Why was Ireland neutral in WWII?
Surely they could agree that Hitler was a bigger existential threat to them than the British and other allies were, right?
Why was Ireland neutral in WWII?
Surely they could agree that Hitler was a bigger existential threat to them than the British and other allies were, right?
>Germans being more than a threat to Irish than Britain
Nice meme
Probably the same reason Spain and Switzerland were neutral
Spain was neutral because the Spanish were friendly to Germany.
Switzerland was neutral because they're more than happy to watch your money for you.
You think Hitler would have stopped at Hadrian's wall or the Irish Sea if operation Sea Lion had happened successfully?
They were a small country of 3 million. They also provided intelligence to the allies so they weren't strictly neutral.
We knew the brits were going to win.
We were too proud to accept it
Trust me, they always win
You think Sealion had a snowball's chance in hell of actually succeeding? Meanwhile, the British can mess them up quite badly if they feel so inclined.
It wasn't about thinking either side was right.
Ireland has a policy of neutrality written into the foundation of its government, and it's one of the best decisions it ever made. It's not nearly big enough to actually make a difference in any major war, meaning that all it can possibly achieve from getting into one is aggravate other countries and put a bullseye on its head.
If an Irish person actually felt some moral obligation to fight the nazis, I believe there were channels to go fight for the british, you didn't have to drag your whole country into the shit-show.
De valera was a fascist,thats why he couldn't do the right thing
>De valera was a fascist
>why didn't this neutral since birth country declare war on germany
really makes you think
>a bigger existential thread than fucking Britain
ayyy lmao
yes, they were sort of neutral
of course they were, doubtless they'd have massively deployed eugenics in ireland if they'd ever gotten to the point where its absorption occurred
There were irish men fighting in the British Army, it's hard to keep track of them though
There was at least 10 confirmed irish pilots in the Battle of Britain
I'm pretty sure there were like 2 irishmen in the SS as well
>De Valera was a fascist
fucking lmao
>be brutally oppressed by British for centuries
>finally gain Independence
>immediately pressured into fighting in another war for Britain's sake
Why wouldn't they be?
BEcause they owed their independence to the Germans. Least honourable war of independence that was
Ireland is a democracy, democracies dont like war.
The choice was between on one side Britain, formerly their oppressor and still an oppressor in Northern Ireland (according to them atleast) and on the other side nazis. Is quite understandable why they would want to be neutral.
I think Germans bombed Dublin several times, apparently out of mistake.
To answer the thread, it was the best thing to do, really. Not pissing off either Brits or Germans while watching them kill each other from a safe distance. All they had to do was lay low and occasionally pick up crashed German and British pilots.
Yes? He didn't particularly want to fight the French or British to begin with. Lebensraum was to the East, not Ireland.
A. The country was too young to handle the cost
B. To not get bombed
C. In case Germany won
Naive to think this is the case.
You must be Chamberlain's third cousin
You're right, how silly of me. Hitler was a real life cartoon villain who wanted to control the entire world (OF COURSE). Why? No one knows, he was obviously just a nutter.
This is true, Hitler didn't want to invade England but felt it was needed.
>they always win
Not really, the great arab invasion is going to completely destroy them.
We oppressed no one in Northern Ireland.
>literally refered to as Pakis or """"asians"""" if you are being polite
Because the eternal Celt literally cannot be trusted.
Ireland (the whole of it) is literally the rightful clay of HM the Queen, and they won't even let us have the tiny bit of it the literal terrorists haven't already stolen in peace
Are British people just trained from birth to assume their country did nothing wrong in any situation they clearly don't know shit abou
It's the only way to explain the antics they get up to when they try and respond to history.
You're a shit liar, Nigel
Literally just gained independence after nearly a millenia of oppression. The populace had been decimated and hadn't yet recovered and Ireland itself was generations behind the rest of Europe in terms of infrastructure. Nobody know about le holocaust meme until after, all the Irish saw was some mainlander fighting a war like everyone does. They aided the allies as best they could because they still relied on trade with Britain and they had close ties to the US.
The level of self pity and obsession with being the victim the irish have, holy shit
He asked, I answered. None of that was wrong you silly cunt
>side with Britain
>get bombed by Germany
>side with Germany
>get bombed and invaded by Britain
they made the right choice
besides, while they were "neutral" they leaned Allies
>Surely they could agree that Hitler was a bigger existential threat to them than the British
well I know you aren't going by any sort of historical reference to come to this conclusion, you stupid nigger
that's bollocks we tell you goys to keep you happy, some minor historical revisionism
we'd have said we leaned Axis if they had won as well I'm sure, and come up with some bogus reason why that was so
was simply karma that a slaver people would in the end become a client state
The Irish have always been traitors Britian should have destroyed that inbred shit hole years ago.
The Germans treated us better than the the Brits at the time
They supplied us during WW1 and during WW2 they cooperated with the IRA and even made movies about Ireland
Didn't like the British too much but realized they'd get invaded fast if they allied with Germany or allowed them to station military equipment there.
De Valera signed Hitler's book of condolences upon his death
It meant more dead Anglos and the Irish not getting bombed
>unironically defending Hitler
I bet you worship Stalin