shit on Veeky Forums with.
You're a fucking mongoloid. Go get some fresh air.
The average person wasn't using smartphones either before they existed...stop being backwards grampa. Technology comes first, then it finds its use, not the other way around. Edison didn't make the light bulb to fund his dream of making selfies of his duckface a century later.
why wouldn't someone just design a program to do what golem does, but without coins?
Let's pretend golem is a success, which it won't be so this is completely a fictional scenario.
Google will instantly copy them and do it better.
Golem is then worthless.
Do you even know what Golem does? lol What a joke.
A super computer made out of computers across the entire world is BIGGER than Google itself.
You can't be this dense.
Free versions already exist.
But people run and have run them for years because it is fun or they like to contribute. Now imagine if they were getting PAID for that.
So i can use golem to mine bitcoin?
Theoretically yes but it would be cost prohibitive.
No, the apps have to be made by the Golem team. The first app being Brass Golem.
wut it do
it's in 11.5 hours
see for yrself socrates
>using docker
Hahahahahahaha nice supercomputer network ya got there. It would be a shame if there was a Linux kernel zero day that let you take over the golem network. Good thing those things only happen a couple times a year.
Bahahahahahhaahahahahah you're gonna have every Vlad from .ru working on zero days to hack this thing and of all the containerization and sandboxing solutions you pick docker.
I'm warning you guys, Docker and containers are not adequate security when the stakes are taking over a global supercomputer network.
it's just a red herring bro don't fret
sell the news
you guys will never learn
True gnt shit up in the past weeks. Hype for brass is probably already included In the current price.
GNT already dropping.
Thanks for your bags. I will take great care of them.
>we haven't seen Golem moon yet.
I bought GNT after a few weeks it was shilled on Veeky Forums and I have 240% ROI.
github shows it's only 73% done
someone's getting fucked tonight
I hope those of you that were thinking of just now buying in listened to me.
Everything just dipped you dingus, and i bought everything
yes this is what normally happens in a full version software release. expect a huge dip, probably >3 months
What happens when whales have news?
Wait for weak hands to drop and then pick up.
If you get a high price and believe in fundamentals then hold. Better to buy half what you expected and wait for a dump.
Please learn the meanings of words before using them.
last time I check brass was about 73% done on github..dump it
You have no idea how the whales trade crypto and you will get burned you stupid fuck
Its going to be a beta
Time to sell the news
Sell the news
kek. NOPE. Read julians comment.
This thread is fake hype.
It's a monthly developer update and no major announcements are to be made.
If the price dips because of no brass release, then whoever sells is retarded.
Will there be a stream of the conference or anything?
Please explain selling the news
I went all in on (((Swarm City))) before announce night and nearly lost everything