Should involuntary Americans(black Americans), have the right to sovereign citizenship. Could this be brought up to the UN? Could they gain protected peoples status?
Involuntary Americans and sovereign citizenship
no, anyone born in the country to citizens is a citizen in turn
Would totally emancipate her panties, if that's what you're asking
to put it another way, this was already handled by the 14th amendment
id like to COLONIZE her frontiers with some aryan manifest destiny
if you know what i mean
US citizenship was essentially forced on an entire people. It could be a viable alternative to reparations.
Care to elaborate?
Nobody is born by choice. Some white ancestors got there by choice, while some black ancestors got there against their will. But the wills and choices of the people born there weren't factors.
No rights desu, that all ended a century and a half ago.
Tbh if we were able to 1. Kill the mixed race elite of Liberia who the Colonization society put in power 2. Supported Mande-Americo unity and took greater amounts of land 3. Focused on manufacturing and trade as the black intellectuals sought rather than plantation economy
Liberia would have been a much, much better place.
It's unfortunate that it is so easy to see that someone is African American. I mean people who 80 European are considered black.
My point is that it is harder for blacks to assimilate cause they are so visible unlike for example the jews
what about the african americans who freely immigrated to Liberia? they had a choice to leave, which was supported by a large number of whites in the 19th century, and chose to stay. not to mention that the blacks today aren't those that were enslaved, and all are in this country just as much on their own free will as everyone else that just happens to be born here.
I'm not talking about african-Americans, I'm not talking about immigrants. I'm talking about the descendants of people that were forced to be Americans.
I'm looking at it on a macro level, black Americans at this point are a uniquely American ethnic group, who had no choice, and are thus in a way indigenous, to the land in which they currently live.
The biggest issue is that they are the social and racial underclass so they get the worst of both. Lol like their are boards that resegregate school either defects or straight up openly, promising a better quality of education and BAM the bullshit that comes with segregated schools return immediately.
>Lol like there are school boards that resegregate school either defacto or straight up openly, promising a better quality of education and BAM the bullshit that comes with segregated schools return immediately.
everyone that is born in America is indigenous to it you tard muffin
Gimme your black girls, I'll give you my Arab young men. Deal?
As a people, black Americans are the only Americans, who are not citizens by choice, as a people. That is a unique situation.
>implying every 2nd gen immigrant is a citizen by choice
MUH SLAAVVERRRYYY isn't an argument
anyone born to american citizens in the country is a citizen not by choice
what is your point, they are not unique
As a people.
Why does this trigger Europeans so much?
because it's retarded?
It is a valid argument,what makes it retarded? It could be a precursor to them making their own nation-state.
Because a people is not actually an entity, it's an abstraction. It's real insofar as the individuals that make up the people have similar genetic traits and cultural background but it's not thinking, living subject that has a will of its own. Its will is the will of the individuals.
because they're americans you idiot
A people is an entity. Black Americans are a relatively new ethnic group along with mestizos. Tribalism still exists.
in your mind
Nigga they're not a single unified organism that has a will of its own!
No, by way of genetics. It's called ethnogenesis.
They are a people, just like Jews, Kurds, bereberbers, Igbo, Italian, Irish etc.
not at all, they are americans, now fuck off and die
Yes, exactly. And a people can not be an involuntary citizen because a people doesn't have a single unified will.
The Jews as a people were granted a piece of land to form a country. Why is that?
I would let her pick my cotton iykwim
He's right though Black Americans are a separate ethnic group but that doesn't make them any less American. Why do you sperg like that?
no deal
>involuntary Americans
every american is an involuntary american if you consider nobody chose where to be born
i think bringing such an argument anywhere would have little effect towards considering blacks as protected people
because the world was in a really weird place at the time and they played their cards right.
This. Any Americans who were brought to America in chains deserves to be compensated and repatriated (if they choose), but that includes exactly zero currently living black Americans.
Blacks Americans have been born into an ethnic group who's identity is still forming, this is a unique situation among the different peoples of America and the world. The burden of essentially forging a culture and identity out of scratch on top of every day challenges of life, puts them at a disadvantage. Many of their issues stem from crisis of identity being essentially America's bastard children.
This is a macro level consideration, and not about individualism.
>When a pol tard pretends to be an sjw
US citizenship was giving to them 149 years ago. A small amount of them ( around 12%) had it before then was well.
>Could this be brought up to the UN?
It was in the 1960s by a few soviet aligned africa counties in the 1960s. It was a way of currying favor with the USSR. No one took it seriously back then.
>It could be a viable alternative to reparations
At this point it is not going to happen and you should know that. Support for that died in the mid 1970s
they already have an american identity
you're like some kind of hyphenated american abomination
>sovereign citizenship
What would that get them? The right to drive without a license and file liens on people they don't like?
not only this but black also have a protected subculture people outside of it cannot criticize without being shamed for it
ebonics, rap (even tho best rapper alive is a white dude), black television, thug & gansta culture, jazz (although it has fallen out of mainstream liking)
African Americans are intelligent, articulate, hard working, and the epitome of physicality. They can do anything that they put their minds to. It is shameful that they are forced to be subservient to the white masses in America, suffering under their ill-gotten privilege.
I therefore suggest that all African Americans be repatriated to their homeland from whence they were forcefully removed so they can continue to intellectually excel without the pressures and burdens of white America.
>involuntary Americans
Nice. Look, I hate the American nigger as much as the next guy, but the fact is that they were here almost as long as I was. The children of the slaves are American. All the others, the spics and chinks and everyone else who comes here just to have kids; they aren't American. You can go fuck yourselves. But the American nigger is an American. I agree we need to put him back, but just because your baby doesn't have the agency to change his own diaper doesn't mean you can reject him as your charge. The white man's burden is real. We should put them back where they belong, and until then we should treat them as a child under our stewardship. They are citizens with all the protections that entails, until we can send them back. Then they are no longer ours.
Many of those "African Americans" would be considered white today, the one drop rule is a fucking meme.
>even tho best rapper alive is a white dude
Enimen is great but he's not the best. Posdnuos, Andre 3000, Big Daddy Kane, and KRS-One are all better (in no particular order). As for music, you're forgetting house, techno, R&B, rock, and the basis of modern "pop" music since I don't know, the 1950s or 1960s? Traditional pop was a different genre that I would list too, but no one listens to it anymore besides Seth MacFarlane.
>le go back to Africa meme
You guys can't even say what ethnic group black Americans have the most DNA from on average. West Africa is just as foreign to them as West Europe is to your average white American mutt, if not moreso due to a large amount of non-African DNA.