What is the Order 66 of history?
What is the Order 66 of history?
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I'm pretty sure Order 66 is directly inspired by the arrest of the Knight Templars.
the final solution
Night of the Long Knives / Reichstag Fire
Stalin's culling of his generals? Honestly, fpbp.
This or St. Bartholomew's Day massacre
Communist goverments turning against ww2 freedom fighters as in Poland, Yugoslavia or China
The Virgin Holocaust of 2019, where Chad Troopers shoot ugly (and therefore virgin) people on sight.
It is literally nothing like that. Quit trying to force people to care about Polish Nazi sympathizers. Order 66 was not a political overturn with show trials and arrests. The jedi were all murdered in action or otherwise by what they thought were their allies. Not the people they were fighting against.
The guy who suggested the arrest of the knights templar is the most correct out of anyone in this thread so far.
What Polish Nazi sympathizers? Communist were killing people who wanted independent country and were fighting both Germans and Soviets since 1939 (when they entered Poland from both sides as allies).
Yeah, try telling me these guys were nazis
Cursed soldiers were based. At least 90% of them were. Baltic countries had Forest Brothers although it can be claimed that they really were nazis. Not like they had much choice if you're overrun by USSR.
Communists will call anyone and everyone opposing them fascist/Nazi, even other communists
>A notebook written by Fischer contains sentiments such as "8/24/99 Death to the Jews. Just kill the Motherfuckers!" and "12/13/99 It's time to start randomly killing Jews"
I hope that answers your question.
The eastern front was mainly between two powers although there were many groups involved. If you fought for the USSR you were commie sympathizers and if you fought for Nazi Germany you were Nazi Sympathizers.
We are talking about groups hurting the war effort of the soviet union therefore aiding the progress of the Nazis, making them Nazi sympathizers not Nazis. Their personal indvidual philosophy really doesn't matter.
Pretty much.
But my main point was that this still has zero parallels to order 66. No one was betrayed. They were actively working against the soviet union or for their own ideology. They were not fighting for the soviets and then promptly executed.
The Soviet Union was an aggressor in the wor and has already commited numerous crimes (some of them took place even before WWII) and was occupying half of the Polish territory when they entered it allied with Nazi Germany. Operation Bagration brought even more pain and misery to the civilian population and politicians loyal to the legal government, officers and people involved in the fight for the independence had to die. They were the enemy just like the Nazis usually worse than them and with their own agenda to keep conquered territory under their boot so the fact that they were the allies of their allies didn't matter in the slightest. Or the fact that because western allied chose them because Germany was geographically closer. It's good for those who feel awkward about the whole thing and try to whitewash the entire conflict by making up lies about the "lesser evil."
>people crippling Soviet war effort were nazis
So in your opinion Poles resisting Soviets invading Poland in alliance with nazis in 1939 were nazis themselves?
Obviously templars getting fucked
Suppression of the Iron Guard.
wtf are you talking about? You are looking at the entire conflict from a polish perspective instead of a larger historical perspective. There is no good or evil. Yes both germany and the soviet union were the aggressors. However as the war progressed, you had to chose a side and fight with them. Its no secret that a large amount of polish resistance groups sided with the Nazis for the reasons you just mentioned. This makes them Nazis sympathizers, so the fact that the soviets humiliated them and executed them after the war only makes sense. In the larger scheme of things they were working to help the Nazis achieve their goals. Yet Ive been seeing quite a few posts recently whining about the poor innocent polish resistance fighters and how they got unfairly executed. I'll take the soviets 100x over nazi germany. They picked the wrong side to back and got btfo. The sympathy they get is undeserved.
The official Russian version states that it was just a prank bro and actually Poles were threatning that Russian minority.
We are talking about people who were executed at the end of WWII. Not in 1939. People resisting the initial invasion obviously were not Nazi sympathizers. We are talking about resistance groups tafter that point.
You criticize people fighting the two aggressors at once because they didn't stop fighting one of them? The one that was just as bad if not worse than the other? The one that had no plans allowing any kind of independent Polish nation and executed anyone be it soldier or politician who even in theory could've threatened their usurpers? This it the most disguting piece of Soviet apologism I've read in a while and now with accusation of Nazi sympathies. Give me their names because I happen to know their names. Those who fought against one, the other and both at once. The good and those who commited war crimes against civilians.
Poland had no Quisling or Petains which sucks ass because then the occupation wouldn't have been that harsh. The only group that for political reasons wanted peace with Germany was called the Musketeers and not much is known about them and there's no Wiki article in English but just for you there's one in Russian hopefully worth more than those bullshit textbooks they write.
Who interestingly enough wanted this part of Europe to be clear of both Nazis and Soviets, took part in uprising against the former in 1944 and against the latter once III Reich was defeated.
cut the bullshit
Soviets were hostile towards independent Polish cause throughout the whole war, just like Germans. And just like them comitted large scale atrocities against Poles. Was Polish Home Army a pro-nazi organisation for firing back?
You should also understand the world is not black and white. You classify Poles to one of two blocks, yet you can't see it fought both of them. But if you really follow such philosophy, let's also call Soviets Nazis. They attacked an Allied nation and supplied Germans with oil until Barbarossa
I honestly thought Soviet apologism was dead and burried after Soviet-occupied countries were allowed to speak up and it only exists in some dark regions like Russia or Berkeley University.
Yeah I am criticizing them. Once the occupation was complete they had to chose an ideology to fight for. Just like many other people did in history. I am not saying its fair. But the ones that ended up fighting against the soviets were Nazi sympathizers. They were served the same fate that other nazi sympathizers got. As far as the soviet union being worse than Nazi germany, one did not hold people to be inferior based only on their genetics.
Dude, this has already been established like 3 comments ago.
I never said the soviets didnt commit atrocities against the poles. I never denied that the poles fought both. I am simply stating the fact that after the occupation of Poland the groups that fought and sabatoged the soviet war effort were Nazi Sympathizers through their actions. The polish resistance groups had no chance of winning back their country. They fought for whatever side they chose. Those who fought with the soviets were commie sympathizers and those who fought for the germans were nazi sympathizers. Their individual ideology and hopes for a one day independent poland really dont matter in the grand scheme of things because those hand no chance of becoming a reality. In reality they were helping one side of the war effort or the other.
I'm not defending the actions of the soviet union. But regardless why would you think soviet apologism would end? You think that a gov that affected hundreds of millions of people and helped shape about half of the world was pure evil and only did bad things. You think the USSR being a counterweight to the US was not a welcome thing to many people? Maybe instead of shitting on learning institutions you should go to some.
Let me also take this time to point out that none of this is anything like order 66, which was my original point.
Night of the long knives as Palpatine is LITERALLY hitler
Templars arrest is another inspiration, source Michael Haag
In the War of the Pacific, entire divisions of peruvian indians were blamed and executed after arriving Lima.
Also, the death of Sandino and all his men by Somoza henchmen can be seen as a very fitting order 66
>be national hero
>wounded in battle as a general
>81 when germans attacked again
>too old to do anything, tho supposed to be second in command
>live in my house, don't collaborate with the germans, and everyone leaves me be because i'm over 80 years old
>commies "liberate" the city
>barge into my house
>see my field marshal uniform
>beat me to death at the age of 86
It wasn't all that secretive or widespread. Philip IV of france started it because he was in severe debt to both jews and templars after getting btfo in a couple of wars. So he sought to expulse both as a way to "write off" his debt.
Then he petitioned the pope to make templars haram, which the pope then discussed at the council of Vienna in 1311, and the result was the "Vox in Excelso" papal bull, which is more an order to disband than an actual immediate purge. I get what you mean but it wasn't quite as sneaky and systematic as muh order 66.
Stalin multiple secret purges across the soviet states are honestly closer to that.
>everyone I don't like is a nazi sympathizer
It's a bullshit narrative and you know it. By your logic the USSR were nazi sympathizer too between 1939-1941 considering the ribbontrop-molotov pact, the german-Soviet credit agreement of 1939, the german-soviet commerce agreement of 1940, the soviet support of german submarines with secret outposts like Basis Nord, etc.
It's just post-war revisionism to make a complicated affair sound extremely simplistic and fitting to one's preferred narrative.
When the Egyptian dynasty attempted to literally obliterate the female pharoh (Hapshepsut I think?) from the face of the earth after her death. Tore down monuments, curved over stone tablets, shit was insane.
Kill all the Jews.
Actually this is the best answer in the thread
> everyone I dont like is a nazi sympathizer
You are putting words in my mouth and that is a bad quality. I never said I didn't like the poles or their resistance groups. I gave good reasons for why I am calling them nazi sympathizers
> ribbontrop-molotov pact, the german-Soviet credit agreement of 1939, the german-soviet commerce agreement of 1940
At that time you could argue that they were. If germany never turned against them and solidified an alliance with the USSR they could have been allies. Their ideologies contradict each other but if they were to support each other they would in fact be advancing each other's causes. However thats not what happened. All those fell through after 1941 and they were directly at war. So people caught inbetween had to make a choice.
> Its a complicated affair
Its not that complicated. You are just reading into it at the lowest levels. If we look at the local governments of every city involved in WWII we might find a varying diaspora of political ideologies held in various area. However they dont matter in the grand scheme of things. The personal ideology of partisan groups really doesn't matter if they are fighting for giant armies unless they start to defend their own territory successfully. Which they didnt.
>Those who fought with the soviets were commie sympathizers and those who fought for the germans were nazi sympathizers.
Are you actually retarded that you do not comprehend that they fought against both?
Are you too dumb to realize that you can fight against Commies after Nazis were defeated and do not care at all about Germany, and therefore not fighting FOR it (which you keep claiming)?
Are you that narrow-minded that for you there are only two ideologies: Communism and Nazism?
Night of the Long Knives
I guess you cant read or are just ignoring everything I say.
> Are you actually retarded that you do not comprehend that they fought against both?
The poles are not a monolith. There were many groups. Some sided with the nazis, some with the soviets. Few actively fought both, as that was insanely difficult logistically. Historically more sided with the nazis. Regardless the ones that fought both were actively impeding the soviet war effort and are thus implicated in aiding the Nazi war effort. The ones who sided with the nazis are obviously implicated.
> Am I too dumb to realize that you can fight against Commies after Nazis were defeated and do not care at all about Germany, and therefore not fighting FOR it?
No but you seem pretty dumb tho. We are talking about WWII. Which essentially ended in the European theatre when germany was defeated. If you mean when the germans were defeated in Poland than those polish resistance groups are still helping the germans by hurting the soviet war effort.
> Are you that narrow-minded that for you there are only two ideologies: Communism and Nazism?
No there are many more. But we are specifically talking about WWII, specifically the eastern front where those two were the predominant ideologies and anyone representing a radically different one (not another form of fascism or communism) significant enough to make an impact at the time. This is the equivalent of asking me if I am too narrow minded that for me there are only two religions: Christianity and Islam, during a discussion of the 1st crusade.
You idiots keep bringing up the point that the polse fought both sides. The poles arent a thing. There were may resistance groups. The soviets didnt execute everyone. Just the ones they suspected fought against them at some point during the war. This isnt that hard to understand.
>if you fought us you're with them
>>>>>let's ignore the fact you're also fighting them
I know something worse
>And Samuel said to Saul, “The Lord sent me to anoint you king over his people Israel; now therefore listen to the words of the Lord. Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’” (1 Sam 15:1‑3)
Think of the cutie sheep!
Best thing that happened to Romania in a 100 years.
>was occupying half of the Polish territory
that's cute kurwaboo, now tell what was the name of these territorys
Vilnius Region and Volhynia. Later the entire country.
>never said the soviets didnt commit atrocities against the poles. I never denied that the poles fought both. I am simply stating the fact that after the occupation of Poland the groups that fought and sabatoged the soviet war effort were Nazi Sympathizers through their actions
So they fight both but they are still nazi sympathizers AFTER the occupation ended? You do know that 1945 there was no more 3rd reich but there was still a USSR, right? Are you honestly this autistic to understand they moved on to the next main big threat? Do you not understand guerilla groups literally can't mount large campaigns and have to be tactically selective in their sabotage efforts? Wtf dude?
The Auspicious Incident
Probably this....I can't think of anything else remotely like it other than maybe Stalin's purges
purging the templars
The idea is that it's the elimination of enemies that happened in a short period of time.
So something like Night of the Long Knives.
you can say that all you want but it doesnt make it true. You are literally ignoring what happened. You are also ignoring the point that I have made 3 times that the poles were not a monolith and that there were many different groups some fighting exculsively for one side and others fighting for both. But do you think the USSR gives a shit if you are fighting both sides when you are actively hurting their war effort. Thats why those people got shot. You guys are pretending like its some kind of unfairness or great betrayal. Its what you would expect in that time period.
You are right, their actions during WWII should be completely ignored once its over. If a resistance group fought against the soviets during the war and then (at a later date) they were executed for being Nazi sympathizers then it was justified because they would have impeded the soviet war effort thus bolstering the Nazi war effort during the war.
Also idk what you are trying to prove here. You have admitted that some fought against the soviets during the war and you have admitted that some fought the soviets after the war. Where in this narrative do you see them not getting shot by the soviets when they are captured?
>debt-based economy
They deserved it desu
Any coup cleanup is basically the same.
It's clearly zionism
I bet you post in r/socialism
Actually this is the worst answer in this thread.
When did the Sith and the Jedi work together? Better comparison would be the purges of Troskyites.
>Vlad the Impaler
Who will be the next incarnation of Romanian pride?
It's mostly a allegory of the Night of the Long Knives (Hell, the main sequence is literally set at night with a guy carrying a long ass laser knife), Battleship Potemkin (clones marching up the stairs), and the numerical code is a reference to Executive Order 9066.
The Jedi unwittingly worked with the Sith by fighting the Clone Wars, which aside from destabilizing the Galaxy, involved eliminating Dark Side cults that could challenge the Sith.
t. Expanded Universefag fuck the new trilogy
t. Kazimierz Kowalski
Skenderbeg's revolt
The first days of the Hyper-War.
Sorry if this is the wrong place but does anyone have the art set of Anne Frank that a drawfag drew like two weeks ago
am literally asking for a guy on another board
You can have more, but only if you promise to masturbate to pregnant Anne Frank while listening to this
I promise
And I'm going to do it because I'm not a faggot who breaks promises
Here yah go
Have all the fun fantasizing about cockpushing her baby around inside of her in a Dutch windmill all you want.
Also listen to this while jacking off to because lulz
aight I did it
Imgur link?
I ain't uploading this shit on imgur nigga
The last couple of pics are definitely too graphic to get past mods, but you can look on deviants-despository.booru.org
Also, you have to listen to Tennessee Ernie Ford's entire Sings Civil War Songs Of The South album while jacking off to them. If I'm gonna risk another ban for uploading porn, I want to make my ancestors proud while I'm at it.
Way to derail a perfectly good thread you assholes
And what's with making him listen to the damn music?
>he doesn't masturbate to pornography while listening to music so he can secure more pornography for an user who requested said pornography in another thread on another board
Have ye no love for your chan browsing brothers?
I jerked off to porn while listening to music so I could get more porn for and user
These men were inspired to fight their hearts out by this music. They fought with such gallantry and devotion that even their enemy (the United States) sung their praises and built monuments to honor them a century afterwards.
Music keeps the memory of those men alive. And you know what they say about music, sex sells. So if I have to post pregnant Anne Frank porn to get someone to listen to it, I will.
Also, let's be honest, with the ever-constant fear of death and being so far from their wives and sweethearts at home, the men of the Civil War on both sides probably combat jacked to shit just as degenerate. If a Dutch Jewish teenager got teleported into the middle of a Union or Confederate encampment, everyone except Stonewall Jackson would probably be trying to bed her.
You make Harry McCarthy, Dan Emmett, and Tennessee proud.
Oh yeah and I found the artist's tags.
This nigga has it. These guys got fucked hard.
t. "My ancestors are smiling at me, Yankees. Can you say the same?"
Include me in the screenshot guys
>"hurr durr let's shoot a few hundred Jews and try and overthrow the government"
>get rekt
Janissary disbandment would fit order 66 nicely
Knight of the long knives
>As far as the soviet union being worse than Nazi germany, one did not hold people to be inferior based only on their genetics.
Yeah, ukrainians were just all kulaks and deserved it anyway.
And the Polish Operation was probably just some friendly banter.
Want to know something cool? The regiment depicted in that painting is the 11th Mississippi Volunteer Infantry. The 11th's first battle flag, issued some months after Manassas, used the Star of David instead of the five-sided star found most regiments used. This flag would be carried throughout the 1862 campaigns when it was captured during at Antietam (the regiment itself lost nearly half it's men fighting near the Cornfield).
pic related, it's the actual flag, still preserved at the US Army archives.
>you will never be the 11th's color bearer, who woos the impressionable Anne by showing her the flag that you have so proudly carried into battle so many times, explaining its weaving of Jewish and Christian symbolism, and how it has come represent the South's defiant spirit.
Night of the Long Knives
No one's answered Great Purge yet?
trotskyites were the bad guys
Would the smashing of the Gang of Four by Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping count?
what a dumpster fire of a thread
>retarded OP posts thread
>some idiot was dumb enough to ask for pregnant Anne Frank porn instead of going to for that shit
What else did you expect?
>Great Purge
>Posts scene from "Katyn"
Fascist Polish vermin deserved what they got
I wish she was real, best imaginary waifu
I normally deal with apologists from US or Russia so bait posts aren't very effective.
10/10 subtle /pol/ post
tip toppity kek,
SCVfag here, best recruitment strategy I've seen yet
You fags got it all wrong.
THE Order 66 of history was instigated by guy named Mithridates IV of Pontos.
>The Asiatic Vespers (also known as the Asian Vespers, Ephesian Vespers, or the Vespers of 88 BC) refers to an infamous episode during the First Mithridatic War.
>In response to increasing Roman power in Anatolia, the king of Pontus, Mithridates the Great, tapped into local discontent with the Romans and their taxes to orchestrate the execution of all Roman and Italian citizens in Asia Minor.
>The massacre was planned scrupulously to take place on the same day in several towns scattered over Asia Minor: Ephesus, Pergamon, Adramyttion, Caunus, Tralles, Nysa, and the island of Chios. Estimates of the number of men, women, and children killed range from 80,000 to 150,000.
>Slaves who helped to kill their Roman masters and those who spoke languages other than Latin were spared.
The aftermath was a huge and destructive war for greece and Asia minor. Sulla himself hounded Mithridates out of Greece and made peace with Pontos when Marius came back to Rome to take away Sullas power.
The entirety of the Sully x Marius rivalry and the ascension of Sulla to Dictator is like old palpy to the max.