ITT: Historical irrelevant countries
ITT: Historical irrelevant countries
independent Poland was a mistake.
>ITT I'm polish and I want somebody to say something nice about Poland
Nice stairs Poland
OP will make his country irrelevant.
Give back Pomerania, Prussia and Silesia
Do it now
The second republic of Poland is truly a irrelevant place
Poznan is a truly great city
damn that's a niche meme
self explanatory
come and take it
Danzig ist Polnisch
Com to polan we have best girls haha :D
there's literally nothing wrong with being irrelevant
This, notice the irrelevant countries are the most peaceful ones.
We've contributed more to literature than any other country on earth, fuck you
t. muh heritage american
no thx, they all have that slavic moonface look
underrated post