Is Freedom of Religion in the USA a myth?
Is Freedom of Religion in the USA a myth?
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>caring about skin you never had in the first place
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Hi Schlomo
So what are you? An American or a Jew?
Is there a difference?
>he disagrees with me so he must be a jew
i'll take "insecurity" for $250, alex
why do you consider it a myth?
There's literally zero reasons to go through circumcision anymore, several Jewish leaders are even calling for a replacement of the traditional brist by a more humane shalom brist.
Pretty much everybody that argues in favour of circumcision simply because it was done to them, and they refuse to be seen as mutilated, which they are.
No, you must be a Jew because you're defending Jewish religious rituals being forced on non-Jews without their consent.
please indicate in my first post where i stated "i wholly support, condone and encourage the act of circumcision" instead of saying "why are you guys whining over uncontrollable personal factors"
>Every male among you shall be circumcised
>stop whining and let me cut your foreskin off goys
because religious persecution and intolerance has existed all throughout America's history, from Catholics to Mormons to Jehovahs Witnesses to Muslims.
but does it continues in recent years? is it enforced or condoned by the government?
there is certainly greater freedom of religion in the USA than in the middle east or russia
Freedom of "x" =/= universal tolerance for x from every aspect of society.
Where else do you get such healthy infant skin to use for medical products and wrinkle cream?
I.. I am tempted to buy this. maybe if I eat it I'll gain the life force of those packed in the tube and become a media mogul and banking billionaire
Fuck you. My dick is fucking numb and I can't enjoy sex because this nonsense is standard procedure.
It could also help if you have any ulcers.
Sucks to be you. I got circumcised as a baby and my dick works just fine. Are you sure it isn't caused by something else?
Are you retarded? Circumcision sucks but it doesn't do that. You're probably have erectile dysfunction.
You should look into foreskin restoration. It has helped me a lot. You can apply tension to your skin to induce mitosis, and cause your skin cells to multiply. Once I grew enough skin to cover my glans my glans and inner foreskin remnant became functioning mucous membranes again, they are much thinner and more sensitive. It also restores the mechanical gliding of the foreskin.
It took me a little over two years to restore my foreskin using paper medical tape to apply tension.
lol, that's not the problem. I can stay hard for hours, it's just not that fun.
Thank you, Reddit! Might look into it.
He's an mra larper
There's nothing wrong with men's rights activism in 2017 and to suggest otherwise is just bigoted misandry.
Freedom OF religion exists.
I would like to see more freedom FROM religion.
Yeah, I don't normally use reddit, but that is a very good resource.
How is this legal?
>mutilating children is morally okay
you're disgusting
>how dare the Nazis experiment on Jews
>why can't I prove circumcision is evil
>female circumcision
>stop female be whores
>male circumcision
>stop you ejaculate before 5 minutes