>the crypto scene used to consist of libertarians and free thinkers
>the crypto scene now consists of redditors and boomers
The crypto scene used to consist of libertarians and free thinkers
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off faggot
kill yourself bitch
Eternal September comes and ruins all the free thinking hot spots, user
Crypto is just another domino to fall.
By the time we actually hit "mainstream" and normies talk about getting in early on "cheap" 10k btc, crypto will be so different you'll be disgusted with it
>once everyone adopts this I'll be rich
>wtf why is everyone buying crypto now??
I'm ok with this only because I get to be richer because I got in earlier.
Why is everyone on this board such a cunt? Expletives are supposed to be earned. If theyre not earned then they lose their meaning and then what are we supposed to do when we get angry?
I'm a nazi if that helps.
Gas the coins, cryptowar nao!
Boomers can't even connect their printer without help so let alone understanding blockchain.
We still have 3-4 years before it becomes mainstream.
This. Using the dotcom bubble analogy we're at about 1995.
That's 5 years worth of millions of fresh fish before your average boomers are swapping "hot" crypto tips.
I'm honestly ok with this.
If I'm not a fucking millionaire within five years I'll probably neck myself.
This is a once in a lifetime shot to free yourself from wage slaving.
t. Redditors and boomers
Well, not one can connect a bubble jet with out help. Even the people who make the pieces of shit. Had to buy a laser jet to get a printer that functions like you would expect a printer to function in 2016.
Fuck you nigger go back to leddddit
Literally no boomers except the 0.1% who work in related fields and have to know about crypto to do their job properly know about crypto.
95% of boomers would get a stroke trying to wrap their heads around how to operate a crypto wallet
Read this.
An amusing account of a dino trying to understand bitcoin:
> Tfw libertarians and freethinker early adopters are getting rich as fuck and will have power and influence
There's a bright side friendo
I'd rather have normies in it than broke frog posters from /r9k/
gas the boomers
pic related
Newfag. I'd bet five dollars you migrated here from reddit in the past year