Why did the Jews freak out at this movie when it accurately depicts what's written in the gospel?
Why did the Jews freak out at this movie when it accurately depicts what's written in the gospel?
Precisely because of that.
Maybe because they don't like the Gospel either?
Umm maybe because Jews don't read the Gospel?
Did they?
It reveals how strong the Jewish lobby is/was...even in Roman times.
That's like if I got pissed at a movie depicting the life of Buddha made by Buddhists because I'm not a Buddhist and haven't read their texts.
I'm sorry, what are you trying to say?
They were pretty butthurt from what I remember, yeah. Some were saying it was gonna instill a new wave of jew-hating or some shit like that. Was much younger when the film came out though, so I don't perfectly remember the whole press ordeal.
The average viewers were more shocked over the "accurate" display of the violent scenes, like the whipping, crown of thorns and crucifixion scenes. Didn't bother me that much tbqh, seemed me like the message was "JESUS REALLY SUFFERED FOR YOUR SINS SO APOLOGIZE"
Bad analogy, don't you think?
Why do idiots freak out when 25 year rule and no pol with dates? Reported.
>jews are neurotic assholes
>goyim are the worst
Who else here /lives around jews/
>33 AD
>breaks 25 year rule
You're a dumb fuck
Why do Jews get pissed about a movie for Christians, by Christians, depicting Christian texts?
culture of busybody
>& Humanities was a mistake
>implying Jews are a hivemind and they ALL had issue with it
Secondy, I don't know, why don't you write them a letter and ask them yourself?
Call him a Jew etcetera and so forth.
>implying we're talking about the events of 33ad and not reaction to a movie released in 2004
>33 AD
>breaks 25 year rule
Your topic is a fucking movie. also this ain't /tv/
The Jews see Jesus Christ as a villain.
Making an accurate Hitler movie with that kind of budget would get the same response
Just like how the English see Jeanne d'Arc?
>comparing Jew-on-a-stick to hitler
gas yourself
Good goy
But Jesus was a jew
In fact he was the ultimate jew, literally started to steal all their followers.
>accurately depicts what's written in the gospel
It doesn't, though. Gibson has always been honest about the movie being based more on medieval passion plays than what's in the Gospel accounts.
Even if it was, there's no way to accurately depict all four Gospel accounts in one movie, since many of them portray contradictory events. Any adaptation like this is going to be a harmonization which isn't going to be strictly accurate to any of them in particular. That's the reason this over two-hour long movie manages to claim basis on a total of about two minutes reading time of text. It's not supposed to be an accurate account.
And yes, I know this is a shitpost. I also know that a bunch of people are going to reply to this with shitposty responses anyone actually curious can read up on the topic if they want. Protip: nothing I've said will controversial to Biblical scholars, or even Mel Gibson.
The lines that the kikes hated are directly from the gospel of Matthew.
And what do you think passion plays are based on?
It was actually based on some medieval vision some saint had of the crucifixion.
Mel's version may be anti-Semitic, but if it is its far less so than many of the gospels, particularly John, so if your going to call it anti-Semitic you would also have to say that scripture itself is anti-Semitic.
Now many scholars would be prepared to say exactly that, but you can understand why that might not be a popular idea among Christians.
it's wrong to say it's antisemitic
I never saw any jews rioting and burning shit down like Muslims did over a movie.
I personally found the excessive violence and gore offensive. It was unnecessary. I would rather see a sex/love making scene between jesus and mary Magdalene. It'd be romantic and cute desu.
There's no baby Satan in the gospels
Not buying it. I can tell you live in a trailer park, and no jew is that pathetic
>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?
I wouldnt say it was antisemitic tbqh, it's just "muh jesus was a good boy, praise him" shitposting. The jews weren't portrayed like fucking shylocks or whatever. It was a graphic adaptation of the worst, most violent part of the NT.
>le trailer park meme
Go back to facebook faggot
>only rednecks and white trash
As opposed to? Hipsters, niggers and Jews?
>all whites are like me, disgusting pieces of parasitic garbage
>mummy says I'm beautiful meme
fuck off back to 600lb life faggot
Anglo trash spotted
They absolutely flipped their shit.
And yeah, they were mad because it told the "truth" and because any excuse to attack Christianity is a good excuse.
oh yeah. Christians sure are being persecuted by Jews right now. Oh the horror.
I bet you'll legit respond to this claiming that the reason you can't get laid is because of Jews. Isn't that what you neckbeard freaks are always so pissy about?
so shooped
Reminder that this guy is an actual member of the """"master race""""
Lol he's a jew who knows what he's doing there
U r retarded
Whys it always one or the other. There's more type of people in the world you know.
t. streetshitter tranny
Wasn't it Matthews version which was borderline antisemitic due to the blood on their hands and their chidren's verse? Not that calling the literal jews who wrote the gospels antisemitic makes much sense either. At least not at all in the modern or even the medieval sense. Not that it stopped fuckers from exploiting it and spin it as such to create the ultimate scapegoats.
Lmao, no. He's one of the purebreeds!
Jews do the aryan look better than you faggots
keep up that pathetic damage control though
t. pimple faced neckbeard