How do we get more people of color involved in the cryptocurrency revolution?
How do we get more people of color involved in the cryptocurrency revolution?
stealing it is difficult, so they won't be able to join
Start a scratch off coin.
Reminder to sell all your waves because they censored nigger coin.
You trade EY
On a serious note, I would love to see a WokeCoin or KangzCoin that we could unironically market to them
We don't need them to get involved in a "revolution".
We need them to gamble on shitcoins mercilessly and lose what's left of their measly money.
something something white manz world something something white manz goverment and banks something something currency without white people in charge behind the screen something something self empowerment
then put up a fist like this, I hope you can see me through the screen
my sides
To re-iterate my above point, can we make WokeCoin a reality? I bet we could get a B-list rapper to endorse it. Make it possible to be a millionaire in WokeCoin for a few hundred bucks. I think they'd jump on it.
I can see that working
It would be a means of returning the Welfare to those that actually need it (middle class).
Food stamps for BTC anyone?
reminder Veeky Forums tried to earn money selling niggers but waves censored it. fucking "we do not censor" hypocrites
Damn, Al Sharpton looks like THAT?
omg we could encode food stamps into a block chain. Its actually the perfect system for it.
this is accurate
>being so new that you missed niggercoin
Back to fucking reddit you fags.
no women
no browns
cis white men only
why in the fuck would we wanna do that?
Give out EBT coin which can be redeemed at walmart, then niggers will go on the grind (mining) for more EBT.
crypto is the heaven of cis-gender white\east asian boys, there's no room for niggers and women
I'm black and I have 70K worth of ether. Veeky Forums can suck my nuts.
Why are we not funding this?
because they're going to call raciest when only white and asian men own all the crypto
doesn't matter it's open and free for anyone to join, the political climate today doesn't take that into consideration
> nuts
> not balls
> monkeys like nutsa
is this pic real?
OP dont bring that limp-dicked white liberal shit into crypto, whoever wants money will get money
t. black
did you see antshares
respecting black people is an absolute law of the universe, obv
You have to tell them about STRAT and PTOY
>PNOY coins for worst asians
>first dapp is a wrestling bet book
send more of dem computahs to prison.
asians? I only mentioned those coins because the CEOs are black.
tell them about niggers! (ey, of course)
Already on it
Half of this board are Brazilian faggots who think they should get donations and special privileges
>blacks have a painfully visible disadvantage
Enjoy your poster-boy quota pass for as long as you can ride it out, they wont love you for blue eye'd babies.
Eu concordo com você. Os brasileiros são uns fodidos do caralho. Eles estão em todos os lugares. Bando de filhos da puta.
Ja Rule seems to get behind stupider shit than that so I could see you getting him to help.
Green eyes are the master race
Top kek
>We need them to gamble on shitcoins mercilessly and lose what's left of their measly money.
we sell them melon coin
kfc&watermelon coin when
How about a KFCoin?
They can't even do the basic things to keep themselves out of poverty, let alone think about investing in ''imaginary money''
so what white people are doing basically?
No idea. I have hundreds of Niggers from all of the chains. Anyone still want these?
Surely some place like Zimbabwe would find crypto useful
African countries should use crypto instead of their hyperinflated fiat.
>they will call us racist
uh oh
they called us a name
better stop, guys
But that's already the case for traditional currency
>this poor old negro thinks 70k is something to brag about.
Give them the white man's coins for free for doing nothing. And cover their inevitable losses with more gifts. Repeat through the entire existence of the race.
Stole it yh?
here's a protip
you don't have anything until you sell it
ransomeware attacks are whites...
but that's because they are superior whites and it just goes to show you how wolf-on-wallstreety they are...
when a nigger does it, he's a fucking nigger.
when a white man does it, it's glorious conquest
>Implying that user isn't richer than 99% of this board
Keep opening up crypto ATMs in black cities, they'll eventually figure out it's the best way to launder drug money
Don't know what you're on about m8,
or if this is bait, but
white person: Buys crypto, trades correctly, gets rich.
black person: Buys crypto, trades correctly, gets rich.
This thread is so dumb and I hate it, and also /pol/ created niggercoin, not biz.
These threads are cancer.
t. Not even liberal
>search YouTube for crypto videos
>it's all black people
"People who want to get money are gonna get that money"
That's total fucking bullshit.
There are groups of people who are clearly at a disadvantage. It's just how time has elapsed.
I'm not going to discard my entire race because, "they aint about that money"... THEY DON'T FUCKING KNOW
And in a sense, THEY CAN'T, they're too pre-occupied with typical extinction phenomena.
Our 40k foot view is the upper hand.
I tell blacks about this all the time.
Even though they're not receptive, or they just hate me because that's what blacks do when you talk to them about technology.
but really, I'm beginning to think a hard driving force behind black extinction/irrelevance is the deliberate process of identifying anything as black.
Asians don't do this, they simply work with those who are close to them.
Whites don't do this, they simply work with those who are close to them.
They don't have to tell themselves "We gotta stick together as folks"
"to suffer", "to struggle", "to be oppressed", "to be unwanted" is now an ingredient to mediating black culture & immersing yourself in it.
At least from where I see it, from the top down.
>"to suffer", "to struggle", "to be oppressed", "to be unwanted" is now an ingredient to mediating black culture & immersing yourself in it.
At least from where I see it, from the top down.
It's also tumblrina culture. People with nothing going for them really attach themselves to the "perpetual victimhood" view of life. I actually think they are permanent victims, but not for the same reasons they think they are. They just lost the genetic lottery and were born unintelligent and unmotivated.
>I'm black and I have 70K
reported to the FBI. no black person has that much money unless its from drugs.
You literally can't. Crypto is next level investing in something that literally can't be held in your hand.
Now look at black people. Shoes, gold chains, rims for their car. Do these people even purchase normie investments?
And you want to take them all the way to Neethalla and sell them on something they can't even wave in a rap video.