Was Ottoman harem full of girls like this?
Was Ottoman harem full of girls like this?
>Wake up
>Find out it's the 16th century
>You're the Ottoman Sultan
What do?
Do something about those Janissaries to keep them from overrunning the entire state apparatus. Maybe even eliminate them entirely. It'd suck to lose your elite infantry corps, but ultimately, I'd rather have internal stability.
Siege Vienna!
Reverse reversed gangbangs
>Reverse reversed gangbangs
Having a bunch of "girls" gangbang you with their girldicks.
They were filled with Caucasians, Slavs and Persians.
Girls can't have dicks. And gays were executed
>Girls can't have dicks.
>And gays were executed
>those huge hands
Yep, that's a boy.
You know nothing about how things worked in the Ottoman empire.
>The köçek (plural köçekler in Turkish) was typically a very handsome young male rakkas, or dancer, who usually cross-dressed in feminine attire, and was employed as an entertainer.
>Famous poets, such as Fazyl bin Tahir Enderuni, wrote poems, and classical composers, such as the court musician Hammamizade İsmail Dede Efendi (1778–1846), composed köçekces for celebrated köçeks. Many Istanbul meyhanes (nighttime taverns serving meze, raki or wine) hired köçeks. Before starting their performance, the köçek danced among the spectators, to make them more excited. In the audience, competition for their attention often caused commotions and altercations. Men would go wild, breaking their glasses, shouting themselves voiceless, or fighting and sometimes killing each other vying for the boys' sexual favors
>Köçeks were much more sought after than the Çengi ("belly dancers"), their female counterparts. Some youths were known to have been killed by the Çengi, who were extremely jealous of men's attention toward the boys.
Faggotry was celebrated, not executed over.
I'm going to crucify you
How were the Ottomans Islamic if they unironically practiced homosexuality?
People only use religion to justify their actions. If the things they do go against scripture, they look the other way.
This is true for all religions.
if it's cute it's a girl
Send all my Janissaries to attack Vienna, over and over again.
>That guy peeking in through the window
Just checking the yearly Eurovision Song Contest entry.
Kill all my siblings and potential claimants, obviously.
When you combine central Asian homosexuality with Persian homosexuality, and then invade the Greeks you end up with a swirling combo of gay that ignores all rules.
>this is considered 10/10 boipucci in the Roachoman Empire
That would just make the Janissaries kill you like they killed Osman II.
Is this the same shit as that bacha bazi thing in Afghanistan?
This is before they got all that power though. By Osman's time, they were a mostly Muslim Turkish group with families,(often families that would follow them into the Jannissary, and need to be supported leading to more demands for money and power) businesses, lots of access to the capital, and numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
It would be way easier to nip them in the bud then.
Someone get this thing some fucking chapstick, Jesus fucking Christ.
I wonder what ethnicity she is. Turks can look like her I guess.
Why do Abrahamics like the little boys so much?
>Everyone is a hypocrite because I say so
Same reason pagans do.
>Osman II
On that note, can someone explain to me HOW IN THE FUCK did the Ottomans manage to lose the battle of Khotyn? How do you organise a huge invasion only to bleed to death in a single siege of a shitty border fort?
How does one ironically practice homosexuality?
>Muslims don't fuck little boys now
Do you even Islam?
Is that like having sex with a bunch of chicks but they all have strap-ons and you have to suck their dicks?
Weren't the Ottomans among the first to decriminalize homosexuality? About a century before the West?
Curb the power of several religious orders and the janissaries.
Buy ships from european savages, send them to the new world and build a mosque there and convert them to islam
On a side note, why did they obsess over European slaves but never hear about a sultan with a harem of Turkish or Persian qts?
Same reason an American might rave on about the wonderful authentic Japanese food he ate in Japan but not about the mounds of burgers he eats every day.
Kill myself after forcibly converting everyone to Catholicism and giving Constantinople back to the Greeks. Or orthodoxy I guess
Stop expanding north, put all military attention to destroy Rome and the papacy
>blocs your path...
More of her?
>the Ottomans Islamic
only the very, very upper class were Islamic. most of the bureaucracy and military with Christian, at least culturally.
That's a really amazing eunuch you've got there, OP.
>tercios behind you
>"Nada personal chico"
don't let the jannisaries have kids
Whoah, this haram piece of idolatry is like an unmoving mirror! What sorcery is this?
they don't shut up about burgers though
>Pobre chico francés
Te vengaré! Santiago!
we like burgers and persian qts....
Actually in Iran, you are allowed a sex change if you want to be gay. Or they just hang you if you persist with your dick.
demand tribute of cute girls from the balkans. impregnate them all until they produce a son. have the sons plot against each other until one is left alive, hasn't pledged his loyalty to another son, or gone into exile. make that remaining son the next sultan.
pass out the daughters as brides to reward my best underlings.
Sounds like a goodtime
Only in Afghanistan in areas that are not controlled by either Taliban or the Islamic State.
Ottomans were like one of the first states to decriminalise homosexuality
>Christians were okay with homosexuality in 16th century
Are you retarded?
Actually the jannisaries could be held in check as long as there were alpha sultans who beheaded every rebelling jannisary, its just after suleiman there came a string of fucking weak beta shits which allowed the jannisaries to do what they wanted.
This is true, Murad IV for example instantly put janissaries to order because he was alpha as fuck
Controlling the janissaries was just not for everyone, as long as Ottomans had a strong head of a state, it went well.
This is proof that Ottoman empire was the 3rd Rome
Girls are considered merchandise, and you don't want to sell damaged goods, so you rape a little lad, who when gets older will rape the next one etc etc...
muslims couldnt be enslaved by another muslim.
poland stronk
Fucking Janissaries were shit by then and a fucking complete terror to the Sultan ->
>Sultan Osman himself was not satisfied with the battle's outcome and put the blame for it on the janissaries. Osman wanted to modernize the army, which he blamed for the defeat; his plans for modernization were, however, opposed by the tradition-minded janissaries. That opposition resulted in the rebellion of janissaries in 1622, in which Osman II was deposed and killed.[13]
>By 1622, the Janissaries were a "serious threat" to the stability of the Empire.[34][unreliable source] Through their "greed and indiscipline", they were now a law unto themselves and, against modern European armies, ineffective on the battlefield as a fighting force.[34][unreliable source]
>be new sultan
>want to show off
>decide to conquer the entire Ukraine from Commonwealth
>make huge army
>barely enter Ukraine
>get stuck on border fortifications
>get a third of your army killed in failed assaults on said fortifications
>give up and go home
>blame your soldiers for being shitty
>they kill you
>when you realize that a poor whity will never know pleasure of homo circle with your fellow janissaries
> destroys your entire navy using little boats with chode cannons
Janissaries were Christian children sold as slaves to the Ottomans though, that was the whole point.
By making the other guy suck *your* dick!
Lepanto was the opposite, it was big Venetian and Genoese ships that destroyed mostly small boats of Ottomans.
They didn't. Europeans obsessed over European slaves in harems.
That's not how it works. If you identify as female if you are a male, the government will allow the sex change surgery. Same with women wanting to be men.
Otherwise your fucked.
I get the reference, kek
they weren't sold, they were collected by the state like taxes
You see those double inverted commas around the word girls? That means he knows they are not actually girls, but is pointing out that they are PURPORTEDLY girls. In etymological circles they're called Text Based Air Quotes To Indicate Irony, but that's a technical term. I like to call them Silliness Commas.
What nation or tribe was it where women and men don't have equal rights but a woman can choose to become a man and gains all the rights that entails while losing the rights of women?
>as long as Ottomans had a strong head of a state, it went well.
this is true for Turkish history in general. Every few centuries they get a larger than life military genius that is actually able to turn their megalomaniac delusions into an actually effective war machine
To be fair that's what the turkish women looked like.