ITT: /ourguys/ of history.
ITT: /ourguys/ of history
hate this thread already
t. mussolini
Bog-basher extraordinaire
This is the only acceptable answer
''All of the other people have committed crimes, the Jews are the only ones who have boasted about committing them. They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.''
omg Voltaire is like LITERALLY HITLER wtf!!!
Mussolini is our guy
''You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.''
Literally Veeky Forums personified.
why is he so fucking smug bros?
because he is SUPERIOR
was going to post this
This fucking aviator hat.
>nobles get out REEEEE
Is no one going to check these?
The meme man himself and true successor to Socrates.
what did he mean by this
>tfw he's history now
>literally focusing on diogememes when he was a totally average cynic
>literally idolising cynics, the personifications of "le foul bachelor frog maymay xD" and not stoics
Cocaine is God's way of telling you you are making too much money.
If it's the Psychic Network why do they need a phone number?
Gentiles are people who eat mayonnaise for no reason.
Robin Williams
>When evening comes, I return home and enter my study; on the threshold I take off my workday clothes, covered with mud and dirt, and put on the garments of court and palace. Fitted out appropriately, I step inside the venerable courts of the ancients, where, solicitously received by them, I nourish myself on that food that alone is mine and for which I was born; where I am unashamed to converse with them and to question them about the motives for their actions, and they, out of their human kindness, answer me. And for four hours at a time I feel no boredom, I forget all my troubles, I do not dread poverty, and I am not terrified by death. I absorb myself into them completely. And because Dante says that no one understands anything unless he retains what he has understood, I have jotted down what I have profited from in their conversation and composed a short study, De principatibus...
>Gentiles are people who eat mayonnaise for no reason.
I'm white and don't understand why white people like mayo so much. I fucking loathe the shit, it's only good in specific applications and really alternatives like hollandaise are better in those situations.
Mussolini is a Veeky Forums guy
Macchiavelli was dope as fuck, doesn't deserve his bad rap.
>The Prince was most likely scathing satire and people think he wrote that sociopathic shit unironically when he was actually making fun of people like that, because they learned about him in high school
Not a satire but reading the content it's not that bad just realistic.
I'm at a point where I don't even care about the content of his works. I read them because they're a fucking delight to the eyes.
>One such commentator, Mary Dietz, writes that Machiavelli's agenda was not to be satirical, as Rousseau had argued, but instead was "offering carefully crafted advice (such as arming the people) designed to undo the ruler if taken seriously and followed."[64] By this account, the aim was to reestablish the republic in Florence. She focuses on three categories in which Machiavelli gives paradoxical advice:
>He discourages liberality and favors deceit to guarantee support from the people. Yet Machiavelli is keenly aware of the fact that an earlier pro-republican coup had been thwarted by the people's inaction that itself stemmed from the prince's liberality.
>He supports arming the people despite the fact that he knows the Florentines are decidedly pro-democratic and would oppose the prince.
>He encourages the prince to live in the city he conquers. This opposes the Medici's habitual policy of living outside the city. It also makes it easier for rebels or a civilian militia to attack and overthrow the prince.
It's definitely not a satire. It's a theory for people who haven't read it
You have to understand his bio and the deep meaning of chapter 13 of Il Principe to get that he wasn't satirical.
Machiavelli was a little senile at the point and he really wanted Italian unification after the first ''Wars of Italy''. He was rooting for the high school bullies because there were bullies from college wrecking his school and raping his onetis.
You have to understand his bio and the deep meaning of chapter 13 of Il Principe to get that he wasn't satirical.
Machiavelli was a little senile and cynical at that point and he really wanted Italian unification after the first ''Wars of Italy''. He was rooting for the high school bullies because there were bullies from college wrecking his school and raping his onetis.
Fuck off, you and your overrated commander
>Heh, sorry kid
*Teleports behind you*
>Looks like we don't see eye to eye.
What is Benito Mussolini doing in republican Rome?
Africanus looks like such an English football hooligan.
>tfw if most people from history went on Veeky Forums they'd agree with /pol/
>Somehow /pol/ isn't always right and only fags today are correct about the Jew
>Yeahh dude, Macchiavelli was totally a social Democrat just like mee!!
Gas yourself. Maybe the truth of the matter is he saw (rightfully) that people are shit and that you need to reign them the fuck in
Caracalla was /ourguy/ more than anyone.
Literally this. Aristophanes is GOAT.
Pericles for MAGA is also up there.
Why are ancient Greeks so patrician compared to every other culture ever?
What a bro
try reading it first before you comment
>dat pic
kek'd heartily
Lots of trading city states meant there was no overarching political authority over all of Greece that could easily punish someone for saying something that upset the social order. This is why so many were exiled rather than executed. Patricians were more or less free to be patrician.
>you will never ride into battle with that baller motherfucker
Saigo Takamori
Can't believe someone made a sculpture of Assad
Yeah especially when he was partying in Alexandria
>the self help-book writers of the ancient world
>NEET pharmacist
>Obsessed with a girl from his childhood