Are they the most irrelevant people in history?
Are they the most irrelevant people in history?
*blocks your ships*
>Funded by the French
>Fought by the Finns not to mention all the German and scottish mercenaries
>military doctrine from the Dutch
there is nothing Swedish about the "Swedish" "empire"
There's a reason they're called snowniggers
Their Viking raids caused the Dark Ages in Europe.
niggers accomplished more despite being far more isolated
>Swedish empire
>doesn't even include the whole of Sweden
What did that famous race of cucks, the (((Swedes))), mean by this?
Finland isn't considered to be part of Scandinavia.
I get unironically triggered by maps which say that Finland is part of Scandinavia desu
I'm pretty sure Sri Lankans or Papua New Guineans, or the Greenlanders are more irrelevant.
>It's a "medshit is butthurt over being a turk rapebaby" thread again
I know this is ment to be offensive but ask any finn and they agree with this. You might even hear a hint of pride in their voice for the acknowledgement that they don't descent from pompous dipshits.
Which is quite funny, since the Finn's obsession with not being associated with the rest of the Nordic countries is what makes them pompous dipshits.
>Swedish Empire
>Part of Norway, Sweden, Finland And Livonia.
Empire of frozen wasteland
Which dominated one of the world's most important trade routes.
>Built a system of governance that everyone in recent times masturbates over
>Seen as symbol of upward mobility and happiness until recently
>Massively important trade route for many centuries
>Effected greatly the cultural development of many empires surrounding them
>Every third worlder wants to live there
>Hurrrr they're not relevant, muh snowniggers, muh isolation
I am not Scandinavian, I am an Anglo. But to say that scandis are irrelevant, especially the most irrelevant is a level of retardation I though previously impossible. Almost as bad as afrocentrism.
That's some sound logic right there.
completely false. stop plaguing this board with your insolence and go read.
this guy is right you know.
>>Seen as symbol of upward mobility and happiness until recently
In reaction to that image, painting Scandinavia as hell incarnate has had a tradition in America since the ~70s, too, so the "until recently" doesn't really apply.
It will still be seen as a symbol of upward mobility and happiness for the foreseeable future, IMHO.
yet again with this thread
How, exactly, does America manage portraying low crime rates, social mobility, stable economy, no wars, functioning health-care, etc as hellish? Before Swedish cuckery, that is
t. McCarthy
Wouldn't that be an argument in favor of communism then, if anything?
Anyone from sub Saharan Africa, Australia, Oceania, or Central Asia is less relevant.
Norwegian her AMA
Does the Thirty Years War mean anything to you?
>involved in the 30YW
How retarded are you?
2/10 if trolling
>Swedish intervention in the Thirty Years' War
pretty much saved protestantism
Lol, an untanned average Spaniard looks whiter than a Swede.
Finland is part of the nordic countries and not a part of scandinavia.
I don't get how fucking hard this is for you niggers to understand.
Some faggots roleplay about loving or hating the other countries with Veeky Forums enjoying the worst of the contrarian faggots. Most don't give a fuck. Swedes are bros, others don't matter. Coastal niggers should be shot.
They are irrelevant compared to Latin alpha males.
>Latin "alpha males"
>posts a drawing made in MS paint to prove masculinity
how can latin bois even compete?
Looks like someone forgot about the MOST RELEVANT EMPIRE EVER
They came up with the legal system we use today. They called it the All-Thingy or something. It's a good thing that they were irrelevant for such a long time, because look how successful they have become. Unfortunately, the more successful a country is, the lower the birth rate, so it got below the replacement level. The EU thought the only solution was to open the floodgates and let in a bunch of barbarians to rape and pillage. Now they are welfare states for shitskins.