Oldfags, what do you know now that you wish you did when you were younger? What would you tell a young buck in the game just trying to make some noise. No buttcoin talked allowed.
There is no substitute for experience
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I wish I knew that when a girl suddenly begins sitting next to you in class and asks to share your organic chemistry textbook with her and then frequently talks to you in your department's computer lab and crosses her legs back and forth while looking at you and randomly offers you thinks and sometimes tries to fix your lab coat collar out of the blue or asks you if you planned on seeing a movie at the student union that Friday or asks why you don't seem to want to be friends with her that it indicates that she had some interest in you
The nature of life is cyclical, even if you miss some opportunities - e.g. chicks, investments, new ones will come in a few years if you look for them and are better prepared.
>a) you knew, but you were too lazy/scared to do something about it.
>b) autist
pick one
Careers are for people that crave power, not money.
Jobs are for people that crave money, not power.
same thing more or less happened to me, it was definitely the autism
That cycle could take 50 years though. We haven't had a world war in longer than 50.
Don't be intimidated by others knowledge, it's usually Dunning Kruger perception.
You can't put a tourniquet on a taint.
Depth / distance. Most are 100 miles wide but only a foot deep.
yea. I'm learning things are never as bad as you think they are at the time. I seem to identify opportunities only after they've presented themselves though.
Op, 31 now, kinda getting old but not quite there yet.
The biggest advice i cant give you is use your time wisely. Plan days and wake up early, do not spend too much time on your phone, social media, or the internet. ( unless its making you money )
If you have an idea, or want to try something out to do with gaining money, jump on it straight away. Plan it out and go go go.
My answer to her question about wanting to be her friend was "What actions have I partaken indicative of such sentiment?"
Autism. Unfortunately it wasn't until after I graduated that I had an epiphany of all the autistic things I do.
obviously fucked the grilz that were interested in me that i was too shy/autistic/weird to appreciate
other than that, the big one is take my health seriously. Establishing relatively good eating habits, for instance. It is SO MUCH harder to be in shape after 30. Just cutting out sugar and junk food, learning how to cook for myself & enjoy greens, chicken etc. has made a huge difference-- i am better looking and saving money by not ordering pizza-- but i wish i'd started doing it years ago.
The other big one-- which is sort of a contradiction in terms-- is to STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE FUTURE. The best life is lived by making sure your actual daily life, day-to-day, is as good as it can be. NOT putting up with miserable situations (or relationships) because it will pay off down the road. NOT saying "I'll allow myself to be happy and do the things I want to once I have checked box a, b, and c."
You have to live the life you want every day, and cultivate the habits that will allow that. Stop waiting.
Do drugs. Because if you had listened to your heart, you would have ordered them off silk road because you're socially awkward, and you would have had leftover bitcoin
>Don't spend time on internet
Don't listen to your mother, or act to fulfill your parents wishes for you.
I think about this all the time.. my mom made me take all these advanced math/science courses in highschool and I really struggled. I was more interested in literature and languages and whatnot.
Anyway I ended up with a STEM degree (I did a lot better in Uni though) which proved to be both unfulfilling and just as useless, if not more so, than a eng-lit or linguistics degree.
Also don't waste your time with drugs. Spend 2 years smoking pot everyday and I just cringe every time I think about it. Such a waste of youth.
I wish I had known about compounding interest.
As in, really understood the power of it
I could have easily saved 100 euros a month from my pay, had I invested it, I could afford a house now.
well, a bigger house.
But anyways, we all wish we knew how to mine bitcoins when they came out
>useless, if not more so, than a eng-lit or linguistics degree.
I sincerely doubt it
Save your fucking money and don't take on debt it is not worth it no matter what the debtslaves say.
Basically in order.
>make a budget and know where money is going
>save money
>invest money
I would have been a lot better off if I started this when I first started working then now that I am 26.
Make a legitimate effort to be a better person every day. More loving, richer, fitter, more friends, whatever you can do. Go to bed at night and be honest about if you are better than you were yesterday. Do it again tomorrow.
You're going to make it, bros!
Interesting. I'm 42 and I disagree. No time is wasted. Your life is ending one second at a time regardless of how you spend it. Sometimes it's best to spend your time taking in life in some way instead of accumulating material.
Just do what you like to do, not what people tell you should.
Meaning if you are an autist, just be one and don't try to be a normie.
Don't go a college that requires taking debt.
Don't go to grad school at all unless you have a good reason to; not having to work for a few more years isn't a good reason.
learn how to be good with people. that's the most important skill for getting ahead in life.
get into trading at 19, fuck music because it will get you nowhere and everyone makes fun of you anyway. take a few university courses if you want but just audit them, don't actually take them for a grade because you're not interested at the least.
also, fuck your first like you mean it. it was so awkward and slow so much that she rolled her eyes when you went down on her. she and everyone thinks your gay now and everyone makes fun of you you are the laughing stock of the whole town. so do it right the first time.
take notice in every opportunity and dont think so much about consequences because all your friends are snakes.
become friends with your most successful relatives, try to hack into their connections.
focus on what You are Good At, dont chase your dreams, you can chase your dreams when you have money so its not an issue, it's not fun trying live a dream and being poor
MAKE CONNECTIONS with powerful people, as many as you can,
Learn finance shit while you are young
Damn bro don't you think you're a little hard on yourself. Fuck what a bitch thinks.