that Evola was a leftist
the dude was anti-capitalist to the core
that Evola was a leftist
the dude was anti-capitalist to the core
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Pick one
Well Evola was probably a marxist, based on his anti-capitalist views
He was also an antifascist.
he also believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race
>using the meme tier american definition of right-left
>calling anybody retarded
You can be right wing and anti-capitalism
Bring back feudalism
Ironically, he and Marx both idealized a past, completely unfalsifiable Golden Age that they made up and wanted to bring society back to that. For Marx it was "primitive communism" and for Evola it was when everyone was still "traditional", all men were beautiful and muscular, knew how to do magic and so on.
>and for Evola it was when everyone was still "traditional", all men were beautiful and muscular, knew how to do magic and so on.
t.has never read Evola
Real right wingers hated capitalism and criticized it long before Marx even wrote the manifesto. The right wing = free market bullshit is a late 19th century Anglo-American meme, de Maistre would slap your shit with a cane if you told him right wing is pro-bourgeoise.
This only goes to show how meaningless the terms left and right wing are in modern times. This is not the french revolution.
>right wing
You're new here aren't you?
Because fascism wasn't oppressive enough and he despised populism.
Evola is the actual definition of right wing, from the original origin of the term in france.
Capitalism is the far left.
Neither marxism nor national socialism are on the left-right political spectrum.
You're retarded m8.
I don't know a single right wing person (irl or a known figure) against capitalism. All of them embrace it. Show me one person on the right who criticizes it.
Evola is closer to the post-Marxism of figures like Zizek or Heidegger or in his critique of capitalism than he is like a Marxist. If you actually read or listen to his texts you can tell that he isn't a Marxist because he dismisses material accounts of history as inadequate due to the transcendental nature of humanity or something along those lines. Words fail when trying to shew the essence of man, but you know what I mean. Evola thinks there's more to Man than matter, Marxism explicitly contradicts this view and substitutes a materialist explanation for any social or historical phenomenon where an Evola would be unsatisfied with such explanations as they are apparently reductive from the standpoint of belief in a higher power or essence within or without the human.
Fascism/Nazism is opposed to both capitalism and communism and presents itself as a third economical position.
>Anglo-bourgeois Capitalism
materialistic nihilism... muh age of iron...
materialistic nihilism... muh age of iron..
>Mussolini & "Fascism"
populist, and crypto-leftist... needs a lot of work..
>Hitler & "National Socialism"
anti-traditional, anti-aristocratic, too proletarian... Interesting, but wrong...
>Codreanu & the Legion of the Archangel Michael
The left-right spectrum really is fucking useless.
I could support tax-funded health care, tax-funded college, rights for gay people, environmentalism and support abortion. But if I say "I don't want more Muslims in this country" I will immediately get labeled not just right-wing, but FAR right-wing.
The irony of OP calling anyone a retard was not missed!
It's very possible to be right wing and anti-capitalist at the same time
What's a good starting point to get into Evola's work? Should I just start with his first book or is there some kind of Evola for Dummies deal that I could get?
Don't. Evola is a meme.
He got popularized by being inapropriately included on the iron-pill reading list infographic
>Look, Mom, I posted it again
this is a good place to start tho
Heathen Imperialism -> Hermetic Tradition -> Revolt -> Tigger
>Ironically, he and Marx both idealized a past, completely unfalsifiable Golden Age that they made up and wanted to bring society back to that. For Marx it was "primitive communism"
t.has never read Evola
>Neither marxism nor national socialism are on the left-right political spectrum.
The antecedents to Marxist thought existed during the French revolution and were considered part of the "far left".
Fuck this board is bad at history.
he literally wrote the book 'nationalism socialism viewed from the right'. He was far far far right.
We can write that in Veeky Forums. Actually It's pretty well documented. For example Space dandy has a ton of esoteric themes.
There's really no such thing as "the right". In reality, "the right" is just "not the left". There are two radically different philosophies that are mistakenly called "the right": 1) small government conservatism/classical liberalism/libertarianism, and 2) fascism/alt-rightism. These two philosophies are as different from one another as either is from "the left". Only the false classification of both as "right-wing" mistakenly binds them. #1 is generally pro-capitalism, pro free-market. #2, on the other hand, generally is suspicious of capitalism and wishes to subordinate it to nationalist/tribal/"volk" interests.
t. has never read Marx
Read Evola
>absolutely reamed Marxism as much as capitalism in his works
>hurr he hates capitalism so he must be a commie
Not fooling anyone today /leftypol/
>national socialism
That would be Strasserism buddy.
>fuck this board is bad at history
You have literally no idea/
Go to bed, Carl, you are no "Classical Liberal".
>Economic systems are ideological
>Still believing in Utopian society
false dichotomy. yawn.
>being against MATERIALISM is the same thing as Marxism
These little minds vomiting forth their lack of understanding of the ideology they claim to espouse is vexing.
So what is the left then?
The left is rot and poison.
The left pulls against society and seeks to undermine what exists.
And they're never satisfied. Give them what they scream for today and tomorrow they have 8 more demands and you're a NAZI if you say no.
>unironically believing in the left/right dichotomy
Leave this board now, all of you.
>completely unfalsifiable Golden Age
every "pagan", reactionary author now does
does idealise it, with a touch of ancestor-worship
>mfw a post-christian burgeoise modernist says that my adherence to the primordial Tradition is "paganism"
Introduction to Magic
>hurr durr what is the third position
>if you don't like Capitalism then your an ebil Marxist!
Americuck logic
No he was a Superfascist ;)
>this is what americans actually believe
Evola would have despised being labeled left or right, that dichotomy is a ridiculous projection of the modernity he rallied against
>you will never be this stupid
wanting to be so edgy to support a return to aristocracy despite the world's people masses taking the scene in history. No wonder edgy autists on Veeky Forums worship him
>despite the world's people masses taking the scene in history
what did he mean by this
Ruling used to be the business of a small minority. The masses had no access to rule, and had no aspirations towards it either, during most eras in most parts of the world. There are exceptions of course. But today the masses are involved in rule, through liberal democracy and through media.
I find it amusing that you assume that this is both a good thing and that there is no need to state that it is
>being against MATERIALISM is the same thing as Marxism
Marxism is inherently materialist
That's why evola shat all over it
Morality, hmm? I didn't even mention it, but it is not unusual for people to bring it up in regards to this type of discussion. I'm not very well read on morality so i shouldn't speak much about it.
I thought you were arguing the perspective of the first poster, disregard