>Make thread about jews not saying anything good nor bad about them
>thread gets deleted
What the fuck is wrong cant you even mention jews anymore ?
>Make thread about jews not saying anything good nor bad about them
>thread gets deleted
What the fuck is wrong cant you even mention jews anymore ?
You got no chill
I made a thread asking about all the good things the jews did through history. It got 100 replies within 20 minutes and was then deleted. This board is autistic.
Fuck off anti-semite
Talking about jews or muslims usually attracts edgy kids that want to spew their ideology (looking at you, you extremist fucks) all over the internet. Thus, the thread gets pruned before all hell breaks lose from the "humanities" department. Of course, this could be bait and OP is a faggot.
Haha make a thread about how stupid the Irish were and it stays around all week
You know that Voltaire never said that, right?
>Facebook education
Not all Semites are jews you know.
You need to find another shut down word
Why in the fuck did it do that? Fucking internet connection.
I just google'd political correctness and saved the first thing I saw just to make this shitpost
Are you arguing against it's veracity?
>It's okay to bullshit a quote onto a pop his figure because i believe in it and it makes my point le stronger XD
you are the worst type of tumor on this board and you deserve to die solely for being born
Haha damn dude maybe take a break for an hour.
Go for a walk, get some air?
The carthaginians were semites right?
And there was a study that showed that 97% of modern jews aren't semitic, but from somewhere in the urals in russia or something
>can't reply with anything but u le mad
s'what I thought, nu-male
>I made a thread asking about all the good things the jews did through history. It got 100 replies within 20 minutes and was then deleted. This board is autistic.
Do you realize how autistic these sentences appear?
If you make a thread about Jews on here then you are probably an anti-Semite. There's no other reason to be making threads about them on this site.
muuuuuuuuuuuuh khazars lol XDDD
97% of jews aren't even Ashkenazim you monkey.
Shit these days find me an observant jewish millennial lol. 99% are blatantly secular
>oh vey and anti-Semite!
Fuck off kike, you don't get special privileges because of your hooked nose
See that?
No chill
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.
samefag /pol/tard generating his own "discourse" by applying Poe's law
seen it all before, go back to your hole
>you can only say good things about us Goyim!
Maybe rebbit is more your speed, Schlomo Kikeburglestienburg
Banning threads about jews is a necessary and precautionary measure, nothing good ever comes from them
another /pol/tard pretending to take an exaggerated position so he can have his own little strawman to attack. it's so easy to see your through unclever ruses.
See bro, you don't get banned for talking shit.
You get banned for being lame. You gotta learn to chill out.
Jokes on you fuck face
So we can talk about how bad the Nazis, Catholics, Anglos etc are
But not discuss Jew things?
Thanks JIDF
>i-if I make my own little weak targets to attack, it makes me seem like my position is right!
Haha the jews call me an evul stormfag from naziville and the Nazis call me a mossad double rabbi agent from tel aviv.
Two sides of the same coin. Zionists and nazis deserve one another.
>samefagging is alright if it makes my position seem stronger
No one is samefagging, fag