What the hell were the Allies thinking? Creating a Polish corridor through Prussia and expecting Germans to just settle with such unnecessary insult? It's as if the Allies did this to make sure Germans will start another world war. What was the motivation of this decision beyond giving the finger to the Germans and "muh givin' the Poles a corridor to the sea"?
What the hell were the Allies thinking...
>What the hell were the Allies thinking?
Agreed, Germany should have been sterilized and left as a nature reserve.
The german state should have been dissolved after WWI
The treaty was too light on them
t. Hans
Because the corridor was ethnically Polish.
the chickens the french sent out all came to roost, a lesson was learned
Soviets, and the allies by inadvertanly empowering them, comitted a genocide with prussia desu.
I like how a third of modern poland lays on german soil
>What the hell were the Allies thinking?
That area is populated by Poles, and they wanted to join Poland, so it went to Poland.
Britain manages to administer Northern Ireland just fine despite having no land connection, so you can fuck right off with your neo nazi bullshit.
You can thank Hitler for that.
you're trolling ends here wyrm
Stalin too.
Creating Poland in the first place created a hurricane of butthurt. If you think the Germans were mad, the Soviets were even more asspained.
It was a free city you uncultured swine
That's wrong. The Danzig corridor had been populated by ethnic Prussians for centuries
That's a 1931 map. Look up the ethnic cleansing of the Danzig corridor. That land was inhabited by Teutons, who formed Prussia, who formed Germany. By 1918 that land was and had been German
you probably should have just accepted it instead of starting WWII and losing even more land
Ethnic Prussians =/= G*rms, the Poles ruled over the ethnic Prussians for ages without incident, wheras the G*rms genocided the ethnic Prussians and stole their name because they lack culture or souls.
Gdańsk area was populated by Slavic Pomeranians
First written mention of the Gdańsk comes from XI century, and features an archaic form of Polish pronounciation of the city - "Gyddanyzc"
How the hell is the Kaliningrad Oblast still a thing anyways?
Lol what. How do ethnic Prussians not equal Germans. Prussians are an ethnic German group. Also Prussia formed Germany. If they aren't German. What are they
Pomeranian is a part of the German culture
The Kaliningrad oblast belonged to the Russian sfsr directly during the Soviet Onion. So when it collapsed they kept it. They refuse to let it go bcit Houses their entire Baltic fleet
because russia has shitty ports
Slavs, later brutally germanised
that and it's mostly Russian anyway now
Do you know where Pomerania is/was. And I'm talking about the nation state for ethnic Pomeranians. It's German the same way that Norman is french
Yeah. They did mass deportation of all non Russians
Ethnic Prussians are an extinct baltic people you dipshit. Brandenburges and Teutons killed them and stole their name.
Czechoslovakia looks like a dick penetrating Germany's boipussy.
>Soviet Onion
I know it's a typo but it's a funny one
Yeah. But OP isn't asking about those dead assholes. He's taking about the German ones
The are no typos in the Soviet Onion
I know dick all about Baltic ports, but what's wrong with St. Petersburg?
The German Prussians are just called Prussians or Germans though. If you're talking about ethnic Prussians you're referring to the Baltic ones,
St. Petersburg often feezes during winter
It freezes during winter
I'm referring to the Germans in Danzig and the Prussian region. I used ethnic prussians bc some people don't know about the germanization.
That certainly is quite a troublesome trait.
Because it was rightful Polish clay that belonged to Poland before the treacherous first partition. So was East Prussia, since they were vassals of Poland. Germany got off easy, Frogs were just too lenient with them.
>Be G*rman
>Dream of expansion because complexes
>Conquer and slaughter Veleti and Pomeranians, force German culture on survivors
>In the meantime Poland fights against the Baltic Prussians in Masuria
>Invites German Teutonic Order because Poles think fellow christians are loyal to each other, borrows some of their own land for them
>Teutonics slaughter the Prussians
>Tetonics backstab The Poles, capture Gdańsk and slaughter the population
>Replaces the ethnic population in Pomerania with German colonists who call themselves Prussians
>"Uuuuhuh but it belonged to us Germs for centuries. My ancestor was 100% Prussian"
Too lenient. Lemme get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hyperinflation
Are you saying it's not a good idea to offer the most martially formidable and industrious people to have ever lived a two-state solution?
That doesn't change the fact that you could replace my entire argument with teutons instead of prussians and it would still hold
The idea was to give Poland access to the sea you idiots
>Medieval Poland is a virtuous nation that values and honours loyalty
that fact is acknowledged in the OP, the prompt asks how it was thought this action would not foment the bitterness that beckons a new conflict in the future.
Inflation was done by the German government to easily pay their debts instead of actually paying it like French did with Franco-Prussian war.
can't pay anything when the french invade your industrial region, seizing what they can, and inciting the workers to strike
I like how there is no ukraine, that's how it should have stayed. no failed frankenstein of a republic it is now.
Yugoslavia was the true Frankenstein nation
The corridor wasn't the issue it was the city of Danzig that was the real stickler
>What the hell were the Allies thinking? Creating a Polish corridor through Prussia and expecting Germans to just settle with such unnecessary insult?
I know, expecting G#rmans to be civilized people is asking to much. We should have destroyed and partitioned the country completely, shipping germans to siberia if needed.
Bullshit, original Prussians were nonexistant by the 20th century.
really made me think
The Gemans are following the right of genocide, they recognize land as their own by removing any other population.
if they didn't opress, genocide, and germanize any other nation there would never ever be more than 50% germans on lands east of the Neisse
Actually you can thank the Allies who decided to butcher the borders like that. Poland didn't deserve any of the land they gained.
There are talks within the EU to restore greater Germany
Fuck off with your moralistic none sense. Ethnically homogenuous states are the ideal human polity, because they synergize perfectly with human biology.
let alone their existence
once was enough, no more mulligans
we may as well have rebuilt the long dead borders of bohemia
Any homogeneity in Poland was only largely accomplished through resettlement, first the disparate peoples forced out, and those from regions with polish prominence artificially introduced.
>Let's bully them for not being viscious warmongers like ourselves
You don't know what ethnicity is. The Prussians were an ethnic group in the Baltics who went extinct, the Germans who colonized the region later taking on the name based on the prior group/region. It's like calling a Silesian or Hannoverian an ethnic group, as opposed to a person who comes from or resides in the region/state.
That's fine, it's the same for Germany. Ethnic cleansing is short term pain for long term prosperity and happiness.
Germans tried to culturally exterminate the Polish, so the Polish abused and expelled the Germans, so the Germans came back and this time tried to physically exterminate the Polish, then Stalin came in and violently sorted everyone into neat homogeneous communities and now there is peace between the Germans and the Polish. Both nations prosper and cooperate in friendship and respect.
Meanwhile every ethnic conflict where ethnic cleansing wasn't applied (Balkans, Pakistan, Africa etc) is an eternal hellhole full of hatred and hostility.
there was no extermination of the polish people, this is facts being stretched
5 millions civillians died from collateral damage
What, under Hitler or the Kaiser? Under Hitler you can't deny it, and theiImperial policies were definitely aimed at an elimination of the Polish as an ethnic group through assimilation.
me too
Who gives a shit about the corridor, a corridor had been there for hundreds of years before Poland was partitioned. The problem was however giving the city of Danzig to Poland so they could have a major port despite only ending up making it sort of a city state which wasnt very useful for Poland anyway.
Mass deportation and voluntary immigration of ethnic Poles was focused on the corridor and Posen by the government to legitimize their claim on the land. From Gdyna to Torun was solid German and Posen was almost half German before 1928 (last map I checked), found in Munich: the Price of Peace. The book was written by the Allies' Chief Prosecutor at Nuremberg, so not exactly one to pamper the Germans in hindsight.
>Names are genetics are phonographic culture
Veeky Forums at it again
You dont have to ethnically cleanse an area for it to be peaceful. I think the key here is for the majority to show tolerance and grant special rights to the minorities but also that the status quo remains. This is basically what happened in Finland with the swedish minority who have been able to keep their culture and language at the same time as embracing the finnish nationality.
Well it's Polish now innit? Just like Podolia being Ukie, or Dobrudja being Gyppo, Kosovo being Albanian, or Rousillon being Frog. Historic claims don't matter when the people inhabiting the area are of a different ethnicity or creed.
Romania and Italy are bastions of minority integration.
t. halfbreed
so, if we replace them, it's ours, got it
>german soil
That only works as long as the minority is tiny and doesn't have an own state anywhere else.
American here. How do german posters deal with all the germ hatred on this board? Judging from their porn, they probably enjoy it
>How do german posters deal with all the germ hatred on this board?
>Constant Germany/Prussia threads
>X German monarch/leader/general did nothing wrong
>Hitler is the king of Veeky Forums
Murrican education everyone
That obviousness aside, German posters do seem to be a surprising rarity. Given how self loathing modern Germans are I'd imagine that most of them avoid Veeky Forums like the plague or are doing a lot of "germ" hate themselves
Fuck off Randy
What the hell were the Germans thinking? Annexing part of France and expecting the French to just settle with such unnecessary insult? It's as if the Germans did this to make sure French will start a world war. What was the motivation of this decision beyond giving the finger to the French and "muh German-speakers"?
When actually mentioned it is a bit weird how obsessed with Hitler Veeky Forums is. Like it's a good fun and all, but as a crossposter I'm starting to realise we're sorta kinda classy /pol/
Y'know we're /pol/ but not complete furfags about the fun and games
fuck off
fuck off
According to Polish census from 1921 there were 770,000 Germans living in Poland. In 1931 there were 740,000 people in Poland with German as their first Language.
There weren't any mass deportations.
What I'd like to know is why bother leaving East Prussia with the Germans. At that point why not just partition it to some? I mean they don't call themselves Prussia anymore so if someone wanted to be a real dick (like the French) they could of made it a new state called Prussia as an extra fuck you. But for real, why not just give it to Poland?
Because it was too German. Even the most German voivodeships in Poland had less than 9% Germans.
Are you new? Veeky Forums shits on Hitler all the time.
Are you new? Veeky Forums justifies Hitler all the time.
This is not /pol/. Pretty much every Hitler thread looks the same. Idiot makes a pro-Hitler thread, Veeky Forums shits on him, a weird guy obsessed with Hitler's dick starts spamming the thread.
I've never seen a thread where the majority defends Hitler. Anti-German threads are very common.
Fuck Off
frig off randy
>That obviousness aside, German posters do seem to be a surprising rarity. Given how self loathing modern Germans are I'd imagine that most of them avoid Veeky Forums like the plague or are doing a lot of "germ" hate themselves
most germans I have met have been the opposite. They take pride in being german, realize that hitler went and ruined large parts of their culture.
Do you have the posts filtered or something?
I'm not saying Veeky Forums is pro Hitler but there are plenty of posts saying him or x did nothing wrong or are justifying him. They're very common themselves
I imagine many of them are shitposts (I'd be surprised if the majority weren't) ironic or otherwise, but for you to say they aren't there is just disingenuous
Besides even if Veeky Forums was a hegemony as you're trying to claim that American newfag poster is still blatantly wrong in trying to say Veeky Forums is anti German.
>Anti-German threads are very common.
Oh fuck off newfag Murrican. Hitler =/= Germany. Veeky Forums is not anti German. We've just got a hateboner for the dude.
Buy the way your attempt at humour with
>Judging from their porn, they probably enjoy it
is just shit tier
For real though dude, what's your beef with Germans? And don't say Hitler, one dude is not an entire race. Or Fuck off Randy
Germans destroyed European civilization time and time again, and England and her descendants corrupted whatever was left
Only France is pure and innocent
Were they from Bavaria? Bavaria seems to be doing the best with there whole self hate deal
How many is most? Personally the sooner Germany get's over it the better
What's the criteria for that?
Don't get me wrong, I quite like France, but France is anything put pure & innocent, they've always been one of the big dogs at the table.
If the criteria is who has been a great power then I'd say Italy (who I'm no particular fan of) is more innocent th
Fuck off Randy