On this day, he died for your sins.
On this day, he died for your sins
Poor Spartacus
sure thing user
This was modern war!
Martin argues that merely carrying a sword through Jerusalem, “especially during an important public festival” like Passover, would have been regarded by Roman authorities “as an illegal and potentially revolutionary action.”
36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’[a]; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”
Luke 22:37 Isaiah 53:12
Apollonius of Tyana > Jesus
And Peter had planned that Cavalry would press the advatange on and bring a quick end to it all, but he was wrong. So hundreds of young babies died and for what, salvation? That wasn't coming. Peace? The romans already had that, so there was no success there.
but i wasn't born yet so how did he die for my sins
Star lord!
The atoms you are consisting of now were commiting severe acts of sodomy during 221 B.C.
Thank you Lord.
have mercy on me
It's a shame...what a waste of a life.
He died for treason against Rome.
Gratias Deo
Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.
23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
No, he died because he was a dangerous mentally ill revolutionary
>25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
Yeah, because that's how people talk in real life. Openly declaring that all their unborn children are just as guilty as they are, for the crime.
I didn't really ask him to, nor do I believe that mankind's first disobedience introduced death to the world; but thanks anyway I guess.
>worshipping a dead jew on a stick
wew lads
Why? Couldn't he just, y'know, NOT die, and just forgive our sins? Wasn't he supposed to be God Almighty? What a joke!
The justice of God demanded that humanity be annihilated for the original sin of Adam and Eve. But God instead decided to show humanity mercy, and instead allow it to annihilate himself.
Isn't that beautiful?
Not him, but no. That's retarded. It's also completely unalluded to in Genesis itself.
Pontius Pilate did nothing wrong.
Then why was he acting like it wasn't part of his master plan? He did after all ask why God had forsaken him. He obviously didn't realize he was dying for a purpose.
It's a good story. If you can't admit that then you're a cuck
>crucified on a Friday
>resurrected on Sunday
>was dead for 3 days
I don't get the math here.
Shut the fuck up.
He rose early morning.
>Yeah, because that's how people talk in real life. Openly declaring that all their unborn children are just as guilty as they are, for the crime.
Easily possible given the generational nature of punishment and blessing found in Biblical language. God himself declares that 7 generations are punished for certain transgressions.
No it's retarded. Isn't God all-powerful? Yes? Then he doesn't need some backassward human sacrifice to "forgive" us from the sin our mythical ancestor committed. Who the fuck is he trying to impress? Us? Isn't that a bit pathetic and needy for an all-powerful creator of the Universe?
It's a rubbish story, not a patch on the original.
No, YOU'RE retarded. God isn't just omnipotent, He is also omnibenevolent, and as such His justice must be satisfied.
Yeah because Yahweh says that's how he dishes out "justice", that means humans should be happy with such a model and encourage it.
Fucking think a little.
Enjoy hell my friend, you rightly deserve it
>Christian "charity"
I'm jealous of all the people who'll never meet you
His justice... who is the Judge here? It's God, right? And the plaintiff? Also God, right? The jury? That'd be God again, right? So God found me guilty for the "sin" my mythical (as in: he did not exist) ancestor's "crime" of eating an apple, and the only way the all-powerful, all-loving creator of everything could think of to forgive me was to experience some very minor and brief suffering? What? Why would THAT forgive my sins, anyway? What possible relationship is there between the solution (God suffering briefly) and the crime (a myth about some guy who ate an apple)? Absolute nonsense from beginning to end. I can understand why a child believes this crap, they're not grown up and will believe pretty much anything you tell them, but you (supposedly) are an adult and yet you present this incoherent retardation as tho it's something I shouldn't just laugh at?
>mythical (as in: he did not exist)
>a myth about some guy who ate an apple
>I can understand why a child believes this crap, they're not grown up and will believe pretty much anything you tell them
>this incoherent retardation as tho it's something I shouldn't just laugh at
>I don't have a logical way to defend my beliefs... I might lose face on an internet argument. Need to think of something quick!
Low test, beta, numale, meme, pepe, cuck!
He's espousing a Calvinistic view of atonement. Christus Victor is better theory of atonement and much closer to the early Church.
It's a good story even if that's all that it is.
Lord, have mercy on all of us, this may well be the last year to celebrate your resurrection
Just to clarify, the Bible never says what fruit it was, which in itself was probably just a metaphor the author(s) of Genesis used to show how man disobeys God.
Now, God created mankind to be different from the animals and plants. He gave us a special grace which allowed us to be immortal. He also gave us free will since we are rational beings and all rational beings, including angels. have free will. However, we we abused it and the "fruit" was eaten. We cut ourselves off from God. We destroyed our relationship with him. We sinned and became unholy. This is actually much more metaphysical than legal as Calvinist would espouse. The notion that it was legal is from the middle ages. It is a metaphysical relationship. Christ came into the world to repair that relationship. His entire life, every experience he ever had, plays a role in our redemption. Ultimately it all culminated in the crucifixion. He, a perfect sinless man, experienced all our hardships yet he never sinned. Yet he experienced them. Because of his perfection in experiencing them he defeated them. He triumphed over sin and death. He repaired our relationship with God.
This is why Christ came into the world, this is why he had to die.
ON the third day, not after three days.