What are some examples of successful anarchist societies throughout history?
What are some examples of successful anarchist societies throughout history?
Paris Commune, Revolutionary Catalonia, countless examples too many to name.
The anarchist territories of Spain in Catalonia and Aragon in the late 1930s and the Free Territory of Ukraine.
Early Christian communities.
Depending on whom you ask, tribal hunter-gatherer communities and possibly early farmers.
Free City of Christiania and autonomous/social centers currently throughout the world (as parallel societies)
Liberia comes to mind. The fact that it still exists is a success.
It has three governments.
Hill peoples, sometimes, kinda, on the edges of civilization.
How are these successful?
If you can't stand against outsider pressure, you are not successful.
Have you seen this?
the amish
My point exactly
The community is directed by the Elders.
>countless others
>can't name three
Fucking hell, at least mention the Free Territory.
You /leftyshit/ shills get dumber by the day.
>Paris Commune
Collapsed in a month
Crushed easily
There is one, pic related
Rojava sort of , Revolutionary Catalonia/Aragon, Paris commune
Free territory of Ukraine, pic related. They actually saved the revolution from the whites but then got cucked by Trotsky
Various nomadic tribes have been organized according to anarchist principles. Pirates were anarchist occasionally, yarrgh
None of these experiments has lasted. The anarchist model of government is an inherent threat to most existing state structures. Any powers surrounding anarchists have an interest in crushing them, quite depressing
pick one
The Sentinelese, although we can't verify what type of government if any they have.
>countless examples too many to name.
too obvious m8
When was the last time Mongolia didn't have a government?
Christiana is ruled by Drug Mobsters and idolized by shitheads