Who were some of the most important figures in the spread of Christianity to Slavland?
Christianity in Eastern Europe
>Boris I of Bulgaria
>The first foreing ruler to adopt Orthodox Christianity from Byzantium
>Adopted the Glagolitic Alphabeth
>Slaughtered 40is Bolyars and their entire families of his elite who refused to become Christian, so he could set and example
>Wrote to the Pope despite being Orthodox, asking for forgivness that he slaughtered his elite, the pope responded that "he did so not out of ignorance but for Christianity"
>His son and successor tried to revert to paganism as soon as he came to power
>Boris came back to power and blinded his son then promptly sent him into exile
>Established a literary school in which the Cyrilic was developed using the Glagolitic sounds as a base but replacing the majority of the weird looking characters with latin and greek ones.
>Actually the first one to have the name Boris, and since it's a common slavname you can extrapolate his influence on Christianity.
>Actually become canonized as a saint.
>slaughter innocent people
>become a saint
Why do Christcucks think they are moral again?
This is such a cool painting.
Why do you think we give a shit whether you think if we're moral or not?
The Slavs were rebelling, the Byzantines were raiding the border, the Serbs who were like a slavic superpower at the time also wanted to annex territories. There were 3 different religions in the Bulgarian Empire, the conquered Byzantines who were Christian, the Slavs with their gods Perun, Svarog and so on, and the rulling class Bulgars who were Tenrinist. Boris I couldn't allow the state to be fractured as that meant total dissolution, and the only way he saw was to unify all of the people living in the empire under a common religion and language, so he did what he had to. Is it barbaric? Possibly, but he more than made up for it with contributions to the spread of Christianity to other Slavic states.
He was a savage. Savages kill one another when they don't comply.
Saint Heraclius beheaded Chosroës
St Charlemagne slaughtered thousands
St Olaf also slaughtered thousands
And so on
Nothing wrong with killing to help people to reach salvation
Warriorstianity > Cuckstianity
The most important are:
Boris I of Bulgaria in the Bulgarian Empire
Vladimir of Kiev in Kievan Rus'
Stephen I of Hungary in the Kingdom of Hungary
All three were sainted
It sounds like anyone can be a Saint in Eastern Christianity.
Did these guys even do Miracles?
This is a Saint
Eastern Christians just believe in physical contributions to Christianity, and less so to folk legends
Francis legit renovated and built many Churches.
>It sounds like anyone can be a Saint in Eastern Christianity.
stephen and hungary are catholic
Charlemagne is also a saint
I guess their miracle is spreading the faith among their peoples
Olga was A E S T H E T I C
because ideally you're tying to appeal to me in order to spread your religion
except current day christcucks are vicious, spiteful, pathetic subhumans that would rather inbreed into oblivion while getting high on their own farts instead of the teachings of christ
These are largely idealized.
She was a middle aged woman when she converted, wasn't she?
Catholics aren't Christians.
Meanwhile protestants contradict all the early church fathers
And early church fathers contradict the bible.
>Early church fathers were the disciple of the apostes
>They contradict 'muh bible'
Because the Bible fell down from the sky
>not seeing God's divine providence in the widespread circulation of the Holy Bible.
Which was of course formed from Oral Tradition and preserved by the same church fathers you deny
well ideally id be allowed to kill you if you refuse to convert, but i cant so whatever
>creators of the bible contradict the bible
protestants everybody
>be Stefan Uros II Milutin
>have 6 year old wife
>have 8 year old wife
>probably have sex with them
>blind my son
>ohh fug
>build many monasteries like Gracanica
>become saint
Is it unbiblical to have a young wife?
Ask Milutin, not me.