How did the Romans view the Egyptians? I'm talking about Egypt in both the ancient period (preceding Rome) and Egypt under Rome. Did they look up to them like people of the Middle Ages looked up to the Romans? How were they treated in the empire? I know Aegyptus was one of their richest provinces but were there e.g. any high ranking Romano-Egyptian officials?
How did the Romans view the Egyptians...
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idk much about this but i do know the romans kept the system the greeks had going on before them for citizenship so a native egyptian was treated harsher than a greek egyptian
they also had their vision of egypt completely molded by the greeks so
they did see them as an amazing ancient civilization of course
Greeks saw Egypt as a mysterious land full of sages. This is why of many Greek philosophers we have legends about they visiting and learning in Egypt.
I don't know what the Romans thought of ancient Egypt. About the Roman province of Aegyptus, though, we know it was considered as source of food.
They considered Egyptians to be effeminate homo sissies
They were utterly shocked at just how soft and prissy Egyptians were
I don't recall the exact source but didn't Greeks see them as effeminate and untrustworthy?
also anyone else wish Egypt stayed culturally distinct instead of adopting Arabic.
Kind of like how Persians became Muslim but kept separate from Arabs
They thought of them as typical Eastern savages, prone to superstitions and to despotism.
>Greeks saw Egypt as a mysterious land full of sages. This is why of many Greek philosophers we have legends about they visiting and learning in Egypt.
>The Romans were utterly shocked at just how soft and prissy Egyptians were
>also anyone else wish Egypt stayed culturally distinct instead of adopting Arabic.
They still view themselves as culturally distinct and superior to the rest of the Arab world.
I also wonder how they saw Parthians. Did they get respect for btfoing Emperor Valerian or did they dindu nuffin and be butthurt?
>They still view themselves as culturally distinct
do they though? I only see Copts wewuzing as Ancient Egyptian though im pretty sure Muslim Egyptians are pretty much the same lineage
>Alexandrians and Egyptians (what worse or what truer name could one apply to them?), who worship reptiles and beasts as gods, who embalm their own bodies to give them the semblance of immortality, who are most reckless in effrontery but most feeble in courage, and who, worst of all, are slaves to a woman and not to a man
They're definitely more respected than Gauls, Germanics, Visigoths, and other assorted snowniggers thats for sure
>>also anyone else wish Egypt stayed culturally distinct instead of adopting Arabic.
Arabic is also very closely related to the Egyptian language, so it's not like they gave up much. It's a little like an Italian adopting Spanish.
That was Octavian's address prior to the Battle of Actium wasn't it? It's not really reflective.
>are slaves to a woman and not to a man
So were they the original cucks or are they really kinky in the bedroom ?
No, not even close. The Romans admired the supposed moral vigor of the northern barbarians even while they mocked them for their cultural backwardness. There was no such mixed emotion towards the Egyptians, who the Romans saw basically as the antithesis to their own state.
Egypt, with the troops to keep it in order, has been managed from the time of the deified Augustus by Roman knights in place of their former kings. It had seemed wise to keep thus under the direct control of the imperial house a province which is difficult of access, productive of great harvests, but given to civil strife and sudden disturbances because of the fanaticism and superstition of its inhabitants, ignorant as they are of laws and unacquainted with civil magistrates. At this time the governor was Tiberius Alexander, himself an Egyptian.
-Tacitus, Histories
Bullshit. You clearly don't know anything about the Egyptian language.
Romans thought Egyptians were soft queers
Their feminine mannerisms, accents, love of luxury, and dislike of getting dirty/strenuous/masculine activities were seen as weak and gay as fuck
Egyptians allowed women to dominate the marketplace & trade centers
And the MEN did the weaving
Shocking in Rome
What part of my comment was too hard for you to understand, you dumb cunt?
They saw the Persians as more or less equals, and as a result their most hated and feared enemy.
t. delusional snownigger
>muh Tacitus
He is literally the equivalent of people who romanticize the Native Americans.
If they're so closely related why isn't Egyptian in the semitic subgroup like Arabic? Portuguese and Spanish are in the Romance subgroup.
sounds pretty wipped t bh.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said any society under the sway of women would fall apart pretty quickly. maybe he had Egypt in mind
Claiming Egyptian is as close to Arabic as Spanish is to Italian is big pile of camel shit.
Are you trolling or just a moron?
So your proof that the Romans didn't have mixed views about "snowniggers" is to cite a passage showing mixed views about "snowniggers"? You really are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Are you trying to prove me right? Thanks, I guess?
>prone to superstitions and to despotism
And the Romans and Greeks weren't?
Who are you asking? Me? Yes, obviously. The Romans? They would have disagreed.
Again I don't know why you're proving me right, but okay I guess.
It's not the same as Italian and spanish.
Hmm that's strange. I never imagined it could be closer to Chadic but more to Siwi or Cushitic.
It's called Afro-Asiatic
Russian, german, persian and Spanish are in the indo-european family too.
Jesus Christ you're an autistic retard. Guess what, moron? Egyptian isn't written using latin letters either! Guess I'm BTFO by your massive, MASSIVE pedantry and autism! Good for you, skippy!
I actually laughed at this kek
Why am I a moron. I'm just claiming that difference must be bigger than italian and spanish not that you're completely wrong. Jesus...
Egypt (like Italy) was a special province. Quite autonomous, but paradoxically under the direct control of the Emperor.
That all changed with Diocletian, and the Egyptians chimped out a couple of times. Even still, it remained a culturally and religiously distinct part of the Empire, and when the Muslims came knocking they ditched the ERE.
The Germanics were treated like absolute trash in the Roman Empire. So badly that it led to numerous revolts and chimpouts until they caused the collapse of the empire.
Because you're making this claim on the back of zero knowledge about either language. Egyptian was EXTREMELY conservative, you can transcribe a passage from 5,000 years ago and give it to a speaker of modern Coptic and he'll understand it. Arabic, likewise, is very conservative (thanks to the Quran) and tho of course the languages are not quite as close as Italian and Spanish, you wouldn't have understood what I meant if I'd said they are as close as Gorani and Khuri, would you?
The fact is they are very similar, virtually mutually intelligible (when written down, at least).
So? That's because the Romans despised them as barbarians, NOT because the Romans had nothing good to say about them (they envied their martial fervor and moral directness even while they sneered down their noses at them, much as we Moderns envy the supposed easy life and natural comfort of hunter-gatherers, or how the Victorians saw savages as "noble" even while they slaughtered them and converted them to Christianity.
Romans respected absolutely nobody but themselves, everyone that lived outside of Rome was either a country bumpkin, a savage barbarian or a dog-worshipping gyppo.
"Too black a hue marks the coward, as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians, and so does also too white a complexion, as you may see from women. So the hue that makes for courage must be intermediate between these extremes"-Pseudo-Aristotle, Physiognomics 812a12-812a26
"Who knows not, O Bithynian Volusius, what monsters demented Egypt worships? One district adores the crocodile, another venerates the Ibis that gorges itself with snakes. In the place where magic chords are sounded by the truncated Memnon, and ancient hundred-gated Thebes lies in ruins, men worship the glittering golden image of the long-tailed ape. In one part cats are worshipped, in another a river fish, in another whole townships venerate a dog; none adore Diana, but it is an impious outrage to crunch leeks and onions with the teeth. What a holy race to have such divinities springing up in their gardens! No animal that grows wool may appear upon the dinner-table; it is forbidden there to slay the young of the goat; but it is lawful to feed on the flesh of man!"
-Juvenal, Satire 15
"If any vice rend your heart, cast it away from you; and if you cannot be rid of it in any other way, pluck out your heart also. Above all, drive pleasures from your sight. Hate them beyond all other things, for they are like the bandits whom the Egyptians call "lovers," who embrace us only to garrotte us. Farewell." -Seneca Epistles 51:13
"The Macedonians who hold Alexandria in Egypt, who hold Seleucia and Babylonia and other colonies scattered throughout the world, have degenerated into Syrians, Parthians," - Livy 38.17
Basically, they viewed Egyptians of people that were perhaps one of the earliest civilizations, but their system and people degenerated, either by means of luxury from the abundance of grain from the land or manipulative pharaohs. It's sort of similiar to their rational to why they were superior to the Greeks because the Greeks lost sense of the necessity of war.
Romans didn't "envy" Germanicucks. Besides tacticus autism (probably because he had a gay German boy lover) Germanics were looked down upon as unaccomplished savages who were only good as slaves to fight or hav sex with.
It's called Hamitic.
No it's not tardo, Hamitic as a term hasn't been used in decades.
Romans visited Egyptian ruins like modern tourists and many left graffiti on the ruins, usually putting their names or saying how amazing the place was.
Are you a time traveler?
More like a Englishman adopting German
-t snowcuck
Is that why Egypt lasted thousands of years, and Muhammad's Caliphate Balkanized in about 200?
States come and go
Muslim civilization is forever
Can't say the same for Egypt
>Muslim civilization
90% of Muslim countries are ticking time bombs that rely on oil to exist.
>At this time the governor was Tiberius Alexander, himself an Egyptian.
Also a Jew.
Even Galatian (Celtish) mercenaries did that shit. Fucking "Trubadourix was here" tier scribbles.
Its ironic that what is essentially vandalism is also a great resource for historians
I only know that Greeks respected Egyptians and looked up to them as we look up to Greek and Roman culture now.
For them, Egypt was a distant, mystical place that was a birthplace of many intellectual and religious stuff.
Just think about how Plato told us that he heard the legend of Atlantis from Egyptian priests.
Bear in mind that I'm talking about how "smart" and "famous" people view the Egyptian, not the average Joes.
Also: Italy was a Greek colony, so I guess their view on Egypt was similar - at least in the early times.
Later? No idea, sorry.
t. real-life philosopher
Can't answer the Roman view of Egypt adequately but I'll point to Hartog's Memories of Odysseus and the chapter on Egypt for the Greek views of Egypt.
He's right, you idiot
>How did the Romans view the Egyptians?
Degenerate easterners adoring animals.
No really, they didn't really have an opinion on them separate from the rest of the easterners.
For the romans, you're either a roman citizen, a barbaric barbarian, or a degenerate easterner.
They DID lose point because of their animal headed pantheon tho, it was a rather degrading view of divinity for the romans, whose pantheon originally was so conceptual it was barely even anthropomorphic.
asserting something doesn't make it so, show us the evidence
Nigga egypt fell apart and had to be reunited every few centuries.
How is a speech by an influential politician and military leader not reflective of public attitudes? Do you think he was just saying his own personal opinions, or do you think maybe he would do the pragmatic thing and draw on popular stereotypes of easterners?