What happens here? Or well, what happened here?

What happens here? Or well, what happened here?

I mean not 20th century history but before that because I know absolutely nothing

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estonians aren't balts

What are they ethnically? Russians or Scandinavians?

finno-ugric. so not slavs.


did the baltic peoples take up christianity easily?

Estonians are like Finns, Karelians, Lapps, etc. They have a Uralic language unrelated to the Baltic, Slavic, and Scandinavian languages.

Nah not at all

Indo-Europeans predated Uralic people in Finland/Estonia. There's still a lot of genetic continuity from the early Indo-European settlers in Estonia.

Russians aren't an etchnicity. They're just Polacks that fucked with Finns and Tatars.

you've got that wrong, Uralic people were there before the Indo-European migration


Nope. This isn't the mainstream view anymore nor a view at all as far as I know.


~1000-700 BC is the current consensus for Finnic arrival to Estonia.

Why would there be a crusade if they did? The Lithuanians were the last Europeans to abandon their true gods and bend their knee to the Sky Kike.

Uralic people were the original inhabiters of Siberia and many parts of Russia before the Slavs came iirc

The Uralic language family is too young.
It's possible that para-Uralic languages were spoken over a wide Eurasian area but the same holds true for para-Indo-European. If I had to guess, I would say para-IE languages were spoken first in NE Europe because of genetic relations.

I laughed until I noticed that the girl has a knife and is about to stab the fucker


My first thought was
But then I saw the girl's knife and realized it was actually

>Finnish girls
>Not even once



More like what the fuck happened in Kaliningrad?