Looks like that crypto twitter guy actually knows his shit


I gave him a follow, seems like he might actually be able to make some good picks

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wkU04YOhmxMJ:https://twitter.com/cryptooracle?lang=en &cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Hello OracleOfCrypto, you should use a folder other than "old world mansions" if you want to LARP like this

obvious self-shill, work on that

>$LBRY still holding great for day trading. Been making some mad profits with 5-6 trades a day. Buy the dip, sell the peak.

day trading fag

haha thats only you promoting yourself. guy has 7 tweets..

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wkU04YOhmxMJ:https://twitter.com/cryptooracle?lang=en &cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Explain yourself.

Nice try tripfag, if you guess which one of his 50ish followers I am, I'll post a pic of sharpie in pooper


no he's the reason im bagholding status >:(

LBRY is ass for daytrading, I dropped that shit for VTC and have been minting money for the last week.

VTC is a very solid day-trader, I agree with ya there


>didnt predict IOTA

very poor taste in vehicles

You still have a position in MYR man? I bought some last week at 110 but got out at 120 because it looked like volume was falling down the shaft. Still think it's worth keeping a position in?

thanks brotha, just grabbed a random pic from my folder

Obvious shill thread.

Protip: if it's getting shilled, it's shit.

fuck off FUD newfag



Nah lol

you can post your google lambo pics all you want

you'll stay a brokeboy