If chainmail was weak against thrusts then why the fuck people bothered with it? The most common weapon at the time was spear so it seems stupid to wear armor that only works against sidearms. Or perhaps it did protect from thrusts after all?
If chainmail was weak against thrusts then why the fuck people bothered with it...
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It wasn't used alone. It was used alongside thick fabric that could protect from arrows and spears. The reason why cavalry often used spears is because horses go 40 km/h and could pierce the material. If you want more info on this i suggest watching people like Shadiversity,Metateron and Lindybeige.
>the guy basing his historical information on LARPing
Because it was usually used in conjunction with a giant sheet of wood that protected most of the most body from thrusts and had padding behind it to absorb some of the impact of whatever that manages to get past the shield?
Add a second layer of Chainmail would protect you from thrusting. Which people did. In addition not all weapons were geared for thrusting through chainmail: Early Medieval longswords didnt have points tapered enough to easily part links.
But mostly its because cuts fucking exist and in the battlefield there are shitloads of people waving weapons around you that you might get cut up by one not exactly aimed at your direction.
Really, we have records of people having their clothes torn to bits in battles and end up being naked after the fact.
Literally the hoodie of its time. You weren't cool if you didn't have some dank chainmail duds.
>what is gambeson
If not for how red the face goes they're comfy
>If chainmail was weak against thrusts
It wasn't, most thrusts wouldn't penentrate it.
Chainmail is weak against blunt trauma
Everyone is weak against blunt trauma I mean how can you fight while high on weed?
Riveted chainmail + Gambeson wasn't really that weak, even against arrows.
Have an Internet sir
TO the top with you
Check out these posts. Chainmail wasn't weak against thrusts, especially when combined with a gambeson (or in Roman times, a subarmalis). Also, chain could be used in conjunction with other steel armor, such as a brigandine, plate, etc.
Chainmail wasn't weak against thrusts, in fact mail was one of the best armours around, providing excellent protection against thrusts and cuts. It was mainly weak to blunt force but this would be somewhat offset by padding underneath.
The downsides of mail are that it really is quite heavy and not particularly ergonomic. Plate armour is lighter and fits better by being spread out, whereas mail even with a belt is like wearing a heavy ass pendulum.
The quality would also impact its effectiveness much more than plate, a sheet of metal is quite good even when its bad, but bad mail might just fall apart on impact.
Chainmail was one of the shittiest armors around that's why in video games chainmail is always low tier garbage only bandits use the best armor was a viking horned helmet and plate with spikes.
That's because game designers mistake it being such a common armour to mean it must have been a cheap shitty armour.
When actually its such a common armour because its really fucking good.
Like maybe in 1000 years video games will make the starting gun in a 21st century RPG 5.56mm assault rifle because every nation used them so it must have been the shitty low tier gun.
Yes i know you're being sarcastic.
Proper riveted chainmail was very effective against mediaeval weapons. Don't base your understanding of chainmail on butted mail.
What the fuck is butter mail? Lmao the fuck would anyone make an armor out of butter for? People were really retarded back then.
ONE internet to you good xir
>Like maybe in 1000 years video games will make the starting gun in a 21st century RPG 5.56mm assault rifle because every nation used them so it must have been the shitty low tier gun.
What will be really nutty is that people will imagine Napoleonic infantry armed with M60 machineguns defending the beaches of Normandy against invasion by the armies of General George Washington, as famed fighter ace Baron von Richthofen flies overhead in a red F-16 Tom Cat.
No I was being ironic and quoting 9gag terms. Do you know who spurdo is?
>people still defend BF1
I guess because The Great War did the medals they think it's all realistic
Can you explain what butted Mail is
Is it when the rings are flat not round?
>No I was being ironic and quoting 9gag terms.
your kind is not welcome here.
It's when the rings aren't riveted.
That's my point, I was implying he was newfag and should an hero himself. Surely you've grown enough chins to realise what irony is
Butted mail is mail made with bent rings. The rings are merely bent into the ring shape and then the ends are "butted" together, AKA not bound together in any way.
Riveted mail is mail that is bent together, and then professionally riveted together (mind that riveted mail can be riveted poorly, drastically reducing the effectiveness of the armor). Sometimes, solid-punch rings are mixed in with riveted.
Mail protected a lot better against thrusts than any other form of defence at a time (if we're talking high middle ages and before). Breaking apart mail with a thrust is anything but easy.
The couched lance was capable of penetrating mail which led to the development of the coat of plates but an infantryman with a spear still doesn't have an easy time getting through mail.
Every armor is weaker against thrusts than cuts. That's simple physics.
There is personal accounts of Latin knights in mail BTFO out of Byzantine warriors and looked like pin cushions with all the arrows in their mail and cloth and they still kept fighting.
>muh blunt, thrust and slashing damage types
Go back to playing D&D you fucking fags.
This guy gets it. Pressure is force per unit area, and thrusts have less of an area than cuts. Learn what shear strength is you fucking tards. LARPing isn't history and vidya isn't physics.
Generally true but not always.
IIRC certain types of kevlar or kevlar-like fibers can protect better against thrusts than cuts depending on how they're woven.
I'm curious on how movies set in the 20 and 21 century would look like if they paid as much attention to the historical accuracy as much as us when we make movies based on the middle ages.
Better against bullets than cuts and thrusts, maybe.
Chainmail was good against slashes, while the padded armor under it would be used to block punctures.
Many people used mail in conjunction with a shield, I don't doubt that also played into it.
Mail wasn't weak against thrusts. It just wasn't as strong against them as plate was.
>The downsides of mail are that it really is quite heavy and not particularly ergonomic. Plate armour is lighter and fits better by being spread out, whereas mail even with a belt is like wearing a heavy ass pendulum.
Mail was quite a lot more comfortable than plate in other ways. It provided superior ventilation (heatstroke was more serious with plate), and its flexibility was much better than even the most perfectly fitted plates.
meme LARPer chainmail doesn't properly forge the links together, proper chainmail is difficult to puncture
HEMA LARPers should get the fuck out,
Give this man some reddit gold!
>historical terms are LARP
>RPG terms aren't